I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 416 The Perfect Girlfriend

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Realizing that she had been shaved by Xia Jing, Zhu Min returned to her usual calmness. Looking at the clothes on the side, she thought of getting up.

"Your clothes smelled of alcohol yesterday. I asked the nanny to take them for dry cleaning. Our boss specially prepared new clothes for you. From the inside out, he specially handed them to me to wear them. Our boss It’s better to you than to me."

Xia Jing smiled and decided not to make a joke, so she gave her the new stack of clothes and let her wear it herself. Before leaving, she also pointed out the location of the bathroom, and prepared new towels and toiletries for her to use as she pleased.

When Xia Jing left, Zhu Min let out a long sigh of relief, holding her shoulders with her arms, thinking about the misunderstanding just now, and suddenly lost her mind. If it was really Chen Hao who helped her undress, what would she do?

Are you angry?It doesn't seem to be, after all, he didn't do anything to himself, which was kind.

Worried?What are you worried about? Is it because Chen Hao dislikes his figure and sleeping face?

Zhu Min's face turned red all of a sudden, he slapped his cheeks and said to himself: "Zhu Min, what are you thinking, how can you have such a shameful thought!"

Zhu Min looked at the clothes on the side and found that it was an Enrifang brand collection again. Chen Hao seemed to remember her preferences. In addition, this pile of clothes had everything from socks and fleece, and even two sets of different colors and styles. It means to let her choose by herself, which is really considerate.

Zhu Min was moved by such a careful action, a heart that could not stop throbbing, after a while, he slowly began to dress.

After Zhu Min came out of the room, she was shocked by the cartoon decoration style of the entire villa. Such a characteristic and luxurious villa is the only one she has seen in her life.

After she went to wash up and went downstairs, she saw a fragrant breakfast on the dining table in the hall, which was also Xia Jing's handwriting.

"Hurry up and eat. The boss and I have finished eating. After eating, we strive to leave before 8 o'clock. The boss will send us to work so that you will not be late." Xia Jing said.

Zhu Min sat down and took a bite of the steamed buns. The sesame oil filled his mouth. The meat and noodles were mixed together. It was very delicious. It was a hundred times more delicious than the buns at a certain Buli Baozi shop on the news.

Of course, this analogy is a bit exaggerated, but Zhu Min liked the taste of this bun very much and ate five of them in one breath.

Zhu Min couldn't help but feel so moved. Such a scene is so warm, and he can only feel it when he is at home.

Zhu Min couldn't help but crave this feeling.

After eating a few bites of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Zhu Min asked Xia Jing, who was cleaning the cartoon figure in the room, "I want to ask, is Chen Hao so good to anyone?"

Xia Jing said: "Almost, our girls here are taken care of by the boss. They make more money than outside. They don't have to be angry. They often give gifts such as brand-name bags and cosmetics. This is a benefit that you can't enjoy when working elsewhere."

"Really good." Zhu Min praised.

"But, don't you fall in love with our boss, you should know, he has a girlfriend, looks, so-so, stature, and not as good as me, so he is slightly richer than me, except for that There is no strength outside, but our boss is confused by her and now likes her very much.” 360 Literature Network www.360wxw.com

Xia Jing seemed to have found the person who confided in her heart, and she uttered what she was thinking. Of course, she made exaggerated rhetoric in it.

Zhu Min wanted to laugh a little bit. Xia Jing's narcissism was not a little bit. She realized from this sentence that Xia Jing also liked Chen Hao.

But when she just thought of this, her complexion changed, and she asked herself: "Why did I think of the word'ye'? Could it be..."

Zhu Min didn't dare to think further.

After eating, Xia Jing threw the dishes into the dishwasher, and set off with Zhu Min. After arriving at the parking lot, Chen Hao was already waiting for them.

The car he drove today was a Hummer, and he liked this hardcore style car best.

"How was your sleep yesterday?" Chen Hao asked, turning his head from the driving position.

"It's okay." Zhu Min was embarrassed to say something she had misunderstood.

"Thank you for taking in, and this suit." Zhu Min thanked.

"You're welcome, don't think that I brought you back without authorization." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Where, Xia Jing's residence is so beautiful, I like it very much, maybe I will come to bother frequently in the future."

Zhu Min talked and laughed happily, and had restored his former temperament.

"Welcome, or I'm just a lonely girl every day, it's boring, you can chat with me to relieve boredom."

Xia Jing expressed her welcome. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it would be great to have a female partner who could talk and was not a rival in love, so she urged Zhu Min to quit her rented house and come to the China Garden to live with her. Anyway, there were enough rooms. , Let her choose.

Chen Hao didn't say anything when he heard this. Zhu Min's mysterious background was very strong, and Xia Jing's invitation was just right. If he came to invite, he might be mistaken for some kind of attempt.

If Zhu Min is unwilling to come, there is no loss, just express their hospitality.

"It's a bit sudden, let me think about it, okay?"

Zhu Min didn't make a decision for the time being, mainly because he and Xia Jing knew each other, and they didn't fully understand each other.

"Well, you are always welcome at my house." Xia Jing smiled like a flower.

After a day of contact, she also fell in love with Zhu Min's character. She was not annoyed if she was teased, and she was willing to listen to her, speak softly, and did not show any unreasonable thoughts about Chen Hao. She was simply a perfect girlfriend.

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