I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 383 Father is critically ill

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Zhou Xitong saw Zhu Min dressed up and said, "Reporter Zhu is very beautiful and very capable."

Chen Hao felt that something was wrong. This was a proposition, so he quickly replied, "That's not as pretty as Tongtong."

"Really?" Zhou Xitong asked back.

"Of course, you are the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Chen Hao is not stingy with compliments at all. Anyway, complimenting his partner can be done without the brain. No matter how numb, he will definitely receive unexpected results.

Sure enough, Zhou Xitong's tight face eased, and a crisis disappeared.

Chen Hao saw Zhou Xitong's red lips leaning over, and wanted to keep it warm, but her mobile phone rang.


Zhou Xitong put her finger in front of her red lips, motioned for silence, and then answered the phone.

"Hello, Doctor Li."

Zhou Xitong said, his face changed, and after a few "um", he hung up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked.

"My dad is critically ill, I want to go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Zhou Xitong didn't care about taking the bag, so he hurried down.

Chen Hao helped her bring her bag and accompanied her downstairs.

Although he and Zhou Xitong have not made a public relationship, her father is seriously ill, and his prospective son-in-law must go there together.

Zhou Xitong was in a bad mood, and Chen Hao took the initiative to act as a driver and drove her to the hospital.

On the way, Zhou Xitong didn't say a word, and sat on his seat vaguely.

Chen Hao looked uncomfortable, but now it's useless to comfort him. He only knows that Zhou Xitong lives with his mother and almost never leaves her mouth, but she rarely hears about her father.

Chen Hao wanted to find out about Zhou Xitong's father before going, and asked: "Do you want a century-old ginseng or something? I'm going to prepare now."

Zhou Xitong shook his head: "No, my dad doesn't believe in Chinese medicine. He always uses Western medicine."

What's the disease of uncle?Chen Hao asked.

"Cerebral thrombosis, heart disease, many complications." Zhou Xitong said.

From Zhou Xitong's reaction, Chen Hao felt that their father-daughter relationship was not good, perhaps because her parents were so close.

When they arrived at the No. 1 Hospital in the city, the two got out of the car and walked in quickly together.

When I came to the operating room, I saw that there were already a dozen relatives and friends waiting outside, all of whom had arrived after hearing the news, and Zhou Xitong, the daughter, arrived relatively late.Destiny book www.yyshu8xs.com

Chen Hao couldn't help but feel a little strange. He told his daughter to be there. Shouldn't it be the notification from the relatives? Why did the doctor call? And the attitude of these relatives was obviously wrong.

"Uncle, uncle..."

Zhou Xitong used to call relatives and friends one by one, all relatives of his father's side.

It's strange to say that these elders did not show kindness to Zhou Xitong, but were very indifferent. Some people did not even respond, which was even colder than strangers.

"Is the relationship between relatives so stiff?" Chen Hao drew a question mark in his heart.

After a while, the doctor came out of the operating room, and everyone rushed to ask questions.

"The patient is temporarily out of danger, and he can come out when the anesthetic is relieved, but the patient is very weak, do not talk to him."

Hearing what the doctor said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Xitong was obviously squeezed out by her relatives. She was isolated from the periphery and looked helpless, and no one took the initiative to speak to her.

Chen Hao stood by and wanted to hold her hand to comfort her. Zhou Xitong gently shook her head and signaled not to do this. Maybe, she did not disclose her relationship, it was related to this family.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened and Zhou's father was pushed out.

It was the first time Chen Hao saw Zhou Xitong’s father. He did not expect it to be in this scene. The old man’s face was very old. He was estimated to be in his 60s or 70s. Chen Hao understood a little bit. Yes, but things are not what they should be.

"Let me go over, I want to see my father." Zhou Xitong tried to squeeze in, but the movable bed was full, she was alone and could not rely on it.

Chen Hao was furious, no matter how conflicted his relatives could be, he squeezed in front and opened a way for Zhou Xitong so that she could lean on top and hold his father's hand.

Those relatives who were squeezed out looked coldly and asked Chen Hao angrily, "Who are you?"

"I am Zhou Xitong's friend." Chen Hao said.

"Friends from nowhere, go here, so naive!" A middle-aged woman came up to quarrel with Chen Hao.

Chen Hao looked at her coldly, bursting out with momentum, causing the woman to stagnate, and the swear words couldn't come out.

Zhou Xitong said in a low voice: "It's all quiet, my father needs to rest."

The relatives stopped arguing angrily.

At this moment, a man in a suit walked in the distance from the corridor. He was about twenty-two years old. He was ordinary, dressed as a brand-name, with a cynical attitude, and walked a bit frivolously.

"Master is here!"

Unexpectedly, this group of relatives all at once surrounded them, hushing and asking for warmth around the youth, which is totally different from treating Zhou Xitong.

"Is my dad okay?" the young man asked nonchalantly.

"It's okay, but I need to rest." A relative replied.

The young man nodded, and went over to take over the moving hospital bed, planning to push back to the ward, which inevitably took a picture of Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong.

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