I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 389: Regaining Confidence

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Beads of sweat broke out on the representative of the pharmaceutical company. He was just a part-time worker. He was a little at a loss when he saw more than one million cash in one go. At the same time, he was also very scared. If something went wrong, he couldn't afford it.

So he asked Chen Hao in a low voice if he could transfer money online.

"No," Chen Hao said categorically, "Either take the cash now, or wait for the normal date to settle the payment. We at Zhou International have no financial problems. Don't be fooled by some gossip. Ask yourself, when we have been working together for so long, when? Don't pay back the arrears?"

It is true that there has been no default. After inquiry, Su Li confirmed that the two companies have been cooperating for more than two years, and there has never been a problem with funding. Their pharmaceutical company was only in a hurry when they were bombarded by rumors throughout the network. They sent people to ask for money. Thinking that Chen Hao would give money so easily, it's just that the money is too "heavy" and the representative dare not take it.

So the representative hurriedly called back to the company for instructions, and took photos of neatly arranged cash and sent them back, so that the leaders could decide.

"Forget it, since Zhou's International can come up with so much cash, it proves that there is no problem with the capital chain. Don't take cash. Just wait a few days for normal payment."

The leader of the pharmaceutical company gave the order, and I have to say that it was a wise decision. Their company is in a neighboring city. This means that they rushed back with more than one million cash. No one dared to guarantee the safety of the cash. Charging off-site fees is not worth the loss.

"Excuse me, sorry, please go through the normal checkout." The medical representative bowed to Chen Hao and left.

Zhu Min gave Chen Hao a thumbs up from the rear, praising him for his brilliant use of this trick. Using so much cash as a background board is more effective than holding ten press conferences, and it can also make these people listen to the wind and rain. The business recognizes the error.

Chen Hao smiled modestly. This is nothing. He didn't contribute much. He just used the various functions of the tens of billions of subsidies. Of course, this also requires a little creativity.

The last representative of the company left, and the second one came in. This 30-year-old male representative came up and took out his credentials, saying that he belonged to the Grey Pigeon Meat Factory, and Zhou's Freshman under Zhou's International owed them. He came to ask for more than 50,000 yuan.

It didn't matter how much it was. After Su Li verified that the amount was true, Chen Hao picked up six piles of millions of dollars and threw them to the other party, asking him to count in the money detector.

This representative was also cautious. He immediately used the money detector to check the money and took a few randomly. Looking at the sun, the anti-counterfeiting signs were all right and the hand felt normal, confirming that they were all genuine money.

"Okay, then I'll take it away."

This person counted 517 hundred-yuan bills, which matched the amount. Originally, he wanted to give Zhou International 13 yuan and seven cents. Chen Hao waved his hand. If he didn't want it, he used it as a representative of the subway ticket.Haha Literature Network www.hahawx.net

This representative was very happy, put the money in the bag, signed his name on the receipt, completed the transaction, and felt at ease.

After he left and went out, he said to the representatives of the other suppliers who surrounded him: "There are hundreds of millions of dollars there. Zhou's International is really a big company. It is not bad for money. If you have less money, you don’t need to spend it here. It's a waste of time."

The representative squeezed away from the crowd, sparking a burst of discussion, and many people's hanging hearts were relieved.

Then the third business representative entered the lobby to collect money, followed by the fourth and fifth.

Among these people, some have more money and some have less money. As long as they are willing to ask for cash, Chen Hao will give it no matter how much.

The most powerful thing is that there was a representative of an enterprise in the city who directly withdrew more than three million yuan in cash to take away, and the currency detector was occupied by him to check the currency. Chen Hao saw that the speed was too slow, so he went from the tens of billions of subsidies. I bought ten currency detectors, and called a few staff members from upstairs to help him check them together, otherwise he would not be able to make a few orders this day.

Everyone has been tossing for a long time. This person verified that most of the funds were all real coins, and the rest felt too wasteful of time, so he randomly checked a dozen of them, all of which were real coins, so he was relieved. He used two large black packages. Qian also asked Chen Hao to send someone to escort him to the location of his company.

This is no problem. Chen Hao upholds the spirit of serving friends and merchants and asked the security captain to send his four fully armed men to escort him to ensure the safety of funds.

This time, due to the large amount of money, it took almost an hour to toss, but everyone saw that there was still a large amount of funds in the hall, and they were relieved, and no one urged.

The representatives of these suppliers outside the door began to call to explain the matter to the company. After receiving the news that Zhou's International was not short of money, they also asked the representatives to withdraw. The small amount of money would not be unpleasant.

In the beginning, one or two left, and then three or four left in groups. The original group of two hundred people for asking for money, before long, sparsely left more than half.

They did not lack the patience to wait, but through this cash distribution, they realized that Zhou's international strength, financial resources, and credibility, so feel free to leave and wait for the normal settlement.

We must know that this run was completely caused by a crisis of trust. After everyone regained their trust, they realized that Zhou's International is a well-known large enterprise in China, and there is no criminal record, and everyone is still willing to believe in its credibility.

One by one, the representatives who had received the cash left, and more people waiting outside, seeing that everyone was able to successfully receive the money, they were relieved and slowly dispersed.

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