You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Zhu Min suddenly noticed a problem and whispered in Xia Jing's ear quietly: "I want to ask a question. The China Garden should belong to Chen Hao. Did you buy your cartoon-style villa separately?"

Xia Jing explained: "It's the dormitory our boss gave me free of charge. Our boss is very generous, and he especially spoils me. He gave me pocket money to remodel the house at will. I am the boss's favorite... subordinate."

Zhu Min couldn't help but look at Chen Hao, who was driving forward. He didn't quite understand. Is he too generous or too affectionate and treats every woman so well?

In the city, Chen Hao was the first to send Zhu Min to the TV station. She got out of the car and waved goodbye to the two people in the car.

Then the car drove away, and Chen Hao sent Xia Jing to the restaurant, and then he was going to be busy.

Chen Hao didn't go to his company, but drove on the highway. He was going to the provincial city of Yunyang to personally verify what Zhu Min's family background was.

Yesterday, after eavesdropping on her conversation, Zhu Min has asked her father to pay attention to the Woodpecker Group. Chen Hao wants to go to the group site to see how well the execution is.

He urgently wanted to know whether it was Zhu Min's mysterious father or the housekeeper.

If Zhu Min's father is good, then he will see his enemies slumped with his own eyes. There is nothing better than this, and if the butler is better, then he needs to think of other ways.

Driving all the way, Chen Hao came to the provincial capital again and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Last time it was Yunyang, who was chased out by the steward all the way, and when he came back, he was watching how Yunchang fell. It was really 30 years in the east and 30 years in the Hexi.

Chen Hao drove directly to the Woodpecker Group and found that it was deserted a lot, the endless stream of customers disappeared, and the reporters who were onlookers disappeared. Only some passing vehicles and pedestrians came and went in a hurry.

Chen Hao stopped on the side of the road and waited to see the changes here. He planned to stay in the provincial capital for a day or two. If there is no change during the period, he thinks Zhu Min’s father is not as strong as the housekeeper, or he is unwilling to offend them. , If there is a change, it will be fun.

Of course, Chen Hao was not idle either. He took out his mobile phone and opened the tens of billions of subsidies to see if there were any novelties.

The item did not see magical things like whistle and blank title certificate, but found a newly opened game zone.

As the name suggests, there are some small games in the game zone, but now in the testing session, there is only one game called "Happy Beat".Love Bookstore

The content of the game is a cartoon ball. Players need to touch the screen, or tap, or slide according to the music rhythm. Through various gestures, the ball will jump or roll to cross various obstacles. Similar to music games such as qq sound speed, it is just a cartoon game with a horizontal version.

Chen Hao doesn't play games very often, but the game description says something that Chen Hao cares about: "During the closed beta, the world's first full S-rated passer will receive a special reward. The time limit is 15 days and the challenge can be repeated."

Chen Hao has verified countless times. The rewards of the tens of billions of subsidies in the special edition are very magical and useful. You can get rewards by playing games. This kind of good thing is not to be missed. Anyway, it is waiting now. He will start playing games and try to get through prize.

The first level is very simple, and the music rhythm is very slow. Chen Hao passed the level with two taps of his thumb casually according to the music. It was still S-rated and unlocked the next level.

After each level of the game is over, it will be scored according to the player's performance, with the highest S, followed by ABCD. If a mistake is made, the END subtitle will pop up, and the challenge will fail.

"this one?"

Chen Hao feels that this game is too simple. According to the description, there are a total of 10 levels, and it is estimated that the level can be cleared in ten minutes.

Chen Hao then clicked "Next Level" and came to the second level.

As a result, the painting style of this level has changed suddenly, the music rhythm has been much faster, and new obstacles have appeared. In some places, you have to jump several times, and in some places, you have to hold the screen and roll through the gap, which increases the difficulty More than a few times.

Chen Hao suddenly felt that his fingers weren't enough and his hands were in a hurry, but his reaction speed was not bad. Finally, after 1 minute of game time, the ball passed the finish line smoothly.

However, Chen Hao did not perform very well at this level. A few clicks did not fit the drumbeat and only got a B-level evaluation.

To get rewards for this game, you must have all S evaluations, and B grades are nothing.

Fortunately, the game can be challenged indefinitely, and Chen Hao can continue to challenge the second level until he reaches the S-level evaluation.

However, Chen Hao still chooses the next level, wanting to see what the next level is like in order to understand the game better.

At the beginning of the third level, it was a super-difficult long jump. The music was not as fast as that simple, but suddenly accelerated, suddenly slowed down, just like "Uneasy" and soothing "Llullaby" joined together, making Chen Hao the whole People's rhythm is all messed up.

He cramped his fingers on the screen, and finally made a mistake. The cartoon ball fell into a nail trap and shattered. A big "END" popped up on the screen, and the challenge failed.

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