You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Let’s tell you, Hua Zhong... Hua Wu escaped from marriage. Originally, the second son of Li Zhoulin’s family came to propose marriage. His family is also a martial arts family. He is the most suitable husband for Hua Wu. He gave him a gift. It's also very rich."

"However," the lady said, "but we also have to consider Hua Wu's opinion. After all, the twisted melon is not sweet, and we are also for her good. Since you really love each other, then we also give you a chance, as long as You have beaten the second son of the Lin family in all aspects, so we won't force it anymore."

After listening, Chen Hao understood that this was better than hardware. He also felt that Hua Wu was not easy, and he was making things difficult for her narrow-minded family members. He decided to earn some face for her.

Since Hua Wu has been asking him to pull a little, then he is done. Anyway, he is a fake boyfriend. What outrageous thing he does, doesn't need to think about how to end it.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao put on a domineering and cool posture, boldly saying: "Then you may ask, what conditions the Lin family will give you, I will double it!"

When the Hua family's relatives and girls group heard it, they were shocked. After all, in this society, no matter how high martial arts, it is difficult to move without money, and nothing is as good as property.

The auntie showed a look of surprise, and asked: "Really? You know, the second son of the Lin family is the top rich man in the local area. The gift he gave is the highest in our village, higher than the city!"

"It doesn't matter. Even if you report the amount he gave, I will double it." Chen Hao spoke in the frivolous tone of the domineering president again, domineering sideways.

Backed by tens of billions of subsidies, he has such pride.

"Okay, I'll report the number. Lin Da has a son, and I just gave 1.88 million as a cash gift!" Auntie was very proud when she said, and reported an astronomical figure she thought.

Chen Hao was simply speechless, how much he thought he would be, if the other party gave him one or two hundred million, he would be surprised, only 1.88 million, he held a party in Baihe, even if he spent more than this.

Chen Hao immediately said: "No problem, I will give 3.76 million!"

These words were loud, as if it were not more than three million yuan, but more than three hundred yuan.

The aunt asked in astonishment: "You know, the other party has already transferred 1.88 million to my bank card."

Chen Hao immediately put on a classic dragon king with a crooked smile, and said boldly: "Are I afraid I can't take it out? No problem, I have brought the money, it is in the trunk of the car, waiting for me to get it."

Chen Hao turned around and went out to open the trunk of the car on the street outside. Then, using the cash withdrawal function of tens of billions of subsidies, he withdrew 3.76 million cash from his account, packed it in a snakeskin bag, and carried it into the lobby.

Since Hua Wu asked him to pull a little bit, Chen Hao, as she wished, could have directly bank transfer, but wanted to pay with cash to be even cooler.

Chen Hao dumped the snakeskin bag with its mouth down, and suddenly 376 bundles of brand-new pink renminbi were scattered on the gray concrete floor, forming a cone-shaped mountain of pink banknotes.Tianshen Novel

"Really gave it?"

There are no people in the world who don't know money. The Hua family’s relatives, friends and girl group are shocked. They have been living in villages and counties. They have never seen so much cash in their lives.

"Is this, this is true?" The aunt murmured forward and picked up a bundle, and even the stern grandmother couldn't help changing her face.

"It's all true, welcome to check, and fake a penalty of ten." Chen Hao said draggingly.

A few women from the Hua family didn't dare to make a splash for a while, but Grandma Hua said in a deep voice: "You go for the test together. If it is true, then accept it."

So this group of family members of the flower family suddenly came to the pile of money like hungry tigers, each holding an armful of renminbi, and starting to count.

Hua Wu's sister-in-law sipped her saliva in her palm, took apart the sealing tape, and started to click one by one.

Other women took out a few pieces from a pile of money, looked at the anti-counterfeiting watermark and gold thread in the light of the room, and rubbed it to see how the paper feels. They are all common ways to identify banknotes.

Hua Wu looked at this group of elders who had never seen the world, and said proudly: "The boyfriend I brought back will give you fake money? What a shame!"

As a result, the female family members who were counting money stagnated, not knowing whether they should continue or stop.

Patriarch Hua's grandmother said with a dry cough, "Don't count the sheets, just take out one or two from each bundle and take a look. I believe in the character of this young man."

From the initial contempt, it has now become the honorary title of "Master Chen", which seems to be the power of money.

In the end, it took more than half an hour for the group of female relatives to sample each bundle of money, and finally determined that it was all real money. They squatted on the ground, put the money in a snakeskin bag, and then took it away.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, but Grandma Hua didn't care, instead she put on a kind smile and said: "Master Chen is a guest from afar. He hasn't eaten yet. I'll ask someone to cook."

She turned her head and shouted: "Shufen, is the meal still OK?"

"The steamed buns are ready, I'll fry some good dishes, and give Young Master Chen wine." Hua Wu's aunt said diligently.

The family's attitude changed too quickly, and after Chen Hao took out the money, he changed his face. Chen Hao finally understood why Hua Wu asked him to come to her house as arrogantly and as hard as possible. It really made sense.

Judging from the family's attitude towards money, he is standing on the side of Huawu, and can be respectful of money, so it is not surprising that he does other strange things.

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