I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 457 Mother's Memory

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Three years later, despite their objections, they finally got married in the county with a license, and at the same time rented a house in the county. The newlyweds began to work and live in the county and had a happy little life for a year.

A year later, Hua Wu was born. The couple were very happy and pampered as if they were babies. But at this time, something happened. Li Xianghong found out that the blood vessels in the uterus were defective. The doctor advised them not to have children. Otherwise, It may cause the blood vessels to rupture and cause death.

At the same time, the Hua family also encountered a great disaster. When the uncle of Hua Wu was quarrying rocks in the mountains, the landslide buried him underneath, and left like this. However, he and Lady Hua Wu have been infertile for many years and have not stayed. The next son and a half daughter.

And the brother of Hua Wu who went to join the army was also sacrificed because of an accident, so the generation of the Hua family, except for the sister-in-law of Hua Wu, only the father of Hua Wu is a male.

Hua Wu’s sister-in-law was married twice, but the two husbands soon passed away inexplicably. She was dubbed "Koff" and "Broom Star". She was notorious in nearby villages and towns. No one dared to marry for a while. In her anger, Grandma Hua declared to the public that Ms. Huawu would no longer marry in her life and stay at home.

In this way, the third generation of the Hua family only has a single seedling of Huawu. Grandma Hua finally remembered this unwelcome daughter-in-law family. For the blood of the Hua family, Grandma Hua sent the family’s women to persuade them to go back to the village. Live, after all, the Hua family can't live without males, because trivial matters will also be bullied.

Hua Wu's father was a little silly and filial, so he agreed, and Hua Wu's mother naturally also took the child into the village, so she was in peace for a while.

However, soon afterwards, the villagers began to point and point out that the next generation of the Hua family had no sons, and that they had done something wicked, and God couldn't get past it and made the Hua family a queen.

The dogmatic grandmother Hua became angry again, so she ordered Hua Wu’s father to have another son to succeed the Hua family’s ancestry. At the same time, she also wanted to implement the deceased husband’s wishes and let the Hua family’s martial arts pass on. Only Huawu's father can pass the whip technique from his ancestors, and there must be a boy to inherit the ancestral business.

But Hua Wu's father cared about his lover's body and never agreed.

After a few years of this, watching Hua Wu grow up, Grandma Hua couldn’t hold back anymore. She started to be yin and yang and cynicism at home. In front of Li Xianghong, the hen who couldn’t lay eggs was of any use. Waste, wait for what Sang cursed.

Li Xianghong, who is humble, tolerated it, and instead took the initiative to discuss with her husband about having a child. Anyway, she also liked children, but Hua Wu's father firmly disagreed, and the matter was delayed again.Yeye Chinese www.yeyezwxs.com

At this moment, Grandma Hua came up with a ghostly idea and secretly used the family planning tools of Hua Wu's parents to make tricks. A few months later, Li Xianghong was pregnant with the baby again. Some people in the Hua family were happy and worried.

Hua Wu’s father insisted on destroying the child, but Li Xianghong insisted on keeping it. In the end, after Grandma Hua’s cry, two troubles and three hangings, Hua Wu’s father could only agree, and said that if there is danger, he must be the first. Time to kill the child.

This year, Hua Wu was eight years old and was already a sensible age.

It seems that she had a premonition of what might happen to her. After pregnancy, Li Xianghong was very good to Hua Wu. He taught Hua Wu all the light skills and unlocking skills she had learned. Hua Wu couldn’t understand some of her skills. Ask her to memorize the formula abruptly so that she can understand it when she grows up.


Speaking of this, Hua Wu's tears flowed down silently on the sofa, soaking her clothes, but there was a happy smile on her face, because that was the deepest memory of her mother.

Chen Hao handed over a pack of tissues, Hua Wu said "thank you", wiped her tears, and continued: "Mom told me at that time that I will practice Kung Fu by myself in the future, hoping that this light function will replace her to protect you. "

"Maybe my mother had a hunch at that time, but she didn't say anything."

"Later, when it came time to give birth, she was supposed to be sent to the county hospital for delivery, but the old stubborn my grandma insisted on giving birth at home for superstitious reasons. In fact, she was just distressed about the thousands of dollars in hospital expenses. He also said that several of his children were born at home, and there is no problem. Why does a daughter-in-law have to go to the hospital because of her squeamishness. In the end, my dad couldn't help persuading the family, so he agreed."

"As a result, my mother was bleeding badly and died at home. The child in her belly was not saved. She died and died. The ridiculous thing is that the dead baby was still a girl. My grandma was too unlucky, and she let me stay with my mother overnight. Buried."

"I remember I cried and fainted. I woke up the next day and went to my mother's grave. There was only a wooden tombstone and a small clay bag. It is said that there was no decent coffin. It was rolled up with a few boards and quilt. I remember very clearly, the words on the wooden tombstone are red, which my dad wrote in his own blood one by one. Later, my dad knelt in front of the tomb for two days and two nights without eating or drinking. He blamed himself for no protection. Good mother, when he was at his weakest, he called me to his side and gave me the secrets of the Huajia whip technique."

Hua Wu's tears began to flow again. At this time, the miserable smile on her face disappeared and she became extremely miserable. That was the memory she didn't want to touch.

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