You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!So the question is, how big is the 400 million cash?

Calculated according to the thickness of the whole bundle of 10,000 yuan is 8 millimeters, a bundle of 100 million cash and even a bundle is 80 meters high, which is equivalent to 30 multistory buildings, and 400 million cash is 320 meters, which can catch up with some large buildings. The landmark of the city.

But so much cash cannot be stacked so high, so Chen Hao piled four cubes in small piles. After he piled them up, he discovered that the volume of 100 million cash was about 1.15 cubic meters, which seemed unimaginable. So big, 400 million is more than four cubic meters.

Chen Hao covered all the cash with a big red cloth, and then called reporter Zhu Min. Such a wonderful moment cannot be without her, and she must rely on her to broadcast the live event.

As soon as he heard big news, Zhu Min arrived in 20 minutes and brought equipment and a full-time photographer.

Now Zhu Min has been promoted and has become a senior reporter, equipped with a full-time photographer. Just because the video of catching the thief in the previous two days went viral, it brought a lot of traffic to the TV station.

Coupled with her good looks and good temperament, her personal media account has hundreds of thousands of fans in a few days.

The station leaders are also very realistic, knowing who the audience likes to watch, let who be more exposed, so he arranged for Zhu Min to become a major reporter and have a certain degree of autonomy in shooting. This is considered to be tainted by Chen Hao.

After Zhu Min arrived, she was surprised to learn that Chen Hao was going to distribute 400 million cash on the spot, but she was a reporter after all, and immediately asked the photographer to set up equipment.

She decided to broadcast it live this time. After all, the vast majority of people can't see the big sum of 400 million yuan.

Zhu Min speaks very strongly in the station now, and immediately applied for the live broadcast permission on the second station of the city, and used her own media account to broadcast the live broadcast, leaving suspense in the preview, so that the live broadcast did not start. There will be a certain degree of heat.

After a while, Su Li ran in and asked anxiously: "Mr. Chen, are you ready? I can't comfort myself outside."

"Well, you sit next to me, review the amount of each supplier, and I will send the money." Chen Hao pointed to the seat next to him.

"Okay, okay, is gold found on the spot?"

Su Li was also a little surprised. She looked at the red cloth on the side. It was four cubes. She guessed that there were RMB inside. She sat down while feeling shocked. After calming down, she turned on the computer and prepared to help Chen Hao pay.

"Open the curtains and let them come in one by one!" Chen Hao stood up and shouted, while the photographer turned on the camera on the side, and the live broadcast had already begun.

This time Zhu Min decided to be a bystander. She whispered to the camera to introduce the ins and outs of the incident, which can be regarded as a means to dispel rumors for Zhou International.

The group of security guards opened the curtains, and the scene in the hall was seen outside. The representative of the outside supplier stared at Chen Hao curiously, not knowing what he was going to do.

The first supplier walked in, he followed the instructions to Chen Hao and took out a financial receipt.

"Hello, I am the representative of Heyuan Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and I am here to collect the 1.32 million payment that your company owes us." Dan Pain Novel Network

The supplier representative said politely.

"No problem, Su Li, please verify it. If the amount is correct, report it to me and sign after receiving the money."

After clicking search on the computer, Su Li quickly found the other party's financial transaction information. After verifying the authenticity of the other party's identity, she nodded: "The amount is correct."

"What about the money? Do you transfer money?" the representative asked.

He hadn't realized that what Chen Hao was talking about was cash in banknotes, not cash transfers.

"You take the travel bag on the side and prepare to load the money."

As Chen Hao said, he walked to the back and uncovered the red cloth. The four large piles of pink banknotes underneath suddenly stunned the pharmaceutical company representative.

At the same time, the camera turned to the money, and the photographer, including the photographer, couldn't help but swallowed. With so much cash put together, the scene was quite shocking.

"This, so much money?" the supplier representative murmured.

At the same time, the supplier representatives waiting outside were also in an uproar. No one thought that Chen Hao had placed 400 million cash in the hall in an exaggerated manner and openly distributed the money.

Chen Hao smiled slightly. He enjoyed the reaction of others. No matter how developed and fast online payment is, it lacks the shocking power that original paper money brings to people.

Because these banknotes were arranged neatly, Chen Hao took one hundred and thirty-two bundles and placed them on the table. Like the bank, he asked him to check the authenticity on the spot, and he was not responsible for going out.

It takes a lot of time to check the authenticity of cash, but what Chen Hao cares about now is not time, but shock.

Chen Hao wants to show these people who look at Zhou's International jokes. Zhou's International is backed by him and he is definitely not short of money!

Your own woman’s company should not be slandered by others!

Chen Hao did not urge, but placed a few currency detectors on the long table for the representatives of the pharmaceutical company to do the inspection at will. After the signature was checked, he took the money and left.

For safety reasons, Chen Hao also asked the other party to call more colleagues over to protect the safety of funds.

At this time, Zhu Min came to Chen Hao and whispered: "There is too much cash here, so we must pay more attention to safety."

Chen Hao nodded, worried that someone would be stunned by the 400 million cash and would do something stupid, so he called the security captain Zhou Zhun to come over and watch the scene through a 10 billion subsidy.

They are much more professional than the security guards of Zhou's International. If the supplier's payment is too large, you can ask them to escort them and strive to be foolproof.

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