You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Bi Chongliang saw that the young man was about to be wounded. At this moment, the wine bottle was suddenly grabbed by a powerful hand and did not drop.

It was Chen Hao who made the move, and when he saw that there was a conflict, he came to stop it.

He didn't know the whole story, and let the gaffe grow.

Chen Hao also saw clearly the appearance of this man named Bi Chongliang, who was quite tall, about forty years old, wearing a cheap suit, full of alcohol, and obviously drank a lot.

"You dare to stop me, I know, you are my wife's concubine!"

When Bi Chongliang saw that handsome Chen Hao was still helping others, he misunderstood that Chen Hao was also a wild man and wanted to fight.

Chen Hao grabbed his hands and made him unable to move, so he asked Sister Zhen: "Your husband is too drunk, find someone to take him home."

"He is just my ex-husband, we are divorced!" Sister Zhen said angrily, and then she called several shop assistants.

Those guys were very familiar. The four people who came over took Bi Chongliang from Chen Hao, then escorted him out of the bar, and guarded at the door for a while to prevent him from making trouble in the bar again.

But outside Bi Chongliang’s verbal abuse is always slandering and belittling sister Zhen’s life style. What a shame, bitch, dirty and inaudible.

Sister Zhen compensated the young man who was beaten, and gave him a few hundred yuan as a gift.

Although the young man was upset, he didn't call the police and left the bar after seeing Jie Zhen's face.

There was a lot of scolding outside, which affected the atmosphere. Many customers left one after another, which seriously affected the business of the bar. Only Chen Hao was left.

Sister Zhen looked very depressed, without saying a word, she lit a lady's cigarette and took a deep sip.

Her fingers painted with dark red nails held a snow-white slender lady's cigarette, and a puff of smoke burst out, revealing sister Zhen's helplessness in life.

Listening to the unpleasant scolding outside, Sister Zhen laughed at herself: "Are you curious?"

Chen Hao and the others didn't speak, but Xia Jing nodded, both as a woman, and Zhu Min was willing to listen because of his professional sensitivity, and maybe he could write a report in the future.

"His name is Bi Chongliang, my ex-husband. We have been divorced for three years. As for the reason, it is very simple. It was a derailment during the marriage. It was him. My heart was broken. We worked hard for a long time and had no children. After I found evidence of derailment, He famously said that he wanted to have a child when he was pregnant with a third child, and said he would break up with her after having a child. Hehe, when I am a fool? Then he divorced, and only three days later, he and Xiao San registered their marriage."

Sister Zhen took a puff of cigarette and continued: "Maybe God can't stand the behavior of this scumbag. That junior is a professional liar. He deceived his family property and threw down the child's money and ran away. Bi Chongliang fell into a despair. Bringing the child to come to me to get back together, I refused, and found that the appearance of the child was too different from him, so I persuaded him to do a paternity test. It's exciting. Guess what?" Baixiao Novels

Immediately, Sister Zhen smiled happily and said the final outcome: "Finally, it proved that the child is not his own and has no blood relationship, but he is his son in name. He will continue to raise him even if he looks sick, so he can't give it away. He couldn't stand it anymore and said that I was to blame for all this. I blamed me for not discouraging him at the time. He often came to the bar to make troubles. After drinking some alcohol, he would beat people and make troubles. This is the first time it is counted."

"It's too much, this person is too scumbag, you should find someone to teach him severely, boss, you go!" Xia Jing commanded blindly in indignation.

Chen Hao glared at Xia Jing. This was a household chore. How could he blend in blindly? It was really whimsical.

Zhu Min was more rational and suggested: "You can call the police, apply for a restraining order, and you can sue him."

Sister Zhen shook her head and rejected the proposal. She also had unspeakable difficulties.


At this time, Bi Chongliang smashed the window glass when he heard the sound of glass shattering outside. At the same time, the buddies outside also screamed in horror, and then all ran into the bar to escape.

I saw that Bi Chongliang was holding glass shards, his hands were bloody, and his face was grim, a bit desperate, trying to stabbing people.

"Zhen Zhen, if you don't get back with me, I will kill all the people here and die with you!"

Bi Chongliang called sister Zhen's name with a grim face. He drank a lot of alcohol and was going crazy. Maybe it was the child who was not him and became the last straw that crushed his spirit.

Several bar employees guarded sister Zhen tremblingly, holding a bench wine bottle in defense, but no one dared to stop it, fearing that the mob would hurt people.

"You come to kill, I want to go to hell with you!"

Sister Zhen looked indignant, she was not afraid of her ex-husband at all, so she pushed a few guys away and wanted to go out.

As soon as Chen Hao saw that this was the rhythm of something big, he asked the two beauties around him to stop sister Zhen, and he walked towards Bi Chongliang.

Bi Chongliang is now unconscious after drinking, and when he sees Chen Hao coming over, he raises the glass shards and stabs.

Chen Hao's current kung fu is not worthy of encountering Lian Jiazi, facing a crazy drunk, he was able to subdue him.

Chen Hao's hand was like an electric shock, grabbing Bi Chongliang's wrist with a knife and twisting it hard, Bi Chongliang screamed in pain, his fingers loosened, and the glass shards fell to the ground.

Chen Hao twisted his elbow to ninety degrees, then slammed against the wall and subdued him.

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