I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 393: This Friend Is Very Funny

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!The next day, Chen Hao was still woken up by the phone alarm he had set. He felt heavy on his eyelids, as if it hadn't been long before he fell asleep.

Chen Hao squinted his eyes and pressed the alarm, but he also remembered the revenge plan set yesterday, so he endured his sleepiness and activated the prepared tax check card, and the goal set was Guan Yunchang.

This is not over yet. Chen Hao sent another message to reporter Zhu Min, asking him to pay attention to the tax evasion incident of the Woodpecker Group.

After finishing all these arrangements, Chen Hao was still very casual, looking at Zhou Xitong, who was sleeping like a little white sheep in his arms, the most correct decision was to continue to hug his girlfriend to sleep.

I slept well this time, and the two were awakened by the roar of hungry stomachs, to be precise.

"Oh, it's 12 noon, why is it so late!"

Zhou Xitong couldn't help being a little flustered after seeing the time, but she rarely got up so late, and hurried to pack the clothes on the floor and put it on her body.

Chen Hao couldn't sleep on the bed anymore. When he got up, he saw that the newly laid sheets yesterday were messy, wrinkled and dirty, and there were many unidentified dry stains.

Chen Hao directly rounded up the sheets and threw them into the trash can, and then bought the same money from the tens of billions of subsidies to put them on, and it was clean.

However, there are still a lot of paper balls and a few torn small square plastic packages on the ground. I had too much fun last night, so I threw them everywhere.

Wearing rubber gloves, Chen Hao cleaned the ground once, then opened the window and sprayed air freshener again, which finally gave the house a new look.

He came to the washroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face with Zhou Xitong. Zhou Xitong did not forget to put some skin care products on his face, and he took care of it very well.

When the two looked at each other, they both thought of the madness of last night. Zhou Xitong couldn't help blushing. Now she was blushing and heartbeat when she thought of it. At that time, she was like a different person, wild and outrageous.

Maybe, that is her potential self.

Because it was a bit late, the two went out together after a simple wash.

Chen Hao pressed the elevator to the first floor, but it stopped on the second floor. As soon as the door opened, Xing Zetao met them, and all three of them were stunned.

At this size, there are two households living in the whole house, and they got together. To say that the fat boy Xing Zetao is lazy, and he has to take the elevator on the second floor.

"Let me introduce, this is my good brother Xing Zetao, this is..."

Chen Hao is still introducing, Xing Zetao has already reacted, and immediately smiled: "I know, this is sister-in-law, hello sister-in-law Zhou!"

Xing Zetao made a strange salute to Zhou Xitong.

Zhou Xitong was also amused, and said to Chen Hao: "Your friend is very interesting." China Novel Library www.cnxsku.net


Xing Zetao laughed at himself, then got into the elevator and went down to the first floor together.

Xing Zetao went to a French restaurant for lunch, which can be said to be breakfast, because he also just woke up, and it was highly coincident with Chen Hao's biological clock today.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were also hungry, so they went to the restaurant to eat together.

When we arrived at the French restaurant, the chef Xia Jing was also there, and saw Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao coming together, and he didn't go to bed at night last night, and Zhou Xitong looked radiant.

Relying on the woman's unique self-consciousness, Xia Jing realized that the two were awkward and couldn't help pouting her mouth, making the baby unhappy.

"Funny guy, big carrot, big fool!"

Xia Jing was in the background, holding a kitchen knife, chopped randomly at a white radish on the cutting board, using the radish as a punching bag.

After venting, Xia Jing was in a much better mood, but she felt disappointed.

Indeed, what she said just now is not true. Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong are all you wish and no one has the right to interfere, and Xia Jing herself is just a single dog with unrequited love.

But she won't give up, slapping her cheeks to cheer herself up, and soon regained her vitality. She wants to show her perfect form in front of Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong.

A smart man should choose the better one himself!

Women are good at disguising. When Xia Jing personally came to serve the food, her face had already changed into a spring-like smile, and she took the initiative to greet Zhou Xitong and welcome the visit of rare customers.

"Hello, Chef Xia." Zhou Xitong also responded with everyone's demeanor.

Chen Hao let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xia Jing didn't make a moth today. She seemed to be sensible, not a wayward mind, otherwise everyone would not be able to come to stage.

During this meal, Zhou Xitong had a full understanding of Chen Hao’s friends. She found that Xing Zetao, an otaku, was quite interesting, so she whispered to Chen Hao: “People say things are divided into groups. You and Xing Zetao have such a relationship. Okay, isn't it that funny too?"

"What kind of person I am, you should know best. Didn't we talk all night long yesterday." Chen Hao raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Xitong's face was calm, and now she understood Chen Hao's temperament. She had been able to deal with this kind of embarrassing joke without being surprised and calm, and would not feel as embarrassed and uncomfortable as at first.

The two were whispering, but Xing Zetao, a single dog, was not happy. After eating a few bites, he was fed a mouthful of dog food. He immediately pretended that his friend asked him to play gangster games and went away.

"Call if there is a problem." Chen Hao said to Xing Zetao, he was referring to what the two had agreed upon.

"OK." Xing Zetao made a gesture, and then left without looking back.

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