You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The heroine stared at Chen Hao with bright eyes, and this scared box made her re-examine Chen Hao.

The heroine suddenly said: "I don't need wine, since you are so funny, then I want to make a deal with you!"

"What deal?" Chen Hao asked.

"You have to accompany me back to my hometown and pretend to be my new boyfriend to deal with the parents. Of course, I won't let you accompany you in vain. I will pay you." The female hero said shockingly.

"What a joke!"

Chen Hao flatly refused, never expecting that she would make such an unreasonable request.

"I am very busy and don't have time to play with you. If you need this, there is a special vacation boyfriend project on Taobao. You can spend money and hire any type." Chen Hao suggested.

"But other men are not as interesting as you. You are the first person who can make me happy, even though you are a bit rascal." The female hero couldn't tell her praise.

Chen Hao was not interested in this transaction, so he greeted him and turned to leave.

"Hey, I'm not hiring you for nothing, I will pay you 200 per day." She chased after.

"I am not short of money."

Of course, Chen Hao will not be short of money. The most important thing is that he has Zhou Xitong, and he will be a boyfriend for another woman. It is impossible to justify it, nor can it be pretended.

"If you don't need money, I can use other wages. You must be interested."

Her footsteps were much faster than Chen Hao, and she jumped in front of Chen Hao in a few strokes

"Sorry, I am not interested in anything."

Chen Hao also learned to set a flag with others, and talked too much.

"is it?"

Xia Nu's eyes narrowed, she could see that she was smiling, and then she fumbled for a while in her gray coat and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

"Let's take a look, if you are not interested after reading, then I turn around and leave!" said the heroine.

With that said, Chen Hao picked it up and looked at it. As a result, he performed the classic "True Fragrance" drama by the great Eastern philosopher Wang Jingze. In a blink of an eye, he asked Xia Nu, where did this file come from, and are there any others?

The heroine said: "Of course, I have a full set of documents. If I want to, I promise to pretend to be my boyfriend, and then this document is packaged and sent to you." Le Kan Novel

Chen Hao suddenly fell into entanglement. On the one hand, there were documents, and on the other hand, it was really dilemma to pretend to be her boyfriend.

The reason why a piece of paper moved Chen Hao was because it was something he desperately needed.

What Chen Hao saw was a page in the secret account book of Woodpecker Group. Many of the transactions involved were illegal products that were explicitly prohibited by law. Each item recorded the transaction date, amount, merchant and other information in detail, and the content was quite explosive.

If the female hero had a complete set of accounting documents, it would be enough to make the Woodpecker Group go bankrupt and liquidate. For a company that violated many laws and regulations, the relevant departments are determined to deal with it severely and let it shut down.

Because Guan Yunchang bullied others and tried to use force to leave the two in the hotel, this Liangzi couldn’t reconcile. Chen Hao once vowed to avenge his revenge. This is the primary contradiction, compared to accompanying the masked female heroine to go home. It's not a big deal to take a fake boyfriend.

"You let me think about it."

Chen Hao wanted to go back and discuss it with Zhou Xitong. After all, he and she were genuine girlfriends. If she disagrees, Chen Hao intends to refuse, not to make his girlfriend unhappy.

"You are still not a man, so mother-in-law, I will give you three counts, and if I disagree, I will immediately burn the evidence!"

The heroine actually came to the hardcore to force the palace, and began to count down: "3, 2, 1..."

Said this aroused Chen Hao's masculinity. Indeed, there is a saying on the rivers and lakes called "children have long love, heroes are short of breath." After Zhou Xitong, there are more worries, far less determined than the previous bachelors.

"Okay, I promise you, but I want to declare first that it's okay to pretend to be a boyfriend, but it's only for one day, and you can't have too close physical contact."

Chen Hao also got angry and directly agreed to the deal.

"Think beautifully, this fairy Bingqingyujie, who wants to have physical contact with you! We are just an employment relationship." The female hero "hummed".

"That's good. If you agree, the deal will be done." Chen Hao stretched out his hand.

The heroine was startled, stretched out her sleeves from under the gray robe, and shook hands with Chen Hao.

Chen Hao found out that there were calluses on her hands and her skin was not very tender. It should have been worn out by long-term whip practice. She was really a hard-working girl.

I have to admit that although Comrade Female Swordsman is almost physically stamina, she is really playing with the whip. If it weren't for the five-bird show, Chen Hao would have been drawn into a Muggle by her.

"You have to show me the other parts of the document. I am worried that you only have this page." To be on the safe side, Chen Hao still has to inspect the goods first.

"When did my chivalrous girl deceive people?"

The heroine was very disdainful. When she flipped her wrist, she found an extra female phone with a red casing in her hand. She clicked on the phone album and handed it to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is a bit strange. The phone case is worn out, and the screen size is only 5 inches. It should be an old model a few years ago. She steals famous wines to open the safe. She should not be short of money. Why is it still used so old? Phone?

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