You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Or, I'll talk another day." Chen Hao persuaded.

"No, if I don't say it today, I will be suffocated!"

Hua Wu persisted, choked and continued, "Then my dad lied to me to go home and help him get some food, but when I came back, I couldn't see his people. Later, I mobilized the whole village to look for him. , I found my dad’s body under the cliffs of the back mountain. The suicide note stated that he and my mother were to be buried together. He was sorry for my mother and said that he would let me live well, don’t live up to my parents’ expectations and practice martial arts."

Speaking of this, Hua Wu couldn't control it anymore, hugged Chen Hao's neck, buried her face on Chen Hao's shoulder and cried bitterly, heartbreakingly.

This old news was shocking, and Chen Hao was uncomfortable, so he patted her back for comfort.

He knew that it was useless to persuade him at this time, only to let Hua Wu cry with tears for all the grievances in her heart.

Chen Hao felt distressed about what happened to Hua Wu, and he was several times more miserable than himself. He remained motionless, allowing Hua Wu to vent his emotions.

Gradually, Chen Hao felt a little cold on his shoulders, and he was already drenched with tears in his shirt.

This cry, she cried for almost half an hour, Hua Wu finally ran out of tears, her voice hoarse.

Chen Hao did not get up, took a bottle of mineral water beside him, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her.

Hua Wu shook her head, she was in no mood and didn't want to eat or drink anything.

Chen Hao said in a sincere tone: "Your throat is so dumb, why don't you have the energy to continue talking to me?"

With a kind smile on Chen Hao's face, the tearful Hua Wu stared at him blankly. He was stunned for a while, and his wounded heart was bandaged for the first time.

"Drink some more, then I want to listen." Chen Hao handed the water to her mouth this time.

"Thank you." 89 Literature Network

Hua Wu just took it and drank the whole bottle of water in one breath. After drinking too hard, some water flowed onto the clothes.

Hua Wu didn't care about these small points. After drinking the water, her dry throat was moisturized, and she started talking again.

"I know it was my grandma who killed my parents, and I haven't called her again. But I was too young to bury this hatred in my heart. Later I went crazy and practiced martial arts like those aunts and aunts. I practiced, saying that it was girls who practiced these that would not be able to marry. I danced the whip, and they were so angry that they would not give me food, to force me to submit to them, and I would only take three days to listen to them. I was hungry and fainted a few times after I didn’t eat. Later, the school teacher called for a home visit. After learning about this, I was sent to the hospital. They also alerted the police. They were afraid and never came to me anymore."

"Later, I grew up, but I didn’t study well, and I went to a vocational high school in the city. My family would definitely not care about my tuition, so I stopped going to school and kept practicing martial arts at home. They are all somewhat trivial, but what I like best and is good at is unlocking. The locks in the village have been opened by me and it is very boring, so I went to the county or city to open various locks, such as safes, anti-theft doors, etc. Yes, it’s easy to open, but I only open the locks to play, never take other people’s things, because my mother taught me that ill-gotten gains cannot be taken.

"In recent years, fingerprint locks, facial recognition, iris verification and other security locks have appeared again. My mother has not taught how to open this, but I think I should improve my mother’s technique and look for various cracking methods on the Internet. I don’t have this talent, so I bought some plug-in cracking programs, which can also open some high-tech locks."

Chen Hao gradually understood and asked another topic he cared about most: "Where do you usually spend the money?"

"I don't take ordinary people's things, so I go to the houses of corrupt officials and profiteers. Anyway, they are ill-gotten gains. They basically won't call the police if they lose their belongings, and even because they have too much dirty money, they have lost some of them and haven't found it. My mother said that stealing is an inferior method, but if it is used to do good deeds, it can be used to offset the evil results. Therefore, the money I stole, I never use it myself, and donate it to the orphanage, rescue station, some homeless people, For single-parent families and so on, I usually put money secretly by their side, and they all assume it was given by a bodhisattva! The money I spend myself is all my labor in exchange for."

Having said that, Hua Wu has a smile on her face. In her miserable life, she finally found a happy lifestyle.

Chen Hao suddenly realized why Hua Wu was so poor. He stole tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions, and owed Huabei. He was still using an old mobile phone and Dabao. The stolen money was gone.

Combined with his understanding of her, Chen Hao believes this is true.

"Don't steal in the future. Use your skills to make money. Otherwise, if you are caught by the police in the future, you will be a thief who committed theft. Are you worthy of your parents' teaching?" Chen Hao educated.

Hua Wu said in confusion: "But apart from unlocking and some kung fu, I don't know other skills, and I'm not good at learning. I even only have a junior high school diploma. I haven't graduated from vocational high school. How can I make money? I owe you 20 million!"

"You can work for me and I will pay you a high salary." Chen Hao said.

For a genius like Hua Wu, if used properly, it is more powerful than some high-level elites. She can do things that ordinary people can't do.

Ordinary people can't get through the happy beats if they can't get started, ordinary people can't get on the road the first time they drive, ordinary people can't open locks like jokes, fly over the walls like walking on the ground, these are all aspects of her genius, worthy of a high salary for her.

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