You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Although Zhou's International has paid for the goods under Chen Hao’s suggestion, other suppliers or partners, upon hearing this news, are afraid of problems with their own payment, whether it is several million, hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands Block orders, all call to ask for immediate payment, otherwise the service or supply will be stopped.

The unnecessary news from the previous son has caused bad consequences and a serious crisis of trust.

More nearby suppliers felt that telephone debt collection was not reliable, and they directly sent people to the downstairs of Zhou's Building to besiege for money, which is quite like a repeat of the LeTV incident that year.

Only one is really owed money, and Zhou's International is wronged.

This scene of surrounded begging for money has caused many reporters to take pictures on the Internet, triggering a larger-scale fermentation of public opinion and presenting a vicious circle.

However, such large-scale collective negotiation has made Zhou’s International’s inadequate capital chain more difficult. It was originally agreed to make payments on a daily basis and rely on the group’s cash flow to pay normally. However, all suppliers now require The immediate payment disrupted the pace, and the company could not spend so much money on the books for a while, triggering a greater crisis of trust.

Many people at Zhou International were panicked, and the urgent documents were placed in front of Chen Hao one by one.

Assistant Su Li is a little anxious. If the matter cannot be resolved quickly, it will cause serious consequences like a tsunami, and even shake the foundation of the group. Even their 2 billion capital injection is not enough, even 4 billion, 6 billion, or 8 billion. It may not be enough. The opponent Guan Yunchang relied on spreading rumors, and with a very small price, he would exchange the group's huge losses.

"The other party must have a master who is playing tricks. This combination of punches is too sharp. Everything came together. The chairman is critically ill, and the president is not there. Many departments cannot coordinate."

Assistant Su Li looked sad, and she didn't know what to do.

Indeed, although Chen Hao's decree is also easy to use, he does not hold a position in the group after all. Once it involves a document to be signed by the president or uses a large amount of money, it cannot be implemented in accordance with the company's rules unless Zhou Xitong comes in person.

"How about I call the president?" Su Li asked for instructions.

She wanted to call Zhou Xitong back to deal with this difficult situation together. Before that, Chen Hao had been pressing and not letting others tell Zhou Xitong the news, which would make her mood worse.

"No, I'll solve it."

Chen Hao pondered, he didn't want to put more pressure on Zhou Xitong.

The situation is now much more severe than expected. If this debt collection crisis is not resolved, it is estimated that there will be a chain reaction. If the stock price collapses, it will be impossible to save it.

"Su Li, you can immediately count the amount of the total amount of the supplier who requested this payment." Chen Hao issued an order.

"I have counted them."

Su Li is worthy of being a gold medal assistant. She did her job well in advance and put a document in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it. In fact, these funds didn't add up to much money, it looked like more than 400 million yuan, and Chen Hao could handle it with the spare funds.

Simply repaying the purchase price cannot solve the fundamental problem. It is best to restore the confidence of investors at the same time, so that they can see that Zhou's financial resources are not problematic.Tianhe Novel Network

"Su Li, go and tell the suppliers outside, one hour later, queue up to the lobby on the first floor of Zhou's International Building to collect the money. I will pay in cash."

Chen Hao found out in a deep voice that he planned to make a big move.


Su Li went to do it right away, and Chen Hao also began to prepare. He needed a shocking way to calm the storm.

He found the security captain of the building and asked him to send additional manpower. He wanted to place a large amount of paper money in the lobby on the first floor to allow them to protect the safety of funds.

"Excuse me, Mr. Chen, about how much cash we have, so we might as well have a number."

The security captain thought, a few million is almost the same, and there will be seven or eight security guards that are absolutely foolproof.

"Almost 400 million." Chen Hao calmly reported a number.

"My god!"

The security captain's legs softened and he almost fell on the ground in terror. In his life, he could not imagine how big the 400 million cash would be. It is estimated that when piled up, it would be as high as a mountain.

The security captain was worried that so much money would be a problem, so he summoned all the security guards on duty to rush to the first floor, and asked the security guards who were resting during the shift to be on duty in advance to maintain order.

After all, the more than 400 million yuan is fatal to some people and can easily lead to crime.

Chen Hao came to the lobby on the first floor, and it was still messy outside. He heard Su Li's voice and was trying his best to appease the vendors.

When they heard that they could receive the money in an hour, they finally calmed down and waited for the money to be issued.

And Chen Hao decided to give these people a mental shock. He asked the security guards to pull up all the curtains in the lobby to block them, and then sort out a corner as a cash storage location.

According to Chen Hao's request, the security guards brought a set of desks and chairs, with laptops next to them for office use.

Then Chen Hao let all the security guards go out to maintain order, so that all the suppliers lined up and came in one by one to collect the money.

After the hall was empty, Chen Hao used the function of exchanging cash in the tens of billions of subsidies to withdraw the 400 million cash in his account and put it on the marble floor.

Tens of billions of subsidies work fast. Within half a minute, piles of renminbi suddenly appeared, like an automatic brick wall, arranged in a huge square of four piles of cash.

The 400 million brand-new renminbi, placed in a huge pile on the ground, looked shining and shocking. It was also the first time Chen Hao saw so much cash, and he was a little stunned.

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