You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The wine is almost finished, and the dishes are only leftovers. The dinner is finally over.

When the three of them stood up, Chen Hao, who was drinking well, was okay. The two ladies were blushing, and they walked a little shaky.

"You slow down." Chen Hao hurried over, holding a lady's arm with one hand.

When Xia Jing saw this situation, she clamped her arms directly, and put her arm around Chen Hao as a support. Zhu Min on the other side found it difficult to walk, and she still had the taste of a boy she missed so much, under the influence of alcohol. , Naturally followed instinct and encircled Chen Hao's other arm.

Chen Hao was immediately astonished. There was a beautiful woman on his arm, which seemed unsightly, but now the two were drunk and couldn't leave it alone. Perhaps this was the safest way to support them, lest they walk and fall on their own.

With two beautiful women hanging on Chen Hao's arms, he walked out of the box like this. At this time, there were no customers in the restaurant and it should be closed, but the boss banished the guests here, and the guys didn't leave.

When Chen Hao came out, the male waiters present immediately straightened their eyes and swallowed enviously. As men, huging left and right is a lifelong pursuit.

And for the big beauties like Xia Jing and Zhu Min, if there is one who can be his girlfriend, he would burn a lot of incense in his previous life, and now Chen Hao has one on his side. It seems that the two girls intend to take the initiative to get closer. Shame others.

"Niu! You deserve to be the boss, you can enjoy the blessings of Qi people."

"Even Chef Xia has fallen into the charm of the boss, and my youth is over."

These waiters have different mentalities, either envy, sorrow, or even a little bit of jealousy.

"You can also pack up and get off work. Thanks for your hard get off work today, let Xia Jing each send you a red envelope."

Chen Hao's words made these waiters happy, and they were all overwhelmed by Chen Hao's arrogance and charisma. They were still jealous.

Chen Hao helped the two beauties to the outside of the restaurant, and was blown by the cold wind. It was a little bit cold. The two women hugged tighter, and they were about to drill into Chen Hao's arms.

Chen Hao hurriedly took them to the car. A guy would come and help open the door of the Rolls-Royce. Chen Hao helped both beauties in the back seat and went to the front row to drive.

Although he drank alcohol, Chen Hao thought he was sober and didn't bother to find a substitute driver, so he drove Zhu Min home first.

When I arrived at the gate of the community where Zhu Min lived, she found that Zhu Min had fallen asleep. She was half lying in Xia Jing's arms. Xia Jing called twice and shook her, but she did not respond.

This was embarrassing. Chen Hao didn't even know her room number, so he couldn't send her back to the room. Moreover, such a drunk beauty threw her at home, and no one took care of her when something happened, so she was not at ease.

"Boss, just take Reporter Zhu back to China Garden. I live in my villa. There are many rooms. I will take care of her." Xia Jing made a suggestion.


Chen Hao felt that this was a reliable idea, so he turned around and headed to his China Garden.Haoyi Novel

When I arrived at the China Garden, it was already over ten in the evening.

Xia Jing was okay. She woke up a little while in the car and was able to act on her own, but Zhu Min drank too much, or had a bad drink, and she was still asleep, sleeping peacefully like a baby.

Xia Jing's small body can't drag a drunk person, so Chen Hao can only do it himself.

He hugged Zhu Min horizontally, and Xia Jing took their bags and jackets from behind, and came to the cartoon villa carefully built by her.

As soon as he walked in, Chen Hao found that there were a few more than one-meter-high cartoon dolls in Xia Jing's living room. They were the full-length models of the Monkey King in Nezha Demon Boy's Coming to the World and The Return of the Great Sage.

"Isn't it cheap?" Chen Hao asked casually as he went upstairs with Zhu Min in his arms.

"It's okay, it's tens of thousands a single one." Xia Jing answered ordinary.

Chen Hao was funny. Xia Jing is now a rich little woman. There are tens of thousands of cartoon models that you can buy. The red envelopes you usually give her are used here.

However, everyone has their own hobbies, and Chen Hao does not comment.

When he came to the bedroom upstairs, Xia Jing pointed to a bedroom and said, "Let her sleep in this room. They are all new beds. I haven't lived in them. It's not a bad treatment for a major reporter."

Chen Hao entered this bedroom with Zhu Min in his arms, and found that it was the theme room of Finding Nemo, which was predominantly in azure tone. Various cartoon marine creature dolls were vivid, and even the quilts were clownfish patterns.

Xia Jing really knows how to play.

Chen Hao put Zhu Min on the head of the bed. Such a big beauty was like a virgin body. Chen Hao then asked Xia Jing to take care of her. He wanted to leave.

"Hey, reporter Zhu Da is so beautiful, and he is asleep again. I can go out for half an hour and give you some time." Xia Jing raised her eyebrows suddenly, giving Chen Hao a bad idea.

"What a joke!"

Chen Hao glared at her sharply, making all the jokes.

Not to mention that Zhu Min's background is unfathomable, he is a girl of ordinary people, and he will not do nasty things while drunk.

A big man has something to do and something wrong, and he must be worthy of his conscience.

"I'm testing whether you have the courage, it seems you are as timid as a mouse."

Xia Jing laughed. She felt that she was amused by Chen Hao every day.

Maybe this is a cycle. Chen Hao likes to tease Zhou Xitong, who is traditionally unsmiling, and Xia Jing, a quirky girl likes to tease him. It really is a bit of tofu in brine.

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