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Chen Hao suddenly stood up and rushed out of the store. Zhu Min also picked up his bag urgently and followed out.

She turned on her phone to take a selfie while running, and she was talking about the commentary: "We have found the whereabouts of the thief. We will arrest them in an emergency. Please wait and see."

Then Zhu Min couldn't keep up with Chen Hao's pace, so she put away her mobile phone, but did not close the shooting. When editing, the audience could also feel the tension of her running.

Chen Hao looked at the phone and was looking for directions, and suddenly he found that the red dot seemed to be near him, almost coincident with his position.

This is a little weird. There are street lights on the campus and there are students around. Chen Hao didn’t notice anything unusual. However, carefully looking at the movement of the red dot on the phone, it even overlapped with some pedestrians, and finally passed through a building. It is obviously a wall.

Humans don't know how to penetrate walls, which made Chen Hao realize something instantly.

"The thief is in the sky!"

Chen Hao looked up, relying on his 1.5 vision, and vaguely saw something floating in the sky. It was flying fast and stable, and it was a small aircraft.

"You actually use a drone to steal clothes, you really have it!"

Chen Hao understands everything now, no wonder that guy likes to steal the clothes on the top floor. It turned out to be airborne with a drone. After stealing, he can sneak away from the top of the building by the darkness of the night, so that he is unconscious.

But Chen Hao was already watching him, and the thief could not run away.

Chen Hao chased the signal and came to the front of a building, which seemed to be a dormitory building, but there were relatively few people entering and exiting. The thief’s eight achievements were inside the university.

The drone hovered nearby and seemed to be observing the surroundings. There must be a camera tied to it. Chen Hao quickly took Zhu Min and hid in the corner of the building to avoid being discovered by the other party.

The two were very close now. Zhu Min's heart was beating violently because of sprinting. At this moment, he smelled Chen Hao's masculine breath in his nostrils, and suddenly there was a feeling of hypoxia and dizziness, so mysterious.

Zhu Min really wanted to hide in this man's arms. This was the first time in her life that she had such a shameful idea.

"Zhu Min, you can't do this, Chen Hao has a girlfriend, you can't be a third party..."

The female reporter beat herself up in her heart and corrected her mistakes, but she couldn't help but leaned forward, her typical mouth was upright.

"It's too cold, yes, it must be too cold, I just need a little warmth." Zhu Min finally found a reason to comfort him, and hugged it with confidence.

At this moment, Zhu Min has forgotten the thief, the time, and everything, only to experience the beauty around him.

At this time, Chen Hao's attention was all on the drone, and he didn't notice the strangeness of the woman in his arms.

He held his mobile phone to record the certificate, and Huawei’s flagship camera had a really good shooting effect. It was tens of meters apart and the light was so dark. The shot was still clear. A glass window on the top of the dormitory building opened and the drone flew. Going in, was put away by a man, and then the man closed the window and blocked the curtains.

"Humph, finally caught you!" Diandianshu library

Chen Hao rushed out to catch the thief, but he took the reporter Zhu Da who was still intoxicated, and he hurriedly supported her.

"Are you all right?" Chen Hao asked concerned.

"No, it's okay." Zhu Min replied vaguely.

"Turn on the phone, the following is the process of catching the thief, remember to code me then."

Chen Hao and Zhu Min walked into this dormitory quickly. Only then did Zhu Min realize that this is the staff dormitory of male teachers. The dirty thief who stole clothes was actually a faculty in the school. It was incredible!

"Hey, that girl, why are you breaking into the male staff dormitory!"

As soon as the two of them came in, the uncle who guarded the door was shouting at Zhu Min.

However, the two were not here to play. They ignored the uncle and rushed directly upstairs. They had locked the thief's room.

"Hey, you two stop for me, when I'm in charge of the first place, Uncle Qin does not exist, right?"

The janitor actually still had a title, so he followed with a rubber stick.

Chen Hao found room 702 on the seventh floor based on the clear location just now, and the drone flew in here.

"Pay attention to shooting. You will stand near the door for a while. If there is a conflict, remember to avoid it." Chen Hao said.

"I know."

There is no need to warn about this. Journalists have professional accomplishments and generally do not directly conflict with the interviewer. They are on the sidelines as a god.

Chen Hao pulled the doorknob and found that the room was locked. He saw that it was an ordinary wooden door, so he lifted his foot and kicked the door open.

In the room, a man wearing glasses was in his thirties. He was putting a hot lady's clothing on his nostrils and sniffing. He suddenly heard a loud noise from the door and was startled. He hurriedly took the clothes in his hands. Tucked into the quilt on the side.

"Why are you guys trespassing into my room!" The glasses man pretended to be calm.

"What am I here to do, you know best, you stole all the clothes lost in the girls' dormitory?" Chen Hao walked up to him and asked coldly.

"What nonsense, and that girl, don't shoot, or I will let the school expel you!"

The man with glasses began to threaten the two, but he was deceived by Zhu Minnen's appearance. She was not a student at the school, but a reporter he feared most at the moment.

A faculty member was photographed of this kind of incident, and was basically eliminated from the teaching staff.

Zhu Min did not speak, but actually recorded this video.

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