You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Naughty, you also hurry up and rest."

Chen Hao’s admonition was obviously ineffective. As soon as Chen Hao stepped out of the room, Xia Jing leaned on the door frame, looking at his back, and shouted: "Why don't you stay with me to sleep, my Disney theme? The room is for you."

Chen Hao would definitely not stay here, and went straight out without answering.

"Huh, there is a guy with a guilty heart."

Xia Jing snorted dissatisfiedly, looked back at Zhu Min who was asleep on the bed, and couldn't help but sighed depressed. She wanted to live in the same room with her sweetheart instead of the new female reporter.

However, Xia Jingren is still very kind. He walked to the bed to help Zhu Min remove his coat and shoes, then the woolen sweater. There is floor heating in the house, and it won’t be cold in winter. It’s uncomfortable to sleep in thick clothes, so you have to Take off.

When she took off Zhu Min’s woolen sweater, she was not awake, because the clothes and hair rubbed when she took off the woolen sweater, so that after taking off the sweater, Zhu Min’s hair was messed up by static electricity, like a bird’s nest, which caused Xia Jing. Giggled.

She is a naughty guy, not only likes to tease Chen Hao, even the female companions around her.

After removing the woolen sweater, Xia Jing was a little surprised: "The Enrifang who actually wore a collection of styles, is it tasteful?"

However, Xia Jing immediately said with some pride: "After wearing it, I still don't have it. Chen Hao still chooses me as the highest priority."

Xia Jing removed Zhu Min's trousers again and let her sleep in the most intimate clothes, which would be more comfortable.

There is no need to sleep with fruit. Although Xia Jing often sleeps with fruit and has a high quality of sleep, some girls are especially concerned about privacy. Xia Jing left reporter Zhu Da’s last personal clothes.

Xia Jing temporarily left the room, waited for her to freshen up and dress herself, and came back to see Zhu Min before going to bed. She still lay quietly, as before leaving, sleeping very well.

Xia Jing sincerely admires this. She herself has a poor sleeping condition. Every time after falling asleep, she wakes up in a mess, and often falls under the bed. She is very envious of people who sleep well.

She took out the comb and simply combed Zhu Min's messy hair. Zhu Min looked like a beautiful girl again. After all, they were all friends. Xia Jing would not let her sleep sloppyly.

Before Xia Jing left, she turned off the light in the room for Zhu Min, and then went back to her room to sleep.

The next morning, Zhu Min was awake by the sunlight shining through the gaps in the curtains. She squinted her eyes to block the light with the back of her hand, and then opened her eyes after adapting.

When she could see the surrounding situation clearly, she stayed, surrounded by cartoon scenes like the ocean, and the beds around her also had the same matching patterns, just like in the dream.

"This dream is quite real, so childish." 8090 Chinese

Zhu Min was very happy to have such a beautiful dream. He sat up from the side of the bed, but when the quilt slipped off his body, he saw his white shoulders.

A hint of coolness made Zhu Min sober. Although there was floor heating in this room, the cold wind from the window in winter made the room temperature a bit cooler. This let her know that this was not a dream.


Zhu Min suddenly screamed. A woman woke up in an unfamiliar room, wearing only close-fitting clothes. It was hard not to remind her of bad things.

At this time the door of the room suddenly opened, and Xia Jing smiled and walked in with a stack of new clothes and said: "You are sleeping well, put on your clothes and get up quickly."

When Zhu Min saw Xia Jing, his memory came to mind. He remembered that the three of them drank in the restaurant last night, but later they couldn't remember. They really drank too much.

Zhu Min took the quilt to cover her body, feeling embarrassed and said, "Is this your home? Thank you for bringing me back."

"It's my house, but our boss brought you back. He also carried you upstairs with the princess until he put you on the bed."

"Ah! Is it Chen Hao? He, he..."

Zhu Min suddenly felt a little flustered. She lowered her head to look at herself in the quilt unconfidently. Could it be that Chen Hao helped her change the clothes?

Seeing Zhu Min's nervousness, Xia Jing's old problem of teasing people has committed again, and immediately said: "Yes, he carried you upstairs, and then, your clothes..."

Xia Jing deliberately stretched the tone and sold it, her eyes were very warm, deliberately leading Zhu Min to crooked.

Obviously, Zhu Min didn't understand Xia Jing's personality, so he was fooled all of a sudden, and his expression was strange.

Thinking that she might have been watched by Chen Hao while changing clothes, she reached out into the quilt and touched her body. She didn't seem to feel anything unusual, and there seemed to be no sign of being violated. Immediately relieved.

But at this time, thinking of the clothes Chen Hao helped her take off, I felt flustered and confused, a little embarrassed, and some anxiety and anticipation. The anxiety was that I was drunk and might be very embarrassed and destroyed my image. As for what I expected, I couldn’t. And got it.

"I changed your clothes for you!" Xia Jing finished the sentence at this time.

Zhu Min blinked and suddenly said, "Did you change the clothes for me?"

"Yeah, is it possible that you thought that our boss took you naked? Oh my God, no? Tell me quickly, you just mistakenly thought that our boss did it, how did it feel, was it disgusting, or angry? Or is it shy and hopeful?"

Xia Jing leaned over and asked thief.

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