I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 407 The Real Name of Xia Girl

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!However, it doesn't matter whether the mobile phone is old or new. He flipped through the photo album and his eyes lit up. The documents and photos taken above all involved Guan Yunchang's criminal evidence, and the evidence was detailed.

Chen Hao deliberately picked one of them, searched on the Internet, and found relevant news.

That was a newsletter from Woodpecker Group buying agricultural products abroad. In fact, in the container, the surface layer is potatoes, and the rest are foreign garbage.

We must know that the country has explicitly banned the import of foreign garbage, but the Woodpecker Group violated the regulations for self-interest. This is a deadly act. As long as it explodes, it will definitely not be able to eat it.

And foreign trash is only the tip of the iceberg. In dozens of photos taken, there are all similar cases, and even some codebooks written in code words, which are suspected of giving gifts and accepting bribes.

Chen Hao couldn't understand it, but only by looking for an insider, he would surely be able to decipher it. This is the record of Guan Yunchang's evil, the evidence that can really make him last forever.

However, the evidence came too strange. It stands to reason that Guan Yunchang should protect the document as a lifeblood. How could it be in the hands of this heroine, and she knew clearly that she needed this evidence.

Chen Hao asked the question in his mind. He wanted to obtain more information to verify the authenticity of this evidence. After all, this thing can be forged.

"It's very simple," the heroine whispered, "Don't think I'm a despicable thief. In fact, I am a robber. I don't steal from poor people. I steal from corrupt officials and unscrupulous businessmen. You also know what virtue is Guan Yunchang. When I went to steal him, I copied this information handily. This is a photocopy."

Reminiscing that the three-proof safes she had spent a lot of money on were easily broken by her, Chen Hao felt that Xia Nu's words were highly credible.

Chen Hao then asked why she would steal her home, he was not a profiteer, and why the heroine knew she wanted to deal with Guan Yunchang.

"It was purely an accident to steal alcohol from your house. I heard that a young man bought an entire building when I was passing by, so I thought about it. The rich young people in this era are dudes, so I stepped on it secretly. Observing, I found that you have a lot of luxury cars, and there are always beauties around you. I believe that you are a rich second-generation ignorant, so I sneaked into and stole the wine. I couldn’t move them all at once, and went again the next day. I ran into you."

"As for why I know the grudge between you and Guan Yunchang, it's even simpler, because I'm mad at being tricked by you. You are the first man who dares to be so unreasonable to me. I want to get revenge. , So I followed you secretly, only to find that you don’t seem to be a dude, and then when I went to Yunyang with me, something happened at the Kaihua Hotel. Because I stole the wrong person, I was also at fault, so I’ll save you once, even if it’s Evened out."

What happened later, I don’t need to talk about it. The heroine must have been angry, and then sneaked into Chen Hao’s house and wanted to do some pranks, but found the whistle in the safe, and then took it away, asked Chen Hao to come to the ruined building, and hit it. Pause.

This is the cause and effect. It is reasonable, tightly closed, and perfectly logically closed. This should not be false.652 Literature Network www.652txt.com

Chen Hao scoffed at what she claimed to be a thief. These days, a thief is a thief, and that is illegal. No matter who you are stealing, if you are caught, the police will go to jail regardless of whether you rob the rich or help the poor.

However, after this contact, Chen Hao found that the heroine was quite innocent. In other words, she was naive, but she did not know the heinous and greedy thieves. As long as she is properly educated, she can still be reformed. .

Now Chen Hao can basically confirm that this evidence is true, so he asked her when to accompany her home. It is best to go home as soon as possible. He doesn't want to get revenge too late.

"Hey, are you in such a hurry to be my boyfriend?" The female hero suddenly smiled.

"I solemnly declare that I am pretending to be my boyfriend, and you must never act in real terms." Chen Hao reminded her.

"I found that you are really affectionate. I'm a magnificent Thieves Flower Dancer. I will really do fake dramas to you. Let's dream. Is it great to be handsome? There are more people chasing me."

Hua Wu was still laughing just now, and now she is playing a little temperament, her childish thoughts can be seen.

Chen Hao didn't try to stimulate her either. Instead, he got an important message from her words: "Your name is Huawu? China's Hua, is it one, two, three, four, five?"

"Who would call such a bad name!"

Hua Wu expressed indignation and expressed concern about Chen Hao's language proficiency.

"Since you are going to pretend to be my boyfriend, then I will tell you my real name. I am the most outstanding disciple of the Nanlin Hua Family, Hua Wu! Flower of flowers, dance of dance!"

"Hua Wu, such a beautiful name." Chen Hao sighed.

"Of course, this is the name I changed at the police station. It turned out that my grandfather named me Hua Zhongkui according to the genealogy. He said that it is about to be the same as Hua Zhongkui, which is terrible."

Hua Wu meant to show off her name a bit, and even changed her name. It seems that Hua Wu is a little bit perverted and self-defeating. It is estimated that she will not get along well with her family.

Just think about it, a good girl will not steal things all day long, even if she is robbing the rich and helping the poor.

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