You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The fifth level is more difficult than before, but Qiu Yanan reacts very quickly, always turning things around at the very moment of his life, and also performing many incredible actions, such as double jumping in the air. After one minute, the cartoon ball passed smoothly. At the end, she won again, but this time it was an A result.

"Boss, I want to see what the following levels are like. I don't want to use S for now, can I?" Qiu Yanan asked.

"Of course you can, you also let everyone open their eyes and see what the next few levels are like." Chen Hao agreed.

The other girls knew that they were too far from Qiu Yanan's game level, and they all put out of their own thoughts and focused on watching her performance.

Qiu Yanan clicked and opened the sixth level, which was a new level that no one had reached before.

The pace of this level is very fast, all kinds of interference have reached a dazzling level, and the number of little demons is increasing, and they are constantly harassing, and everyone staring at the TV is dizzy, let alone playing.

However, Qiu Yanan still did not live up to everyone's expectations and passed the sixth pass with a B score. This is already a very good result.

Chen Hao didn't expect this little game to be so difficult, and through observation, he found that all traps and interferences are random starting from the fifth level, that is, they cannot be cracked by rote and foolishness. They require on-the-spot reactions and finger coordination. Double role is good.

Chen Hao is ashamed of himself, and everyone else is complaining about it. This game is too difficult and is deceived by its cartoon style. Ordinary people are self-abusing when they play.

"It's difficult."

Qiu Yanan also frowned. You must know that she was relaxed in the first few levels. This sixth level made her feel the pressure, and there are four levels behind.

Qiu Yanan slowed down, and then clicked the next level.

The seventh level is terrible from the very beginning. Like a barrage-style airplane game, it has become a vertical version of the level, and the angle of view has changed.

As a result, the experience accumulated by the previous organs is completely useless, and it has almost become a new game, and the overwhelming little devil releases missiles and lasers to interfere. The ball must find a way out in the cracks and maintain a sense of rhythm. Bullets are overwhelming, this is simply not a game that humans can complete.

Chen Hao understands halfway through it. Why does the system say that the first full-S evaluation will give a reward for completing the game. It is good for ordinary people to pass the level normally. What kind of super game ability can the full-S be achieved?

Anyway, Chen Hao's eyes were lost, let alone playing.

As a result, Guan Qiuyan suffered the first halberd, broke the rhythm near the end, and then END.

"It doesn't matter, practice more later and you will pass." Chen Hao comforted.

Qiu Yanan shook his head: "I can't do it anymore. This game surpasses my reaction speed. I play music games like Rhythm Master and other music games are also good, but this game style is too weird, unlike those games where the position of the notes is fixed. This is not fixed and cannot be improved through practice. The test is the speed of neural response. I am not talented enough. This game will not be able to pass after practice, not to mention there are three levels behind."

"It's okay, it's just a game, I'm interested in playing it another day."

Chen Hao comforted her, and then asked the other girls if they had anything to try.

After seeing a boy as strong as Qiu Ya, and other girls who are not good at games shook their heads, they stopped looking for abuse by themselves, they were at the level of ordinary people.

Chen Hao estimated that if he can pass the fifth level, he will be a good game player, and if he can pass the eighth level, he will be a game master.

Anyway, the difficulty of the game will increase after each previous level. I can’t imagine the difficulty of the next three levels.

As soon as Chen Hao saw the time, it was already past eleven o'clock, this game was very high, and it was this point unconsciously.

"Okay, everyone go back and rest early, don't be exhausted," Chen Hao said.

"Boss, where did you download this game? We want to go back and practice." A girl said.

This game is unique to my mobile phone. It is called Happy Beat. You can go to the app store to search and see if there is any. If there is no me, there is no way.

Chen Hao couldn't tell the truth about the tens of billions of subsidies for the special edition, so there is no guarantee that they can download the game.

The group of Yingying and Yanyan all left. Xia Jing still wanted to play the game for a while, so Chen Hao made a straight face and told her to go back to sleep too. Don't be greedy and talk about it when you have time.

"Huh, stingy, I won't play a game!"

Xia Jing shook her head proudly and left.

Chen Hao smiled. He is not so serious. It is estimated that she will still fall asleep on the sofa when she is tired from playing with herself as before.

It was late, and Chen Hao simply went to wash up, and then went to the bedroom upstairs to rest.

He was lying on the bed in his pajamas, only turned on a dimly lit night light, and then turned on the phone, wanting to try the game again.

Happy Beats is a game, as long as you have played the level, you can choose the level to start, so now that the first seven levels have been unlocked in 10 levels, you can choose to start at any level.

However, after seeing the difficulty of the seventh level, Chen Hao chose to start from the first level in order not to seek abuse.

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