You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Back in the community, the two stopped downstairs in the fifth building and saw that only Xing Zetao's room on the second floor was lit, and the rest were all dark.

Chen Hao pointed to the entire 5 buildings and asked, "Which one do you want to live in?"

Only he, a local tyrant who buys a building, is qualified to speak like this.

"Just the top floor, it should be quiet." Zhou Xitong said.

"Okay, just live on the top floor."

Chen Hao happily led her into the unit door. He first went to 101 to get the key to the top floor, and then took the elevator upstairs.

Except for the fingerprint locks on the first and second floors where they often live, the rest of the houses are still ordinary anti-theft doors. Chen Hao took the key to open the lock and turned on the lights in the entrance after entering. He found that the room was a bit empty with only some simple furniture. Even the TV and other electrical appliances have not been provided, and no one has lived here before.

"I'm sorry, the conditions are a bit rudimentary, or else change to the first floor, where the decoration is good." Chen Hao asked her.

"No, I like to be quiet."

Zhou Xitong took the initiative to enter the house, put on slippers, and came to visit the house.

The decoration is nothing good. Compared to Zhou Xitong who lives in the villa, this is an ordinary apartment.

When I came to the most important bedroom, the mattresses and quilts inside were all new, and covered with plastic film.

I haven't been here since I bought the whole building, so a layer of fine dust fell.

Chen Hao opened the tens of billions of subsidies and chose a sweeping robot from it.

Yuan Fu Max sweeping robot, a household ultra-thin smart vacuum cleaner, is priced at 13,000 yuan, with a subsidy price of 8 yuan.

Chen Hao bought it without hesitation.

Chen Hao put the newly bought sweeping robot to work on the ground, while he took Zhou Xitong to the bathroom. There was a bathtub for one person, but it needed to be filled manually.

Mandarin duck bath is the project that Chen Hao has been looking forward to.

"You wash yourself, I took a shower before I came." Zhou Xitong didn't take a bath, but sorted out her makeup in front of the sink.

"Comrade Xiaodingdang, can you change me a bottle of Lancome facial cleanser?" Zhou Xitong asked him with a smile.

This is ridiculous. Of course, Zhou Xitong knows that Chen Hao can easily change the secret of the product, but she has never said it.

Of course, Chen Hao would not refuse. He also realized in his heart that Zhou Xitong might already know some of his magical abilities, but he still had to cover it up properly. He used the excuse to go to the storage room to get it, and then opened the 10 billion subsidy app in the corridor. .

The dazzling array of products in the cosmetics section made Chen Hao dazzled. He didn't understand the distinction. Anyway, he bought them all, and it was the Lancome brand named by Zhou Xitong.

Lancome Pure Perfection Cream 60ml, priced at 2,680 yuan, subsidized price of 5 yuan.

Lancome Cleansing Cleanser 125ml is priced at 790 yuan, with a subsidy price of 1 yuan.

Lancome New Black Gold Nourishing Beauty Serum 150ml, priced at 1520 yuan, subsidized price is 2 yuan.Wenxin School


Chen Hao bought Lancome's daily skin care set all over, and then took it back with a bag full.

"Thank you!"

Zhou Xitong did not show any surprise at the full Lancome hidden in Chen Hao's family. She unscrewed the lid and started using it.

Zhou Xitong did not apply pink powder today, but used facial cleanser to clean her skin. The lack of maintenance in the hospital these days, she felt a little dry face.

But Chen Hao couldn't wait any longer. He took his bath towels and went into the bathroom, only one door away from the bathroom where Zhou Xitong was.

A man takes a bath quickly. When Chen Hao came out of the bathroom, Zhou Xitong still smeared in front of the mirror. The process of women’s skin care and maintenance was quite cumbersome. He observed for a while. With this level of complexity, Chen Hao felt that he would never learn. meeting.

Chen Hao walked behind Zhou Xitong, looked at the charming girlfriend in the mirror, and wrapped her hands around her belly.

There is no trace of fat on Zhou Xitong's belly. Chen Hao had to sigh that the Creator is really amazing. How could there be such a beautiful, good-looking, and capable woman in the world, even the fairies in the sky.

"You must blow dry your hair, otherwise you will catch a cold."

Zhou Xitong put down her cosmetics, but used the Dyson hair dryer that Chen Hao brought to dry his hair carefully. The gentle look made Chen Hao very relaxed.

"Tong Tong, you are so kind."

Chen Haoqing couldn't help complimenting her, his girlfriend's technique was light and gentle, and the warm air of the hair dryer made people sleepy.

"You too." Zhou Xitong responded.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

"Okay, blow dry." Zhou Xitong turned off the hair dryer, took out a small mirror, and let Chen Hao see how his hairstyle was.


Chen Hao hurriedly turned around and couldn't wait to turn around. The two looked at each other, suddenly there was no words, and the ambiguity continued to rise.

Chen Hao picked up Zhou Xitong’s legs with a sharp heart, and hugged her into the bedroom. The two lay on a brand new mattress. There was nothing to disturb them, and this was the top floor. They could indulge and no one would listen. To.

Between ears and temples, Chen Hao started the daily activity of "peeling onions" in winter, peeling off Zhou Xitong's clothes one by one. This is not good in winter, and the process is too cumbersome.

But after peeling it to the last layer, Chen Hao's eyes suddenly became hot and he found a surprise. Zhou Xitong actually wore the Victoria's Secret suit he sold her. He was jeweled and looked like a queen.

No need to ask, this must be Zhou Xitong's preparations, specially put on to find him, as Chen Hao's closest girlfriend, of course knows what his boyfriend likes.

"Tong Tong, you are so beautiful!" Chen Hao praised.

"You are handsome too." Zhou Xitong responded with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Hao couldn't bear it, and immediately pushed aside the last layer of "onion", and rushed up (57308 words are omitted here).

The night is long and I don’t want to sleep. On the top floors of the 5 buildings in the Emerald Garden Community, the lights are on all night...

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