You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao came back from exercising on the playground. It was already seven o'clock. He went back to the new bedroom downstairs and changed his clothes. As soon as he got out of the bedroom, he met Xia Jing who came upstairs and asked him to have breakfast.

"Hey, why didn't you live in the master bedroom upstairs, you live in this room?" Xia Jing was a little puzzled.

"Uh, I wanted to sleep downstairs yesterday. It is human nature to like to try new things." Chen Hao casually found an empty reason to prevaricate.

Chen Hao also came to the stairs, going downstairs to have breakfast.

But at this time, Xia Jing suddenly stopped, sniffing around in confusion, and quickly grabbed Chen Hao's arm.

"What are you doing?" Chen Hao asked wonderingly.

Like a police dog, Xia Jing sniffed carefully on Chen Hao's body, and finally focused her attention on Chen Hao's arm. Here she smelled the fragrance of women's cosmetics, which were relatively cheap cosmetics.

Xia Jing suddenly became angry, as if she was wearing a green hat. She worked so hard to get up early to prepare an exquisite breakfast for Chen Hao. In the end, Chen Hao did well. She actually carried her Jinwu Cangjiao on her back and spent the night with other women. .

Because when they were playing games together last night, Xia Jing clearly remembered that Chen Hao didn't have this kind of scent, and it must have been contaminated at night.

Xia Jing immediately thought that Zhou Xitong was here, so she rushed to the bedroom downstairs and pushed the door, and found that the quilts were neatly stacked inside, and other items were also neatly arranged, not as if a woman had lived in it.

"Strange? There must be no one, there must be a ghost!"

Xia Jing became suspicious.

As the saying goes, if something is abnormal, it must be a demon. Chen Hao has a scent, plus changing the bedroom to live, it must be tricky. Her Holmes-like insight was instantly activated, and she stared at the master bedroom upstairs, feeling that the secret was buried in it. Inside, she rushed upstairs in a few steps.

Chen Hao was anxious when he saw it. There was also a female heroine Huawuyu in the master bedroom who was sleeping. If Xia Jing discovered this, it was really yellow mud and her crotch. It was unreasonable, so he hurried to stop it.

"Hey, wait, I have something to tell you!" Chen Hao chased after him.

However, Xia Jing's idea of ​​catching the rape was bigger than anything else, and a series of heavy footsteps sounded. She had already pushed open the door of the master bedroom upstairs before Chen Hao stopped her.

With a "boom", the door opened wide, and Xia Jing stayed.361 reading

"Listen to me, it's not what you think!"

As soon as Chen Hao saw that things were going bad, he hurriedly stepped forward to round the field and held Xia Jing to avoid direct conflict with Hua Wu inside.

But when he came to the door, he was stunned when he saw the situation inside. The bed was a little messy, but there was no one on it.

"Huh." Chen Hao let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Hua Wu didn't know when to leave early and avoided a crisis.

Xia Jing's sharp eyes swept across the room like an eagle. She believed her instinct that a woman must have lived in this room.

She came to the bed in a few steps, put her hand into the bed, and showed an expression of "Sure enough". The bed was warm, indicating that someone was sleeping here just now.

She had a detective attack, sniffed the quilt, and confirmed that it was the same fragrance as Chen Hao’s hands. This woman must have slept on this bed yesterday. Then she lay down on the bed, closet, behind the door and other places to find someone, but Gained nothing.

"What are you looking for? How can there be someone in my room." Chen Hao was confident, whether it was Hua Wu who just left or left early, Xia Jing would never find her with her efforts.

"Then explain, why is the bed warm, and it still smells of cosmetics?" Xia Jing asked, raising her head.

Xia Jing suddenly thought of what fragrance it was, and blurted out: "It's the smell of Dabao SOD honey. I used it when I was a child, and I remember it clearly!"

But after she finished speaking, she was a little suspicious. The supermarket only sells a bottle of ten yuan. Nowadays, there are still women who use Dabao. They basically use big brands for the sake of beauty. A few hundred bottles are too cheap, Xia Jing imagined What kind of woman is this? Is it a middle-aged and thrifty woman?

As soon as this thought occurred, Xia Jing felt even more uncomfortable as if she had eaten a fly. She was actually not as good as an old woman. Chen Hao looked for an old woman at night instead of looking for her to attend the bed.

When Xia Jing was about to attack, Chen Hao cleared his throat and said relaxedly: "You think too much. There is no one but me in this house. You are in charge of our Chinese Garden. There are security guards at the entrance and surveillance in the courtyard. Come in. Outsider, can you not know?"

"That's true."

Xia Jing blinked Ka Zilan’s big eyes, feeling as if she was too sensitive. It’s really unlikely that outsiders would come in and keep everyone away. It’s also impossible for the model girls living in the garden. They live in one room for every three people. They can supervise each other. They are simple in character and can't do such disgusting things as sneaking onto Chen Hao's bed in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Xia Jing's burning jealousy gradually extinguished.

As for the fragrance of the Dabao, it can be explained that men don’t like to use cosmetics. The cheap and easy-to-use Dabao is the skin care product most often used by straight men. Applying it in winter to prevent dryness and cracking of the skin is very good. Xia Jing goes to college. At the time, many boys in the class painted Dabao, which was in stark contrast with the girls who took good care of themselves.

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