I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 429: Treat Me As A Hotel

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"Sorry, I misunderstood you." Xia Jing apologized embarrassedly.

"It's okay, you are so nervous because you are afraid of thief, I know." Chen Hao took the initiative to find Xia Jing to step down.

Xia Jing smiled embarrassedly, feeling that Chen Hao really spoiled her and kept her thin face.

"However, you must remember that you are not allowed to bring other women back overnight." Xia Jing suddenly asked.

Just after speaking, Xia Jing also felt that her request was unreasonable, and added another sentence, "Except Zhou Xitong."

Zhou Xitong is Chen Hao’s true girlfriend. Although Xia Jing was not convinced, she felt that she was not as good as her, so she acquiesced to her and Chen Hao, tried to convince herself to be less jealous, and then kept a low profile, waiting for the opportunity to seize power and usurp the throne to replace her. In Chen Hao's mind, this is what a smart woman does.

"Okay, I won't take the initiative to take other women home, except for reporter Zhu, she went to live with you." Chen Hao said.

"Reporter Zhu is okay, I mean the woman you brought back to your room." Xia Jing corrected.

"Don't worry, you have to trust my taste, I don't take all women home." Chen Hao assured her.

With this guarantee, Xia Jing was finally satisfied, put on the sweet smile of the past, and cleverly took Chen Hao's arm and went downstairs for breakfast.

However, after coming downstairs, Chen Hao wondered what was wrong. He was unmarried, and Xia Jing was not his girlfriend. He brought a dozen or twenty women home to engage in multiplayer sports. Xia Jing had no right to interfere. Which way to assure her?

When Chen Hao raised this question, Xia Jing was also embarrassed on the spot. It was her heart that had been substituting herself as Chen Hao's girlfriend, so she had to be too deep in the drama to be guaranteed, of course, it was not reasonable.

Xia Jing couldn't answer, and she immediately found an excuse to slip away: "Oh, I forgot that there is still porridge stewed over there. If it is going to be mashed, you should eat by yourself first, I will go see the porridge."

With that, she slipped faster than the rabbit.

"This girl!"

Chen Hao smiled helplessly. Xia Jing couldn't do anything else. She was the first in the funny way. She was led to a dead end in the alley just now, as if she was cheating on her back. In fact, she did not interfere with her rights.

When Chen Hao came to the dining table, he was stunned again, because there was already a woman in black sitting at the table eating out, it was Hua Wu.

She unexpectedly appeared in the hall in a fascinating way, all in sight. Neither he nor Xia Jing found out how she came. This was too fascinating.

When Hua Wu ate the black face towel on her cheek, Chen Hao saw her white chin and a little bit of cherry lips. It seemed that her facial features were very beautiful, not that she was like Qiao Biluo.

The reason why she appeared here, Chen Hao didn’t need to ask, she must have heard the noise before Xia Jing pushed the door, and then she put on clothes and left lightly, so that Xia Jing didn’t find anyone, and then she came. Downstairs for breakfast.Shuhuangsw Bookstore www.shuhuangsw.com

Hua Wu really used his effort to the extreme.

Chen Hao then calmly sat down to have breakfast together, and asked her where she was hiding.

"This is a secret, lest you close the loopholes, it will be difficult for me to come back to stay at night." Hua Wu replied without emotion.

"Aren't you treating me as a hotel?" Chen Hao listened to her and would often come here in the future.

"Yeah, your place is better than a hotel, and the food is delicious, the bedding is clean, it's free, and it's quiet. Of course I want to stay here permanently."

Hua Wu's reason seems impeccable.

Chen Hao felt that she was a big trouble here. After he brought Zhou Xitong home, when he came back and met this girl, what should he say?

Do you want to say to Zhou Xitong: "This is Hua Wu, who has been staying at home for a long time."

A woman who lives in the same room says that there is no ambiguity. It is estimated that people on the earth will not believe it, and it will cause trouble to his relationship with Zhou Xitong.

However, severe measures must be taken to drive away Hua Wu who has just cleared the game for him. It is not Chen Hao’s personality, but for future consideration, Chen Hao discussed with her: "Can I come to the China Garden? I will rent you a set. High-end villas, you can live in as you like, and I have all rent, water and electricity."

"No, I just like your place. Needless to say, I won't despise you for being simple."

Hua Wu made the decision so happily, it's not like someone I just met.

Chen Hao let out a sulky breath. If it wasn't that he couldn't catch her, he would want to beat her on the spot. The EQ of this woman was too low, and she would be willful and reckless on her own merits.

Chen Hao can still catch Hua Wu by devising a strategy, but what can be done?Give her a beating, destroy the flowers, and warn her not to come to her own territory in the future?

Wouldn't it be the same as the hooligan who bullied women on the street?

Chen Hao felt that Hua Wu had such a weird and perverted character, she must have no friends, she would take in as if she was sorry for her, but the offer was three chapters.

"You promise me a few things, and I will agree with you to live here." Chen Hao said.

"Say it, I'll listen."

Hua Wu seemed to listen to the report from her subordinates, and even showed a trace of impatience, which prevented her from enjoying a delicious breakfast.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, guessing that if he hadn't had a good belly, she would be mad at him, so he made three promises.

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