I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 379 Mysterious Background

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Who knows that Xing Zetao was very frightened and said: "I said, Zhu Min, you still don't provoke it, it's terrible!"

"What's the matter? What's her status? Isn't she the daughter of a big brother in society?" Chen Hao asked in confusion.

"If this is the case, I'm not afraid. You have killed more than one big brother in society, and she is more terrifying than those."

Xing Zetao's tone was very anxious, and he held back after he finished speaking, and drank a sip of water to adjust.

Seeing that his friend was so scared, Chen Hao quickly asked what was going on.

Xing Zetao said: "I just hacked into the relevant website to check her identity information, and the page popped up, but her family status column is all confidential. Only the current age, occupation, address and mobile phone number are basic information. I wanted to dig deeper, but the website’s anti-hacking program was triggered, which locked me down. Fortunately, I was witty and used a three-layer springboard. Before the other party tracked me down, I erased all traces of intrusion, so I didn’t expose it. If I get caught, I’m probably going to go to prison. This is confidential.”

"Is that so?"

Chen Hao was also stunned. He didn't expect that the identity of a female reporter was so mysterious. Obviously she had a lot of background. Otherwise, she couldn't easily settle the policy for him, but she couldn't see that she had such a big background.

In the past imagination, like this kind of eldest daughter, all the bodyguards around to follow, hold certain important positions or run enterprises, but Zhu Min is a tired trainee reporter, and some can't figure it out.

"You have worked hard, then don't check her. Be careful recently." Chen Hao comforted.

"Okay, I see, you should also be careful about that woman, don't get X bugs on your brain and cause trouble to your upper body." Xing Zetao then hung up the phone.

Of course, Chen Hao didn't take Xing Zetao's words seriously. He is not a playboy, and of course he would not tease Zhu Min, but he should pay attention to it. After all, she is very mysterious.

Chen Hao was lying on the bed, recalling the past he knew Zhu Min, and felt that she was either deliberately approaching herself, or she was a very ordinary girl. If she had a strong background, this cultivation would be great, right?

Also, she was trapped in Temple Street that time, which is considered a shame. If she has a background, Liang Chengfa and his men will have a hard time deliberately, but it seems that their rogues did not receive additional punishment afterwards. This is also very strange. Not in line with common sense.

Either Zhu Min is from an ordinary background, and her information is kept secret due to certain confidential matters, or he is a natural acting school that prevents herself from seeing her true colors.

Chen Hao is more inclined to the previous idea.

Even if he guessed wrong, it wouldn't be a big deal. He and Zhu Min didn't have any contradictions, and there was no antagonistic relationship. No matter how mysterious her background was, it had nothing to do with him. On the contrary, because of the friendship, she gained a strong backing.

After thinking about these things, Chen Hao went to sleep in peace.

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The next day, Chen Hao still went to the playground to exercise. This time he woke up normally and went to exercise at about six o'clock.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the playground, I saw Wu Dan and Qiu Yanan also coming. They both wore a basket and pink sportswear with a fluffy headscarf on their foreheads. They looked like a model of pure athletic girls.

"Boss, we won't disturb you?" The lively Qiu Yanan trot over and asked.

"No, this place is so big, just exercise."

Chen Hao didn't chat anymore, and practiced with the two beautiful girls. According to the usual practice, he did physical exercise first, and then practiced Wu Qin Xi.

When Chen Hao played the tiger show with the tiger and the tiger, and when the deer show was elegant, his aura exuded, quite like a real martial arts master. The two model girls were not only attracted to look at them, they stood aside and watched. Wonderful again and again.

When Chen Hao finished the two sets of work, the two girls clapped enthusiastically.

"The boss is so handsome!"

The lively Qiu Ya Nan shouted in applause, while the slightly shy U Dan just showed her admiration with a scorching gaze.

Wu Dan took out the new towel prepared in advance and let Chen Hao wipe his sweat.

"It's okay, my kung fu is animal modeling, you don't think it is weird." Chen Hao smiled and took the towel, which was still scented and sweat-absorbent.

"Can you teach us to practice too!" Qiu Yanan suddenly thought.

The eldest sister's head U Dan pulled Raya Nan's sleeve, and it was very impolite to speak like this, because of such a great skill, he would definitely not pass on himself.

Chen Hao said, "It's not that I don't teach you, but the two tiger shows and deer shows that I currently know are not suitable for you girls. When practicing, you have to imagine the corresponding animals in your imagination. Are you quite tigress? "

"I don't want to be a tigress. People are good girls, little rabbits. I was kidding."

Qiu Yanan showed her slender arms when she spoke, and she could see that she lacked exercise. Unless she worked hard in the future, even if she had practiced Wuqinxi routines, she might not be able to beat the gangsters on the street.

If you don't have enough strength, if you spend any tricks, you may be knocked down by others.

This is in response to the jokes on the rivers and lakes, no matter how high in martial arts, you are also afraid of kitchen knives.

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