You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Sister Zhen, call the police." A bar guy suggested.

The heart-cut sister Zhen didn't agree. When Xia Jing and others stopped her, she sat at the bar and cried silently.

Chen Hao didn't want to take care of other people's housework, but this ex-husband did too much. Chen Hao couldn't stand it, so he planned to teach him a lesson.

"Sister Zhen, leave this to me, and I will help you educate." Chen Hao said.

Sister Zhen didn't answer, so she acquiesced.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill you, kill all of you, actually cuckold me, I killed you!" Bi Chongliang was unconscious and roared hoarsely.

Chen Hao thought he was annoying, so he untied his tie, put it in his mouth, and tied him with a rope, which finally made him quiet for a while.

Chen Hao himself taught this crazy drunk that he had lost his identity, so he called Lai Wu to be there and let him fix Bi Chongliang.

However, to prevent Lai Wu from exerting himself, he was told not to hurt others, but to stop him from having trouble with Sister Zhen.

Sister Zhen has a favor to Chen Hao, and she is also a good friend of Zhou Xitong, and Chen Hao is willing to help.

"Don't worry about it, boss."

Lai Wu then came over, took his three younger brothers, and took Bi Chongliang away.

Relying on the previous test of Lai Wu, he should be able to do this job. He is a villain who specializes in grinding evil people.

Chen Hao directed several shop assistants to clean the scene, and then came to see Sister Zhen.

After counseling, sister Zhen's mood stabilized a bit, she forcibly stopped crying and thanked Chen Hao for her help.

"You are welcome, you should go home early and rest. I will try to educate Bi Chongliang so that he will not harass you again." Chen Hao said.

"He won't give up like this. After drinking another day, he will come to find fault again. Next time I will prepare a knife. If he comes again, I will die with him." Sister Zhen said angrily.

When Chen Hao saw that this was not possible, her mood was not very stable, so she called Zhou Xitong because they were good sisters, so she could only persuade her.

When Zhou Xitong heard this, he said he would rush over immediately.

Chen Hao put down his phone and saw Xia Jing and Zhu Min. He felt that they were not very good here, so he suggested that Xia Jing take Zhu Min away first.

"I want to comfort the lady boss!" Xia Jing said.

"What people need now is quietness, let's go first." Chen Hao took them out of the bar.

Seeing the two beauties leaving in the car, Chen Hao called Lai Wu if he was sure to subdue Bi Chongliang and let him obey.Must-Read House

"Don't worry, boss, give me one day, two days at most, and I will let this kid recognize reality." Lai Wu promised.

"Okay, you can figure it out, but you must be careful." Chen Hao ordered and hung up.

After a while, Zhou Xitong came, and without greeting Chen Hao, he entered the bar and picked Sister Zhen into his car.

Zhou Xitong is going to take her to live with her at her own home at night, so I can comfort her by the way.

Chen Hao didn't follow either, but just told Zhou Xitong to drive carefully, and then watched them leave.

Afterwards, Chen Hao also drove back to the China Garden. Zhu Min and Xia Jing returned early and went to live in Xia Jing's two-dimensional villa, while Chen Hao returned to his antique-style villa.

As soon as Chen Hao entered the door, he remembered that there was a female snitch here in the morning. He tiptoed upstairs and pushed his room away. He was relieved to see that the room was empty.

Hua Wu said that she would not come to live tonight, and finally could sleep peacefully.

Chen Hao unexpectedly discovered that the room had been cleaned up, the bedding was neatly stacked, and the items were placed in their original positions. This placement method should not have been made by the nanny girl, but a masterpiece of Huawu.

It seems that Hua Wu's hands and feet are quite diligent, which is beyond Chen Hao's expectation. It stands to reason that for a female snitch like her wanton and reckless, her home should be sloppy.

It seems that the old saying has been complied with.

Chen Hao decided not to return to this room, leaving it to Hua Wu, so as not to be scared to death by a black shadow on the ceiling before going to bed every day.

Chen Hao came to the room downstairs. It was decorated in antique style, so it was comfortable to live in.

He rinsed briefly, lay on the bed, and sent a message to Zhou Xitong asking her how is Sister Zhen.

Zhou Xitong replied: "It's still talking. I guess it will be late. It's okay. I've already persuaded it. I plan to solve the problem through legal channels. Don't worry."

In this case, Chen Hao is also relieved, but he will accompany Huawu back to his hometown tomorrow. It is not convenient to tell the truth with his girlfriend, so he asks for leave in advance.

"I'm going on a business trip out of town tomorrow. You can take care of something at home and come back the day after tomorrow." Chen Hao said.

"Go ahead, there is me for everything."

Zhou Xitong sent a love emoji package. Chen Hao thought he was going to end the chat, but soon sent another one.

"Sister Zhen asked me to convey her gratitude. You saved her today."

"you are welcome."

Chen Hao said a few words politely, and then saw that it was 12 o'clock, so he stopped chatting, turned off the lights and went to bed.

Within 2 minutes, the phone rang "Ding Dong", which is a new WeChat message.

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