You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Sure enough, a driver got out of the car and opened the back seat door. Guan Yunchang, who had obviously dyed black hair, walked down, quite arrogant.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the male secretary behind him handed over a cigar and lit it. This sinister old man pretending to be young took a sip of his cigar comfortably and spit out a cigarette ring in the direction of Chen Hao.

"The two refused to listen to the advice, and insisted on starting the construction with the restriction documents. I really admire this courage." Guan Yunchang said with a smile.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong looked at each other unexpectedly, and both were a little surprised. It seemed that Guan Yunchang did not know the fact that the document had been suspended.

That being the case, Chen Hao should tease the little old man. Zhou Xitong saw the boyfriend's thoughts and encouraged him with his eyes. He should teach this sinister old man a lesson.

Chen Hao said, "Mr. Guan, you don't stay at home to recuperate, and you still have such a relationship with my construction site. You really care about the world."

This sentence is full of irony, which implies that Guan Yunchang is old, and that he is nosy, so that Guan Yunchang's face changed on the spot.

"Huh, I don't know how to repent, do I really think the policy is a joke? One last word of advice to you, if you don't agree to my terms, your temple street construction site will wait for permanent suspension! I'll call you!"

Guan Yunchang had a cold face and dangling a cigar. Although his identity was a wealthy businessman, his temperament was no different from that of a rogue leader.

"Oh, is it? Then you can call, I can also sponsor your phone bill."

Chen Hao couldn't see him being so arrogant. He didn't bring his wallet when he went out today. However, he still used the cash withdrawal function of tens of billions of subsidies to withdraw a one-yuan coin. A flick of his thumb happened to hit the one held by Guan Yunchang. Cigar.

The cigar was knocked to the ground immediately, and the soot of Mars was scattered on Guan Yunchang's brand-name pants, making him slapped in a hurry, which was very funny.

After extinguishing the Mars, Guan Yunchang's face was pale. Not only did his threats not work, Chen Hao also took the initiative to provoke him, then he was about to tear his face, he could not get this piece of fat in Temple Street, and others did not. Don't want to eat.

Guan Yunchang wants to retaliate against Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong, and also to retaliate face to face, only in this way can he breathe out the evil in his heart.

The secretary on the side took his cell phone, and Guan Yunchang pressed a number and called.

The friend he contacted by phone had a certain position in the city and had a respectable status. This time, the temporary document was quickly approved by him and then ready to be issued on the same day. Therefore, if Guan Yunchang wants to manage Chen Hao, he must pass him and use it. The contents of the document completely collapsed the Temple Street construction site.

"Hey, this is Yunchang. They are still working on the land in Temple Street, so they can come and seal it up."

The phone connected, Guan Yunchang said coldly.

However, a blaming voice came on the other end of the phone: "Have you checked the other person's background? This time you provoke someone who shouldn't be offended. Fortunately, there is no investigation, or I will be punished!" Fun Pavilion Book Bar

"What?" Guan Yunchang was stunned. Why did the family who has always cooperated happily suddenly changed his attitude, and he didn't understand what he said.

"Yesterday afternoon, just as the demolition restriction document was about to be issued, the province issued a notice to ban the document I drafted. The wording was very strict! What does this mean? It means that the other party can follow the upper-level route. I can’t imagine the background. In short, if you have to provoke powerful people, don’t pull me down, you really killed you this time!"

The phone hung up suddenly, not at all emotional.

"how come!"

Guan Yunchang was stunned. He didn't understand. How could something go wrong suddenly when this matter was settled?

Why did Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong suddenly have big backers?

Guan Yunchang has investigated Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong many times. Zhou Xitong, Zhou Xitong’s most powerful father, is seriously ill and cannot use his business background resources. It is supported by the young Zhou Xitong. The Zhou family’s relationship network is weak to the freezing point. The best time to attack.

The resume of Chen Hao, who was born in the countryside, is even simpler. It’s only recently that I don’t know what shit I took to become rich. It is estimated that it was only when Xiao Bailian came to Zhou Xitong that he became rich, but these two people, how can they please move the province? Force to interfere?

Guan Yunchang couldn't figure it out and was puzzled.

Chen Hao smiled slightly and said to him, "Old man, your old habits are outdated. Now it’s the age of lagging behind. I also advise you to go home obediently and take care of your grandson. Did you say it?"

"Don't be arrogant, I just left you a bit of affection, do you really think I can't help you?" Guan Yunchang was still yelling.

"Really, then you can do me a favor, let me see how the older generation of capitalists challenged me. Oh, yes, you always seem to have not gone to the police station to change your surname. If your legs are not convenient, I can send you a car. go with."

Chen Hao's counterattack was very sharp, and the clouds were light and windy, with a faint smile on his face. Compared to Guan Yunchang's sullen expression, he made a judgment.

Guan Yunchang's face was gloomy and uncertain. He wanted to have an attack, but his face was already lost. Just now he said that someone would be required to seal the scene, but he was told that he could not be sealed. Such embarrassment is never common.

Maybe he should be ashamed of his habit, since he sent thugs to contain Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong at Kaihua Hotel that day, his face has gone.

Guan Yunchang wants to get more and more angry. He has been in the business world for 30 years. He has been in the business world, but now he has repeatedly stumbled in front of two young people. Although he has learned that Chen Hao may have a big backing, he still can't bear this breath. Swear to retaliate back.

"Let's see!"

Guan Yunchang threw down a ruthless sentence, got back in the car and left quickly.

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