I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 425: All Legs Below The Neck

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Indignant, but Chen Hao really can't provoke the female snitch Huawu. She has nothing to do without a trace. She can't catch it yet. It angers her. He comes to patronize every three days. She can't be troubled, even if the family has Jinshan Yinshan, she has also moved away.

There are many rooms in the house, Chen Hao plans to live downstairs and stay away from her.

Chen Hao just wanted to leave, but found that Hua Wu was still fiddling with her mobile phone. There was a secret of tens of billions of subsidies in it, and she had to get it back.

"Give me the phone." Chen Hao reached out for it.


Hua Wu hid her phone behind her back, and said before Chen Hao became angry, "Unless you let me play that game."

"I really convinced you."

Chen Hao was so angry that she had nowhere to vent, so she unlocked the phone and took it away after she finished playing.

Hua Wu saw this little game and liked it very much. The first level is a simple teaching level. She started to make mistakes a few times and then mastered the trick. She hit an S on the second time.

It can be seen that she has rarely or never played a mobile game. The finger pointing was awkward at first, but the second time it was much better, the rhythm was stuck, and the progress was a bit rapid.

When Chen Hao saw that she clicked on the second level, she laughed secretly. After a while, the little girl would jump her feet in a hurry. The difficulty of the game increased several times.

Who knows that the second level is not difficult for Hua Wu, she rolled up her black sleeves, showing slender fingers, tapping on the phone screen to see that her technique is much lame than Qiu Ya'an, but just like that. , In the end still mixed with an S.

"The next level is definitely going to be END." Chen Hao thought in his heart. The first time he played it, it was the third level.

However, the third level seems to be a bit simple. Hua Wu's growth rate visible to the naked eye is much more relaxed than in the second level. Not to mention the smooth clearance, it is still an S-level evaluation, which is better than Chen Hao's results.

"Have you played this game before?"

Chen Hao couldn't help but wondered, and asked.

"No, I rarely play games. I remember the last time I played, when I was in elementary school, I played with the snake in my classmate's Nokia phone." Hua Wu replied.

Chen Hao doesn't know what to say, is this the gap between genius and mortal?

Chen Hao was thinking that she would not be able to pass the fourth level. There were a lot of little devil interference, and he couldn't hold on for 10 seconds. Novices like Hua Wu would definitely break the halberd.

"Aha, this game is a bit interesting, and the speed has finally reached the point where I can mention God." Dong Dong Novel www.dodoxs.com

Hua Wu excitedly pointed on the screen, and finally the ball bounced around. Under many interferences, she still passed the fourth level with an S grade.

"No? You can do that too?"

Chen Hao felt that she might have been deceived by Hua Wu, she must be a master of music games, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this kind of achievement for the first time.

The fifth level is a watershed. Anyone who can pass the fifth level can be regarded as a master of the game. It is not enough to react slowly, and will soon fall into a huge number of traps.

As a result, Hua Wu hummed a song and passed this level. The grade is still S.

Chen Hao was a bit shocked. Hua Wu's finger moved too fast. Even the unicorn arm, who was single for 30 years, was probably not as fast as her.

"Hmm, it turns out to be getting harder and harder, but I like it. This is the challenge."

Hua Wu took out a xylitol from her pocket, threw it in her mouth and chewed it, then clicked the next level.

The difficulty of this level is still high, but Hua Wu repeatedly clicked to change the rhythm and passed a difficult stage.

Chen Hao couldn't help but admire Hua Wu a bit. Even if he played similar games before, the reaction speed was too fast. As soon as some little demons appeared on the screen, she predicted that she would evade, seemingly innocent jumping. In the end, it became a necessary condition for her clearance.

This level is also S.

Chen Hao was already a little numb. He watched Hua Wu click on the next level. He was still chewing xylitol comfortably. He doubted whether Hua Wu was a human or a masked alien. Otherwise, why do you react so quickly?

A level that a dozen girls in the China Garden couldn't play, she caught it, as if she had designed it.

Hua Wu reached the seventh level. That was Qiu Yanan’s highest score. Chen Hao had to pay attention to it. If Hua Wu could pass the level with an S score, he would have made a lot of money and found the best candidate for clearance. .

But think about it, is this female snitch possible?

The seventh level is a vertical level. The game method is completely different from before. Qiu Yanan has made continuous mistakes and is not used to it, but Hua Wu is playing very vigorously without any discomfort.

Also, she didn't have much game experience before, every time it was new to her, and what kind of level was the same to her.

Chen Hao paid attention to observing Hua Wu to see how she broke the level. After a period of careful observation, Chen Hao really discovered the key.

Hua Wu does not have superb game skills, but simply relies on super high reaction speed and flexible fingers to win. For example, in this seventh level, under the massive "bullet", dozens of bullets are fired on the screen. How difficult it is to find a way out in the sea.

The game master Qiu Ya Nan's reaction speed can't keep up, and the difficulty is evident.

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