You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The two drove to the most luxurious Lailai hotel in the city, which was only four-star, but one night was enough.

Chen Hao came to the front desk and said to the little cashier sister: "Open two presidential suites."

"Sorry sir, the best room here is the high-end business suite, 3888 yuan a night, can it?" the cashier girl asked.

"Okay." Chen Hao agreed.

However, Hua Wu suddenly came up and said, "One room is enough, isn't it a waste?"

Chen Hao looked at her unexpectedly, as if her identity had been a little overturned.

Usually when young men and women go out to open a room, boys try their best to open one room, while girls ask for two rooms, but now the two have transferred.

If an lone man and a widow live in a room, something ambiguous or even more intimate may happen, but Chen Hao is an upright young man who decisively rejected this potential danger.

"Open two rooms, thank you." He decided immediately.

Hua Wu didn't say anything, just like that, the two of them each took a room card and went upstairs.

Chen Hao's room number was 6031, and Hua Wu's was 6032, but when Chen Hao swiped his card to enter the door, Hua Wu also followed, as if he had come to his home and sat down on the sofa.

"You want this one? Then change the room card, I'll go to another one." Chen Hao calmly looked at her and said.

"I just want to chat with you, I will go back to sleep after the chat, don't want to be crooked." Hua Wu emphasized.

Chen Hao did need to know more about Hua Wu, so he agreed, and when he saw carbonated drinks on the bar, he took it down and shared a can with her.

Of course, there is wine on the bar, but Chen Hao is afraid that drinking will damage his strength. If this young adult girl is harmed, it will not be very good, and I am sorry Zhou Xitong.

Hua Wu took a sip of her drink, and she suddenly calmed down, who was originally noisy. She took off her shoes and sat on the sofa with her knees curled into a ball, looking a little lonely.

"Do you think my family is so funny?" Hua Wu asked, raising her head, her big dark eyes especially hollow.

"It can only be said that it is a bit tricky." Chen Hao answered.

"Are you willing to listen to my nagging?" Hua Wu wanted to find someone to talk to.March Chinese

Chen Hao just wanted to know about her life experience, so he nodded in agreement, sat down aside, and listened respectfully.

"Actually, my parents were killed by my grandmother." Hua Wu said in shock when she came up.

Although Chen Hao was shocked, he didn't show it. All he needed to do now was to be a listener and didn't choose to interrupt her.

Hua Wu continued to talk quietly.

It turned out that the Hua family was a family of martial arts, originated from a master who used whip during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, and was famous for his whip method.

However, the Hua family’s rule is that martial arts are passed on from male to female, and from inside to outside. This is a common problem that restricts the spread of martial arts. Many excellent martial arts skills are lost after a major natural disaster and man-made disaster. Up.

Since the beginning of modern times, society has been centered on economic construction and made money. The tribesmen who practice martial arts in the Hua family have gradually lost their way out. In the generation of Hua Wu's father, only Hua Wu's father chooses to practice martial arts and his son inherits his father's career. Dancing with the other two uncles, the uncle chose to learn the craftsmanship of stonemasonry to support his family, earning more money than practicing martial arts.

Later, because of family poverty, Hua Wu's father went out to travel and make a living, and met Hua Wu's mother, Li Xianghong, a descendant of the martial arts family Swallow Li San.

According to family studies, Li Xianghong is good at light work and stealing, but she did not use these skills to do bad things. Although she learned martial arts from her elders, she did not fight and kill. Instead, she studied and lived as a normal person. She was a naive and cheerful girl. .

Li Xianghong and Hua Wu's father didn't know each other. They moved their hands after a misunderstanding, but they cherished each other. They dated several times later and fell in love quickly.

At that time, Li Xianghong, Huawu's mother, was the pillar of the local song and dance troupe. Because of her light skills, her ballet dancers were particularly good. She won many domestic awards and was about to go abroad to win a dance competition.

But at this time, Hua Wu's grandfather passed away, and his father went home to keep his filial piety, and the two had to separate.

Li Xianghong missed her lover. Three months later, she resigned from the singing and dancing troupe. Regardless of the opposition of her parents, she gave up all honors and went to Huacun to find her boyfriend. Her father severed the relationship between father and daughter, but this did not stop Li Xianghong. Decided.

Li Xianghong has a beautiful face and a moonlight appearance, and Hua Wu inherited the appearance of her mother. After coming to Huacun, she was shocked as a god. The villagers called her a fairy.

And it was such a fairy who found the Hua family in this way. Out of the refreshment of the martial artist, she explained her intention directly.

It stands to reason that a daughter-in-law took the initiative to send it to the door. The grandmother Hua, who is already in charge, should be happy, but because Li Xianghong is a descendant of Li San, she is disgusted by the grandmother Hua who still has a mentality. When he went to the door, he thought that Li Xianghong was the offspring of a thief, and he would definitely steal it too, which would ruin the style of the house and hurt her son.

Fortunately, Huawu's father is very affectionate and insists on defending Li Xianghong, so that this infatuated girl was taken care of and settled in a simple house in the village. The two of them vowed that they would get married together.

Hua Wu's father had to observe filial piety for three years in accordance with the ancestral precepts. Li Xianghong lived in the village for three years without waiting to see the Hua family.

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