You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The first female assistant Su Li, Zhou's international public relations manager, and Huang Dongsheng, chief consultant of the investment department, attended the meeting, all of whom were very important employees.

At this moment, these employees are under the command of Chen Hao, who has no position in the company. It has to be said that this is not based on Zhou Xitong's nepotism, but on the charm of his personality.

Imagine that if Chen Hao is a little white face who is ignorant and relying on Zhou Xitong to eat soft food, then the important leaders of these group headquarters will probably not care about Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sits in the middle of the conference room and lets those subordinates who do not belong to him express their opinions first.

The manager of the public relations department said: "I am organizing to delete posts and invite naval forces to eliminate the influence of rumors, but now public opinion has formed, and many netizens who eat melons have participated, so there is a trend of brewing and fermentation, and a strong force is needed. Otherwise, if it drags on, it will cause investors to distrust, sell the stock, and cause the stock price to fall further."

"This is indeed the case. Now the stock price has dropped by more than one block, partly because of rumors, and the other part is that someone deliberately suppressed the selling and formed investors to follow suit." Advisor Huang Dongsheng added.

The female assistant Su Li also said: “Now the liquidity of the group’s books is only about 200 million. Consultant Huang needs at least 2 billion of the funding gap. If it can’t be blocked, it’s dangerous. It’s best to use bank loans. ."

"Understood, you work hard separately, I will figure out how to fund it." Chen Hao said.

"Funding requirements must be entered into the account before tomorrow, otherwise they will be passive and settle the rumors." Consultant Huang is a little worried. This is the most serious crisis he has encountered since joining Zhou International.

But at this moment, because the chairman is critically ill, the president Zhou Xitong also took care of him. There is no leader in the group. Even if Zhou Xitong reluctantly returns, it is estimated that he is no longer in the same state.

Fortunately, Chen Hao still sits in town. Although he does not hold a specific position, the small leaders of these various departments trust Chen Hao's abilities and are willing to take his lead.

"Two billion, it will be paid today!" Chen Hao said categorically.

Su Li was a little surprised, knowing that this was 2 billion in cash, not 20 yuan. Even Zhou Xitong couldn't raise so much money in a short time. I didn't expect Chen Hao to be able to provide it so easily.

"It's no wonder that the president is so attached to Mr. Chen. It turns out that he is a man with both charm and strength." Su Li said to her heart.

Consultant Huang was also confident when he heard the words: "It's great, so I can be sure, as long as public opinion does not deteriorate."

The manager of the public relations department immediately stated: "In terms of public opinion, I will find a way to organize a press conference as soon as possible."

Chen Hao nodded. It seemed that the crisis could be resolved. He announced the adjournment of the meeting, and his subordinates went busy, and his first task was to raise 2 billion funds.

This, of course, requires the use of tens of billions of subsidies for new mortgages and loans.Biquge standby station

Chen Hao opened the tens of billions subsidy app and entered the loan mortgage process. First, he applied for loans from his tens of billions of subsidies using his 92 suites in the Emerald Garden Community, China Garden, French Restaurant, Jiafeng Winery, and luxury cars as collateral.

The total amount of these scattered funds is about 600 million yuan. However, this is far from enough. Chen Hao uses the "easy loan" function of tens of billions of subsidies. The ceiling can be loaned to 2 billion, and the interest is very high. Totally affordable.

In this way, Chen Hao raised 2.6 billion funds instantly, and it only took 1 minute to prompt the news of the receipt.

Chen Hao intends to temporarily inject two billion yuan into Zhou's International, and the remaining 600 million yuan will be used as an emergency, so he cannot have no money in his pocket.

Chen Hao immediately set up to remit 2 billion funds into Zhou's International account.

"Mr. Chen, the money has arrived and I am about to start operations. The current situation is under control." Consultant Huang then made a telephone report to Chen Hao.

"Don't relax, your investment department staff will work hard these days, work overtime, keep people on standby 24 hours a day, and pay you bonuses when the storm passes."

Chen Hao promised a reward. Everyone knows Chen Hao's arrogance, so he has the energy to work overtime.

After a peaceful day, it seems that the situation is developing in a good direction. The press conference has been held. The spokesperson explained that Zhou's international capital chain is normal, and President Zhou Xitong did not lead a male secretary to run away, exposing the rumors.

On the side of Advisor Huang, the stock price temporarily stabilized. Although it did not rise back, it did not fall sharply, and the expected goal was reached.

Among them, the two billion provided by Chen Hao played a vital role.

I thought the turmoil would end in this way, but on the third day, the situation took a turn for the worse, and new negative news appeared on the Internet. Several Zhou's International partners came out to say that Zhou's International defaulted on the payment, and published account evidence and the amount. There are millions to tens of millions.

The manager of the public relations department immediately came out to explain that the so-called arrears is just that the settlement date has not arrived.

Large companies do business, not real-time remittances. Generally, for the convenience of financial statistics, one month is a payment cycle, and the total payment is counted for unified payment.

The companies that broke the news are all monthly settlements, which happen to be located at the node of more than 20 days. It is not that Zhou's International deliberately defaulted, but it is still a few days before the settlement date. When the settlement date arrives, the payment will be made immediately. , Zhou's International will never default on the payment of suppliers.

Chen Hao felt that this was not enough, and asked the finance department to settle the payment for those companies today to eliminate the impact, and published the transfer receipt in the media.

However, this did not calm the incident, and the turmoil intensified.

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