You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao ran to the male driver first.

"I heard you have an opinion on my friend?"

Chen Hao squeezed his knuckles and made a "crack" joint noise, then he rolled up his sleeves, bent his arms, and his biceps were raised high, thicker than some people's calves.

This male driver was only a meter six, thin and thin, and a little shorter than Chen Hao. Seeing Chen Hao's physique, he was as wide as the little chicken encountering an eagle, and he swallowed immediately. Changed to a smiley face.

"If you have poor driving skills, you can practice again. Hehe, people are always improving."

The male driver himself found himself a step down, then drove into his car and ran away, knowing the current affairs.

Chen Hao sighed lightly and shook his head. There are so many people these days.

After the small storm ended, Chen Hao and Hua Wu returned to their car. They found that the delay was too long and encountered the next red light, so they waited for the next green light to turn on, and finally drove through the intersection.

"Why didn't you beat that rude male driver just now?" Hua Wu asked.

"If you hit someone, I won't be a gangster who makes trouble?"

Chen Hao then explained: "The art of war has been said, and it is the best decision to be able to defeat the enemy without fighting."

"It's just a fight, what kind of art of war is there." Hua Wu obviously disagrees.

She drove out of the city, her driving skills were very proficient, and she was lucky. If she encountered a traffic policeman, she would be in trouble. Driving without a license was enough for her to drink a pot.

Hua Wu’s home is in a small village called "Hua Cun" more than 20 kilometers away from the city. She is very familiar with the environment and drives fast.

Chen Hao used his mobile phone to search this flower village in advance, and found that there was only a small introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia, saying it was an old martial arts hometown, and there were many famous martial arts artists, but with the development of the times, it has declined, and no one now Practice martial arts.

Chen Hao knew that this report was not true. At least Hua Wu's light skills and whip technique were very good. Without a good family study, it would be impossible to have such attainments. It only shows that their family is a family of martial arts.

As we approached the village, the road conditions began to deteriorate, and the car bumped up, but this car has a high chassis, so don't worry too much.

When he drove to the village, Chen Hao found that the buildings along the way were not very good. There were many old brick walls, and only a dozen households were small rural villas. The rest were bungalows with red brick structures. The village was a dirt road and the car was driving. Through the dusty.

The only thing that is commendable is that the greenery here is good, there are flowers and trees at each door, which looks very peaceful and peaceful.

Many children happily followed after seeing this car.

Hua Wu suddenly asked Chen Hao: "Are there any sweets and snacks?"

Of course Chen Hao didn't bring it, but he had tens of billions of subsidies, so he placed an order on the spot.

Three squirrels spree, priced at 138 yuan, subsidized price of 2 yuan.

Want Want Gift Pack, priced at 168 yuan, with a subsidy price of 3 yuan.Reading Building

The Xizhilang spree is priced at 139 yuan and the subsidy price is 2 yuan.


Chen Hao bought a bunch of snack packs, then sent them to the rear compartment, and pointed to the back: "You brought a few packs when you bought gifts. Go and read them."

Hua Wu stopped the car, and the group of children gathered by the car, waiting expectantly.

After Hua Wu got out of the car, the group of children saw that it was her and they all cheered: "It's Sister Hua, Sister Hua is back!"

"Little tiger, as well as Xiaoni and girl, you all have grown taller!"

Hua Wu smiled, went to the trunk and found that there was a snack pack, so she pulled away and let the children catch it by themselves.

The children rushed wildly and tore the bags. Hua Wu quickly saved a few pieces of candies, and then stuffed them into the hands of the children who hadn't grabbed them, as happy as the New Year.

One package was not enough, and Hua Wu opened another gift package to let the children have a share.

The children got snacks and ran away to enjoy them. There was only one six or seven-year-old girl in patched clothes, with a dirty face and a snot, standing aside timidly.

"Call Di, call me." Hua Wu reached out and beckoned him over.

"Sister Hua is good."

The little girl called di to come here.

Hua Wu gave her all the snacks left in the bag, and she felt that it was not enough. She touched her purse in her pocket and her shriveled face was cleaner. She couldn't help but shouted into the car: "Chen Hao, do you have any cash? Give me some and turn around Give it back to you."

Of course, Chen Hao didn't need to let her pay it back, so he took out all the cash from his wallet and handed it over 5,000 yuan.

Hua Wu stuffed the money into Zhaodi's pocket, and then asked: "You take this money to your mother. Don't let your dad know, lest he use it to gamble again, you know?"

"I know sister, thank you sister Hua!" Zhaodi shouted, sniffing.

Hua Wu stretched out her hand backwards, this time Chen Haowu took the initiative to hand over a pack of wet tissues, and Hua Wu took out one and helped Zhaodi clean her hands and face. This time she became a beautiful and cute Girl.

"Go home, don't lose your money." Hua Wu smiled and asked.

"Thank you sister!"

Xiao Zhaodi thanked again, and ran away happily with snacks.

Hua Wu and Chen Hao returned to the car. Hua Wu explained while driving: "There is an unreliable gambler father who has lost all his wealth, but still wants a son. It’s the eldest son, who gave birth to two younger sisters. The family owes a lot of money, and she often runs out of food. She can be considered to have grown up eating a hundred families."

Chen Hao nodded. Such a poor rural family is not an exception. I didn't expect it to be in Huacun.

However, it can be seen from this incident that Hua Wu is an enthusiastic girl. As a thief, she owes Huabai to all her poor, but she is so generous to others, which touches Chen Hao.

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