You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Yeah, isn't this our eldest lady? I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and she's more responsive."

A woman in her forties is grotesque in Yin and Yang.

"You are also getting younger and younger, and the wrinkles on your face are almost invisible." Hua Wu also coldly replied.

"Huh, uncultivated stuff." The woman made a bad face directly.

"This is the boyfriend I brought back? He looks pretty vigorous." said a woman in her fifties.

"Of course, my vision is definitely not bad, at least better than some people pick."

Hua Wu said sarcastically.

Grandma Hua couldn't listen anymore, and the leading crutches lay hard on the concrete floor: "Presumptuous, you are a girl, and you have learned the skills of sneaking with your dead mother. She actually escaped marriage without permission and disappeared for more than half a year. When a wild man came back, you lost all the faces of our Hua family!"

"That's it, I can't say how to hook up with people outside. I don't know if I've been deceived. If I'm pregnant, it's shameful. We can't hold our heads up in the village."

"I said she lacked discipline. I didn't approve of her father's marriage at the beginning. You think it's better now, and the Hua family has become like this."

These women followed Grandma Hua to talk about Huawu, their words were very mean, and they made Huawu a heinous traitorous girl.

Chen Hao frowned. Although he didn't understand Huawu deeply, he felt that apart from being a little naive and perverse, she had a good heart. No relatives said it was as unbearable. It seems that there are many in their family. Stories and contradictions, the matter of Hua Wu is definitely not brought about overnight.

And he also heard an explosive news that this Hua Wu actually escaped from marriage and left home, which is a bit weird. She has just grown up and is not going to college but is going to get married. What is the situation?

This matter is still shocking!


Hua Wu suddenly roared, and everyone's eardrums were humming, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

"Don't save others by yourself, who doesn't know anything about you? Don't put a shit bowl on my head."

Hua Wu didn't persuade him at all, and first made her voice: "Now it's the 21st century, but it's still engaged in arranged marriages. Study our country's marriage law carefully. No one of you has the right to determine my happiness!"


Grandma's crutches continued to say, "My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate, and the same as your parents!"

"Hmph, my parents are not driven to death by you, all their mistakes are that they shouldn't come to this house!" Hua Wu faced her grandmother coldly.The second Chinese website

"I'm furious!"

Grandma Hua covered her heart with her hands, her face looked painful, and the women on the side hurriedly took out the pills for Grandma Hua to eat, and it took a while to relieve her.

During this period, the women murmured and complained that Huawu was not sensible and her family was unfortunate.

Seeing that things could not be controlled, Chen Hao reminded Hua Wu in a low voice out of good intentions: "Relax, don't get too stiff with your family."

"Don't worry, let you pull a little, and still be so persuaded, is it a man?" Hua Wu turned at him.

Chen Hao was speechless. He was a normal and humble behavior. Even if they were not a fake boyfriend or girlfriend, they did not go to other people's homes to face the old man and still drag him two to eighty thousand dollars.

When Grandma Hua was relieved, she said angrily: "You get out of here, just as our Hua family doesn't have you as an insult!"

"Mom, no, she is the only seedling left in our Hua family's generation. If you drive her away, then our Hua family will really be the last!"

Said the woman in her fifties.

Grandma Hua took a deep breath after hearing the words, and her tight face eased a little.

She looked at Chen Hao wearing sunglasses and said, "Well, since you and our family Zhongkui are getting better..."

"My name is Hua Wu, don't call me such a bad name!" Hua Wu corrected.

The old lady also held back her anger again and said, "Since you want to be nice to my granddaughter, then you have to accept the rules of our flower family. First of all, our generation of flower family has only one granddaughter. In order to continue the incense, you have to be married We have a family of Hua, and we have a child with the surname Hua. Only after giving birth to the second boy, can we give your surname.

"No problem." Chen Hao happily agreed. Anyway, it's a fake boyfriend. He doesn't care about any conditions, as long as he spends the day smoothly.

The lightness that Chen Hao promised made the women of the Hua family feel a little bit astonished. He didn't expect that Hua Wu's ability would actually make an extraordinary young man willing to become a child.

"Well, since you are willing to this condition, then you can discuss the subsequent conditions." Grandma Hua said.

It turns out that being a superfluous person is just a necessary and insufficient condition, and Chen Hao expressed his respect.

Hua Wu whispered to remind: "Remember, pull a little, the more you pull, the more they respect you, the more you persuade, the more they deceive you!"

Chen Hao put a question mark in his heart, is this true of the Huawu family?

This time, Grandma Hua winked at the oldest daughter-in-law on the side, that is, the woman in her fifties. She was the daughter-in-law of the elder of the Hua family, and Hua Wu called her the aunt.

The aunt's hair is also gray, she is here to preside over the follow-up examination of the son-in-law.

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