I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

424 The Female Ghost on the Bedside

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!There was no difficulty in passing the first and second levels. Chen Hao passed the S-level, and the third level was difficult. However, I was inspired to see the live performance of Qiu Yanan tonight, and the third level was actually passed with an A score. Self breakthrough.

However, his fourth level is not good enough. It is completely beyond the scope of ability. Don't look at Chen Hao's strength, but the test of the game is not strength, but reflex nerves and physical coordination. This is not his talent strength, so he quickly defeated Coming.

It seems that I have no way to complete the game, so I can only find a game master to crack it.

He just put away his phone and was about to go to sleep, when a woman's voice came from above, "Is this game fun."


As soon as Chen Hao looked up, he saw that he had chosen a gloomy black shadow right above, and two shiny black eyes were staring at him.

The light in the room was not good, and this dark environment instantly looked like a female ghost, which made people creepy.

Chen Hao is an atheist, but he was still taken aback by the sudden "black eyes", and a jealous spirit rolled over to the bed, and put on a tiger show's starting hand to be on guard.

I saw the dark shadow floating down like a fallen leaf, as if he had no weight, Newton saw that the coffin board was about to be lifted.

The black shadow sat on the bedside lightly and picked up Chen Hao's mobile phone, only to find that the screen was locked and could not be opened without fingerprints and facial recognition.

"Help me open, I want to play this game!"

The female ghost held up the phone and talked again, and Chen Hao could also see her clearly through the night light.

She is dressed in black, tall and slender, coupled with her body as light as a swallow, it is the female thief Huawu who has just met, or she is called the female chivalrous flower dance.

"Can you stop appearing so suddenly!"

Chen Hao was speechless. If Hua Wu was not a woman, Chen Hao would have to teach her a meal. He still has a faster heartbeat. He was really scared just now.

"Didn't I say hello to you? If you don't do bad things, why are you still afraid of ghosts, you must have done bad things." Hua Wu reversed.

She still covered her face in black, and could only see two black eyes flickering.

Chen Hao immediately reprimanded: "Will you come to my bedroom privately to say hello? And can you pay attention to my privacy, please call to inform before you come, you can come in from the front door, don't sneak like this, in case I am not What to do with clothes?"

"Come on, I'm a heroine, how can I be good when I walk through the front door! Also, aren't you wearing clothes? What if you don't wear clothes? Junior high school biology has already learned it, OK? , I'm so scared to see, are you deformed?"

Chen Hao was getting upset by Hua Wu’s irritating qi, and he could understand it. This Hua Wu is 10 times more difficult than Xia Jing. Xia Jing is still a little bit charming, knowing how to advance and retreat, but this flower dance is completely self-centered. At the center, it does its own way, recklessly, and unpleasant personality.The only Chinese website www.v1zw.com

Chen Hao didn't like this kind of flower dance, so he said: "Please leave, I have to rest."

"You got the documents and brought down the enemy, now you want to cross the river to tear down the bridge!" Hua Wu asked.

"I will fulfill the agreement, but chatting with you at night, this is no longer agreed." Chen Hao said.

"You are so boring, a straight man with cancer, do you treat a chivalrous woman like this?" Hua Wu was angry.

"I have never seen Xia Nu trespassing into a man's room in the middle of the night." Chen Hao shot back in an angry manner.

Hua Wu said: "I'm not trespassing. I'm here to inform you that I will go back to my hometown the day after tomorrow. You will start with me. We will take the high-speed train in the morning and be there in the afternoon. Then we will stay in the local area for one night. Free, we will owe nothing to each other from now on."

Chen Hao felt very speechless, so he asked her: "I have to come to the door to talk about things that can be solved by a phone call?"

"The hotel I'm staying at has expired, and I don't have the money to renew it, so I have to come to your place to stay, let alone, the conditions of your house are better than mine."

Hua Wu sat down hard on the mattress as she spoke, feeling moderate elasticity, which she liked.

Chen Hao was speechless again, what kind of person this Hua Wu was, I don't know if it was born to be big-hearted, or was super low in EQ, anyway, it was unlovable.

"Good, good," Chen Hao decided not to be as knowledgeable as this woman, pointing to a few unlit villas outside the window, "Those are all empty rooms, you can choose by yourself, and live in."

"I've been there. It's gloomy, I'm afraid, but there is still a sense of security where there are people."

Through the black mask, it can be seen from the two narrowed eyes that Hua Wu exposed that she was laughing secretly.

Chen Hao didn't know how many times she was speechless. She was actually scared. She never saw her scared when she was scared. Typically, she was fooling people.

Apart from the shoes on her feet, Hua Wu revealed a pair of small feet, and then actually sat on the bed.

"Aren't you going to live in my room?" Chen Hao asked in surprise.

"Well, your mattress is very comfortable, and the bed is still warm, so I can save myself from the heat. Go live in another room, I won't send it."

With that said, Hua Wu yawned and pulled the quilt to cover her legs.

At this time, Chen Hao discovered one of her strengths, that is, her legs are very long. A pair of legs propped up the quilt and a long trace, which is far beyond the length of ordinary people. According to the proportion of the body, it can be declared like a two-dimensional character. The neck is all legs. Up.

But the long legs can't be the reason for her to win the bed. Chen Hao has never seen such a little girl who is not seen outside.

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