You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!There is another reason, Chen Hao has not said that if it is an elegant and flexible bird show, it might be suitable for these girls to practice, but this set of kung fu is learned from Hu Chinese medicine, although he did not apprentice a teacher, but according to martial arts rules, it can be considered as Half a master and apprentice, Chen Hao wants to teach kung fu to others, and he has to get the approval of Hu Zhongyi.

Even without considering these two privacy, Chen Hao still feels that the two girls are not suitable for practicing Wu Qin Xi. To practice Wu Qin Xi, you must strengthen physical exercise, have a strong physique, increase dietary protein, and develop muscle mass.

But their profession is a model, a muscular model, who will never look good in fashion, then they will become King Kong Barbie, nondescript.

Therefore, unless the two girls give up their modeling career and are willing to endure hardships, they can only be successful if they practice for a few years, but they are not too young to change their careers, so Chen Hao does not plan to teach them so as not to delay them. Future.

Wu Dan worried that Chen Hao had an idea, and then explained: "Boss, Ya Nan is just joking. She really wants her to get up at 6 o'clock every day to practice Kung Fu. She probably won't be able to hold on for a few days."

"Yes, I got up so early and was dragged up by my elder sister. Otherwise, a warm and comfortable bed would be my home." Qiu Yanan smiled mischievously.

Chen Hao smiled and said that it didn't matter, he would not hide himself, but this Wu Qin Xi was not suitable for both of them. If the girl wants fitness, aerobics or yoga, it is the right project.

"Okay, in fact, we are all learning dance by ourselves now. After a while, we can perform singing and dancing for the boss!" Qiu Yanan said.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Chen Hao talked for a while, then bid them farewell, returned to the room, washed and changed clothes, had breakfast in one go, and drove off in a hurry.

In the morning, I also made an appointment with Zhou Xitong to meet at the Miaojie construction site.

When I came to Temple Street, I saw Zhou Xitong’s self-driving white Cayenne parked at the entrance. Chen Hao felt that a Cayenne was not suitable for his girlfriend. It will be her birthday next month, and a good car must be customized for her.

Taking advantage of the time of getting out of the car and walking, Chen Hao opened up a tens of billions of subsidies to search for luxury cars.

The luxury cars on the market can be found in the basic app, but they look a little ordinary. After all, these cars are basically driven by people.

There is a word in the clothing called Zhuangshan, and the similarity of the car is obviously not in line with the identity of their business elites. A unique car is necessary to reflect their identity.

Chen Hao chose custom and rare search criteria, and a few prompts popped up.

Mercedes-Benz VISION-AVTR concept car, priced at 13 million U.S. dollars, with a subsidy price of 1,222 yuan. The car will be picked up one month later. Only two cars will be produced worldwide, one for sale and one for Mercedes-Benz headquarters. The specific parameters and information are kept confidential.Reading room

Chen Hao checked a piece of very powerful product information. First of all, its high price, which is more than 90 million yuan converted into RMB, even the subsidy price set a record, showing the extraordinaryness of this car.

In the promotional image, there is only a vague black shadow photo, which shows that the shape of this car is absolutely unusual. Also, if the shape is normal, it will not be called a concept car.

According to the introduction information, the design of this model is based on the movie "Avatar". It is an absolute sense of alien technology. It is also said to be a cross-age product. It is equipped with the latest 5g autonomous driving technology. In short, it is a combination of the highest international technology. body.

This customization is similar to the blind box, everything is unknowable, but Mercedes-Benz is an old manufacturer after all. Although there have been several negative news, it was a random operation by a domestic 4S store. This car is made in Germany and the quality is good. trust.

So Chen Hao placed an order for this car, and the only thing he was pleased was that he could specify the body color.

Chen Hao thought that Zhou Xitong liked black and white, so he filled in black and white in the color options.

Ordered a luxury car with a price of more than 90 million yuan, Chen Hao also came to the construction site on Temple Street, and Zhou Xitong was already wearing a blue helmet and was commanding the scene.

"Zhou, I am late, sorry."

There were female assistant Su Li and others around, so Chen Hao changed to a formal name.

Zhou Xitong handed him a safety helmet, and at the same time said softly: "I'm not late, the time is just right."

"How is it? Is there anything abnormal?" Chen Hao asked, standing beside her.

"No, it's calm," Zhou Xitong said.

Since the demolition restriction document has not been issued, there is no need to stop the project. The site has already begun intensive construction, and the demolition of dilapidated buildings is in full swing. As long as all the remaining dilapidated buildings are torn down, the documents will be issued again.

The two had been inspecting the construction site until nine o'clock, and nothing was abnormal. It seemed that what Zhu Min said was true, and the policy was indeed cancelled.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Now they are relieved. Now they have applied for an extension of the daily construction time. As long as it can be delayed for three or four days, even if it goes down normally, they will all be demolished. It doesn't matter to them.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were about to leave Temple Street. When they arrived at the parking place, they suddenly found a Land Rover Range Rover suddenly parked on the side of the road. Such a luxury car didn't match the demolition site.

However, Chen Hao is familiar with this car. Isn't this Guan Yunchang's car?

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