You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Okay, I'll send him away." Chen Hao patted the dust on his hands, as if driving away an annoying fly.

"You are too good, you look mad at the elderly!" Zhou Xitong pursed his lips and chuckled.

"I asked for it myself, I didn't have time to pay attention to him for the time being. He took the initiative to come to the door to beg a face. I have never seen such a person.

Chen Hao let Zhou Xitong get in his car and escorted her to Zhou's Mansion.

Zhou Xitong also wanted to be alone with Chen Hao for a while, so he asked assistant Su Li to drive her Cayenne back, and then got in the co-pilot of the Hummer.

As the car drove away slowly, Chen Hao's eyes swept over his beautiful girlfriend, and found that the OL suit she wore for a few days was particularly charming, a full-fledged professional beauty, couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"Tong Tong..." Chen Hao called her slightly nauseously.


"I'm relatively tight lately. Would you give me a chance to make some extra money?" Chen Hao uttered a "crypto" that only two people understood.

Zhou Xitong held back a smile and thought seriously: "Well, give you a chance to pick me up at 6 o'clock in the evening, but I don't want to go to the hotel or your Chinese Garden. There are too many people there."

"Then let's go to the Jade Community, one building is mine, you can choose a room as our love nest." Chen Hao said.

Zhou Xitong didn't say a word, it seemed to be tacit approval.

Women also need physical and mental comfort. The two have not made affection for many days, so they naturally hit it off, so they made an appointment to stay warm at night.

The car drove to Zhou's Building, and Chen Hao personally sent Zhou Xitong upstairs. The employees came to say hello along the way, and the attitude towards Chen Hao was equally respectful. Chen Hao has become the invisible "second-in-command" of the group, probably speaking better than the vice president of the group. It all works well.

When he arrived at the office upstairs, Chen Hao sat on the sofa, just as casual as returning to his own home.

Zhou Xitong was about to go to work, and Chen Hao took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and saw that Zhu Min had sent him a link that the video of catching the thief had been released yesterday for him to watch.

"Tong Tong, don't you want to watch me catch the thief, come on!"

Chen Hao greeted Zhou Xitong to watch together.

The two leaned in front of a mobile phone and saw a piece of news in the city’s news feed that was soaring in popularity, with the headline "Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality, a record of catching thieves on campus".Jiuliuwei Novel Network

The beginning of the video was accompanied by a terrifying sound effect, which made people shudder. Zhou Xitong couldn't help but get close to Chen Hao so that she would not be afraid.

The picture was normal at the beginning of the video. It was a video interviewing Xiaoya and other girls who were victimized. The people involved were mosaicked and their voices were processed. However, they can still hear their resentment towards the thieves. Aroused the indignation of Zhou Xitong, who is also a woman.

Chen Hao also appeared in the picture, but his face was still coded. The caption said that this is Mr. C, an enthusiastic detective.

Zhou Xitong couldn’t help laughing after seeing the introduction. This detective Mr. C, is Chen’s initials, C. Others may not recognize him, but Zhou Xitong can see that he is her boyfriend through the mosaic. After all, both of them are in private. Sincerely, I have communicated many times, and those who are familiar can no longer be familiar.

Then was the process of filming the case detection. Detective C and Zhu Min visited around the female dormitory. There was a post-dubbing commentary here, leaving plenty of suspense about the incident, as if watching a detective drama. With Zhu Min’s explanation, gradually Excluding all the possibilities, finally thought of a way to arrange bait traps.

When Zhu Min showed the high-end women's clothing in front of the camera, Zhou Xitong glanced at Chen Hao and said, "These are the items you provided?"

Indeed, TV stations will not be so extravagant and wasteful. Even if they want to make bait, they will use the cheap clothes that cost 10 yuan and use this high-end brand as bait, which is obviously Chen Hao's style.

"I provided it, isn't it to be a thief, don't you blame my prodigal?" Chen Hao quipped.

"If you can't make money and spend money indiscriminately, that is called a prodigal. Although you spend more, but earn more, how can I interfere with you?

Zhou Xitong's serious answer was nothing but a disguised praise of Chen Hao.

The two of them chatted, and they watched the follow-up development together without leaving the screen.

Although Chen Hao knew the result, the video was taken to a level and looked quite fresh.

The video obscured the process of Chen Hao and Zhu Min drinking milk tea. There was a virtual clock spinning rapidly on the screen, and then the camera shifted to the evening.

Suddenly, a tracker effect made of special effects was displayed on the screen, and the red dot moved, so Detective C and Zhu Min ran to look for it. The footage shot here was very vague, and Zhu Min’s voice was also panting, which added tension to the audience. sense.

Zhou Xitong, who saw it for the first time, clenched his fists unconsciously, hoping to catch the bastard sooner.

Then the close-up was given to Detective C, that is, Chen Hao, who rushed into the faculty and staff dormitory in the first place, and then the scene of everything came to the plot of kicking the door.

With a "boom", Chen Hao kicked the door open and found the clothes thief Teacher Pang inside.

Teacher Pang’s face was also mosaiced. At this time, the news was not edited again, and the original soundtrack was played. The audience saw Chen Hao bravely subduing the clothing thief, and then found the stolen goods in the shortest time. As for that one is a bit funny. Uncle Qin, who was in charge, became the funny director of the film, and Zhou Xitong couldn't help but laugh.

At the end of the video, the shot was switched back to the studio, and Zhu Min, who was dignified, summarized and analyzed afterwards.

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