I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 454 Domineering President

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"If you have any more requirements, you can continue to raise them." Chen Hao said.

"This is not busy, let's eat first, and talk while eating."

Grandma Hua was much more kind, so she let people clean up the hall, and then brought out the Eight Immortals table that can only be used by the distinguished guests. Today, she will entertain the distinguished guests.

Grandma Hua also asked with concern: "Can Master Chen get used to eating steamed buns? Would you like some rice or dumplings?"

"I only eat Kobe beef steak and Ono Jiro sushi. Do you have them here?"

Chen Hao is still playing the domineering president, so he has to make it harder to serve him.

The old lady in the country had never heard of such high-end dishes, so she turned to Hua Wu for help.

Hua Wu smiled disdainfully, and explained: “These are all top Japanese dishes, cooked on-site by the chef of the Michelin restaurant. If you want to eat it, you need to air-ship it to the country within four hours, otherwise it will affect the taste.”

Grandma Hua, who had heard of such high-end food, had to take a plane that she had never taken before. She couldn't help but ask: "We don't have any, we have beef, can we tear it by hand?"

This old rural lady couldn't tell the difference between Kobe beef and sushi, and regarded it as shredded beef.

"Forget it, let's make do with steamed buns." Chen Hao said coolly.

"Okay, then eat steamed buns, steamed buns are good, raise a person, you see that our family Huawu grew up eating steamed buns, it is so good." The aunt came out to make a round.

Hua Wu frowned and turned her head to the side, feeling ashamed to have these relatives.

After a while, the food was placed, and everyone sat down to eat together. This time, letting Hua Wu and Chen Hao sit on top, second only to Grandma Hua, which was considered quite respectful.

Chen Hao once again found out that these women were the ones who were at the table, and he was the only man. Chen Hao couldn't help but wonder how the Hua family didn't even have a man, but it's not appropriate to ask about it now. Eat first.

"What wine does Master Chen drink?" the aunt asked enthusiastically.

"I only drink Romani Conti." Chen Hao said.

Everyone was stunned once again, and the hand of the auntie who was about to pour the peasant's cooker stopped.

Hua Wu took the initiative to explain this time: "That is a high-end red wine, at least in case of a bottle. It is estimated that you may not be able to buy authentic products in the city. You have to go to the provincial city." See www.zhuishukan.com

The female relatives were a little embarrassed, not knowing whether to pour a small roast for Chen Hao, tens of thousands of bottles of wine can hardly imagine, than some people in this village earn a year.

Although Chen Hao was pretending to be cool, he didn't want to embarrass these older women too much, so he said, "Then I won't drink alcohol. I'll have some farmer's own tea."

"All right, there are some teas at home, and they are all good teas collected by themselves."

The auntie took the teapot to pour tea to Chen Hao, and she served her very diligently.

Everyone sat down and started eating, but Hua Wu seemed to have some taboo. He didn't eat a bite and didn't move his chopsticks. Others also showed embarrassment and didn't come to persuade her.

So they were more attentive to Chen Hao. A broad-minded son like Chen Hao was actually willing to join their Hua family. It was a great happy event, and it would be a great honor to go out in the future.

During the meal, Chen Hao took the initiative to talk about what kind of gift the Lin family gave back, so that he could end the farce as soon as possible, so as not to be bothered.

The aunt said on behalf of her mother-in-law: “Young Master Lin also gave us a Mercedes-Benz S400 as a dowry gift for our family. He said that he would buy a villa for our natal relatives in Knight Frank to live in. The boy needs to be named Lin."

Chen Hao was really speechless. The other party didn't need to be a parent for these conditions, and it was a double standard to ask him to be a parent from the beginning.

But Chen Hao doesn’t matter if it’s a fake one. He said grandiosely: “The Mercedes-Benz S400 costs only 2 million. I have bought a car for Huawu, the one outside. The price is 5.12 million, which is worth two. More than doubled."

With that said, Hua Wu cooperated with showing the car purchase contract and car keys to relatives and friends. What everyone saw was shocked, five million luxury cars, in this small village, it is hard to imagine.

Moreover, it was directly given to Hua Wu's name, which was much better when the Billin family bought it and then gave it to Hua Wu, which was directly regarded as Hua Wu's personal property.

"As for the villa, I can buy two adjacent houses in Knight Frank, do you think this is okay?" Chen Hao asked them.

"Yes, that's okay, Young Master Chen is really lavish. On behalf of our Hua family, I will toast you a glass."

This time, the aunts used honorifics for the younger generation of Chen Hao, which shows their satisfaction. Not only did they treat Chen Hao as a great god, but also the status of Hua Wu.

Now no one scolds Hua Wu as a misfortune in the family. Instead, he starts to say what kind of favor Hua Wu had to her when she was a child, and they all think that Hua Wu will have something to do in the future.

There is a saying that mothers depend on their sons, but in this wave of Flower Dance, women depend on their husbands. They just don’t know how they feel when they know that Chen Hao is a fake son-in-law.

But it can't be said to deceive them. As Chen Hao, the gifts given will not be taken back, just as thanks to Hua Wu.

After all, Hua Wu only stole some of Chen Hao’s famous wines, and saved him once in the hotel in the provincial capital, and also gave him a copy of Guan Yunchang’s evidence, which is of great benefit to Chen Hao, so she can afford it. treatment.

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