You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!As a reporter, Zhu Min understands Chen Hao's past and admires him even more. Being able to grow from a rural boy to a young entrepreneur with a reputation in the city is hard to come by.

"Then if a thief is caught this time, I will also write your name in the first column."

Hearing Zhu Min's words, Chen Hao shook his head and said, "I am not suitable for this kind of limelight, so I will let it to you. It is my thanks to you."

"Speaking of this, it's a good idea. Aren't we friends? It's okay to help each other."

This sentence of Zhu Min's friend touched Chen Hao deeply. He did not expect that the female reporter who was a general acquaintance had already regarded herself as a friend.

Since you are a friend, you need to know the family history of your friend. Zhu Min briefly introduced herself.

Female, 24 years old, from the capital, graduated from Chaoyang University's journalism department last year, but she seems to be the only one who started this major in this class of students, and the rest have changed careers. Nowadays, reporters are not very good at doing it. .

Zhu Min said: "In our industry, the wages are low and the risks are high. It is not pleased. After all, many people regard reporters as a thorn in the eye, or even a scourge, and can't avoid it."

Chen Hao didn't think so, saying: "There are still many good reporters these days. For example, there is a great reporter in front of me, who is both beautiful and wise. He visits every aspect of life, goes to the dormitory to catch thieves, and does what he does."

Hearing Chen Hao's praise, Zhu Min smiled sweetly. With joy, she went to the bar and ordered two desserts, which was regarded as a sweet reward for Chen Hao.

Although Zhu Min talked about some of her past, she didn't mention a word about her family situation, and Chen Hao didn't go to follow up. The two of them chatted with each other.

However, Chen Hao was not idle. He checked his phone every few minutes to confirm that the red dot of the tracker was still in place.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Chen Hao was still looking at the phone, and Zhu Min suddenly asked.

Chen Hao hesitated and told reporters that these scandal news might spread all over the country, but out of trust in Zhu Min, Chen Hao nodded.

"Then she is really happy to have an excellent boyfriend like you." Zhu Min said with envy.

"I am also very happy, and my girlfriend is also very good." Chen Hao added.

Zhu Min has already guessed who Chen Hao’s girlfriend is, but she didn’t say anything, instead she held up the milk tea and touched a glass as a drink: "I wish you all happiness!" Android novel

"Thank you!" Chen Hao took a sip of bubble tea, not to mention, the taste was quite authentic.

Soon after, Zhu Min received a WeChat message. After she saw it, a triumphant smile appeared on her face, and then she lit the screen in front of Chen Hao with a notice photo on it.

Zhu Min said: "When things are done, the distribution of that document in the city will be suspended. Just look at the pictures and not forward them."

When Chen Hao saw it, it was an emergency notice issued by the province with a big red seal, which meant to stop some weird new policies in Baihe City. It implicitly mentioned the ban on demolition that was enacted today. The laws and regulations were not publicized in advance in accordance with the procedures, and the operations violated the regulations, and the names were criticized.

The lower part of this picture is a receipt from Baihe City, indicating that the city’s leadership resolutely implemented the instructions of the superior and suspended the issuance of relevant documents.

These two pictures have official letter numbers and official seals, which cannot be faked. This shows that the policy that almost imposes the death penalty on the Temple Street Project has not been formally implemented, but has been stifled in the bud.

And all of this was facilitated by this beautiful female reporter.

"Reporter Zhu Da, you are too good!" Chen Hao was happy and didn't know how to thank her.

Zhu Min smiled lightly and said: "You are welcome. I just found an acquaintance to respond to the problem. This regulation is really outrageous. The taste of private operation is too strong. It should be cancelled. I am just fulfilling the obligations of a citizen."

Now that the biggest concern is over, Chen Hao immediately relaxes. In order to thank this powerful female reporter, Chen Hao went to the bar and ordered some delicious food, but it still seemed too shabby.

"I will treat you to a big meal by myself another day." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, the last time I went to your French restaurant to taste delicious, I can still remember the taste!" Zhu Min agreed happily.

Chen Hao then sent a message to Zhou Xitong, saying that the file was settled, so she didn't have to worry about it.

"Great, my boyfriend is amazing!" Zhou Xitong sent a message with a "kiss" emoticon at the end.

Zhou Xitong is a traditional person, and being able to be so intimate when chatting is unprecedented.

Chen Hao laughed. It seems that his girlfriend is making progress. Maybe he can gradually let go in the future, and the two will try new tricks together.

The sun set early in winter. At this time, the window of the milk tea shop was already dark. Chen Hao's mobile phone suddenly popped up an alert. It was the monitoring app he downloaded to remind him, because there was already a change in the location of a tracker.

Chen Hao quickly clicked on the app interface and found that the red dot displayed by one of the trackers was moving.

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