You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!They finally came to a two-story rural villa and stopped. Hua Wu got out of the car and said, "Here, take a gift and go in."

Chen Hao found that the conditions of the Huawu family were pretty good in the village, at least it was a three-story building, although it was very old.

There were too many gifts in the car, so Chen Hao brought some expensive tobacco, alcohol and health care products in his hand, and followed Hua Wu to the door.

Hua Wu carried the Hermes bag, and then took the initiative to put on a pair of sunglasses for Chen Hao, and exhorted: "Remember, you just pull on and pretend, don't be polite to my family!"

Chen Hao was startled, thinking that she was telling the opposite, right?Isn't it all about taking your boyfriend home to comfort your family? How can it be counterproductive?

The iron door was pushed but did not move, it was locked inside, and Chen Hao planned to knock on the door.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Hua Wu took out an iron piece from the cuff and pierced the lock button. Within three seconds, the door lock was opened with a "click", and then walked in first.

Chen Hao saw that she did not bring the keys when she returned to her home. All the door locks were probably decorations in her hands.

The yard was very clean. A woman in her thirties was picking vegetables. When she looked up and saw that it was Huawu, she said disgustingly; "Why come here? Grandma is in the hall. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hua Wu didn't say anything, and walked straight into the door.

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed, Hua Wu didn't give any pointers, he didn't know what this woman should be called, so he smiled and nodded.

He complained in his heart, didn't he say that he was a good boyfriend? Hua Wu put on a stinky face as soon as he entered the door. Today, asking him to pretend to be a boyfriend is not to appease his family, but it is like coming to Xingshi to ask crimes. The difficulty of role-playing has suddenly increased.

Hua Wu whispered: "I repeat, you will act on the spot, and you will be as cool as possible. Don't be polite with anyone."

There were more and more question marks in Chen Hao's head.

But he didn't care, anyway, he was a counterfeit, and on this day, Hua Wu asked him to perform as he pleased.

When I arrived in the hall, I saw an 80-year-old woman sitting on a chair in the center with her eyes closed and rested, holding a dragon-head crutch in her hand, looking at the wrinkled face, it was very majestic.

Chen Hao looked at the decorations in the house. It was antique and the furniture was quite old. Looking at the patterns and specifications, it seemed that there was a century of history.

Chen Hao vaguely felt that the head of the Hua family should have some conservative ideas. Apart from an air conditioner, there are very few modern things in the room. Some tea cups and the like are all made of porcelain, and there is also a white enamel tea with severe porcelain loss. The red "Serve the People" is printed on the tank, which is very old.

There are such props in Chen Hao's antique villa, but the tea mug of the Hua's family has been used for many years and does not need to be worn out.

"I am back."

Hua Wu said without emotion, she didn't even have a respectable name, very impolite, this old lady should be Hua Wu's grandmother.Yunnan Biquge

Grandma Hua, who was sitting in the middle, opened her eyes. Regardless of her aging appearance, her eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes. Chen Hao was stared at her and said that this old lady was not easy.

Of course, he didn't give it in vain. He immediately stood up and looked straight. He was neither humble nor overbearing, and he had an aura of confrontation.


The old lady seemed a little surprised by Chen Hao. She looked up and down Chen Hao's clothes, but did not pay much attention to her granddaughter Huawu.

"Hello Grandma!"

Chen Hao didn't know the name of the old man, so he could only call after Hua Wu. Even if the other party's age, even if it didn't matter, the honorary name should be.

"Are you the boyfriend my granddaughter was looking for outside?" Grandma Hua asked in an old voice.

"Yes, his name is Chen..."

Hua Wu was explaining to Chen Hao, but Grandma Hua's eyes stared: "I'm asking him, what are you talking about, there is no tutor!"

Hua Wu turned away angrily, but Chen Hao was a little surprised. This grandma was too harsh and had nothing to do with the word kindness.

Chen Hao had to say: "My name is Chen Hao, I am from Baihe City. I am 23 years old this year. My parents are gone. I am the only one at home."

"Is an orphan, 4 years older than Zhongkui..."

Grandma Hua seemed a little unhappy, her eyelids drooped.

Chen Hao didn't know how to answer the conversation, the key Hua Wu, the pseudo-girlfriend, was too incompetent, and the main members of the family didn't introduce their preferences. He couldn't adapt, so he could only bite the bullet and proceed.

"I just arrived and brought some small gifts. It's not a respect."

Chen Hao put down the valuables such as alcohol and tobacco in his hand.

The old lady glanced at the gifts worth tens of thousands of yuan, and did not show any expression of joy or anger. Instead, she ordered the vegetable picking woman who had just walked in: "Let all those at home come out and take a good look at what Hua Wu found herself How about the man."

"Okay, mother!"

The vegetable picker went upstairs.

Chen Hao feels that the style of this family is like the last century, with strict rules among family members. Relatively speaking, it is no wonder that Hua Wu, a child who is convicted of apostasy, is not treated.

Chen Hao sympathizes with her very much. It is estimated that he would be very depressed when he was born in such a family.

After a while, a few women of different ages came downstairs, ranging from forty to fifty years old, some in their thirties, and a total of five people. The strange thing was that there was no man and no young people.

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