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Hua Wu looked at Chen Hao in surprise, and then shook her head: "No, all the people in the world, I can work for them, but you can't."

"Why?" Chen Hao was puzzled.

"No way, no way, no reason! And, I don't want to change now. I have to earn 20 million back to you to live my life. I Huawu, I don't owe anyone anything!"

The 18-year-old girl said loudly and powerfully.

Hua Wu’s rebellious character really cannot be persuaded to come back in one or two days. Chen Hao can only let her go. I hope she will realize her mistakes when she is a little older, and then she will be willing to help this. Poor girl.

But Chen Hao should say to her in advance: "If you stolen money, don't return it to me. Not only will the stolen money be confiscated, it will also involve imprisonment."

Of course Chen Hao is not afraid of going to jail, but just wants to use this method to guide her not to steal.

"I'll pay you back absolutely clean, don't worry!" Hua Wu promised.

Seeing that she had a sense of consciousness, Chen Hao was very pleased, and immediately asked her about her escape from marriage.

"What fiancé, don't say so disgusting, I don't even know him, it's all my grandma and those relatives!"

Hua Wu immediately recounted her "feeling" experience.

About half a year ago, Hua Wu seldom returned to Huacun, and had been robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Grandma Hua felt that this was not enough, and worried that a girl in Huawu would do insulting things, so she blatantly introduced her husband to her underage.

Although there is only one martial artist in the Hua family in this generation, there are still some remnants of prestige in the rivers and lakes. Many old martial artists know that the Hua family whip technique in Huacun is unique.

Grandma Hua wrote a letter asking an old martial artist to speak to her granddaughter as a matchmaker. She praised Huawu and said that she was very solid in light work and whiplash, and also attached the most critical photos.

That photo was taken when Hua Wu was 16 years old. Her green face already has the appearance of a beautiful woman. In addition, she has been practicing martial arts. She has a slender figure. She looks really beautiful and pure, and she is also young. It's eye-catching.Three K Novel Network

After the martial arts senior released the information about the marriage of Huawu through his own relationship, many of the young men of the right age in the martial arts line expressed interest.

Among them, Lin Dayou, the second son of the Lin family who lives in Lizhou City, Lin Province, was the most concerned and drove to Huacun to learn about the situation.

But Hua Wu was not in Huacun at the time. Lin Da promised to give a big gift and asked to see Hua Wu in person to confirm whether the photo was true.

I called Hua Wu to ask her to come back. Hua Wu didn’t care at all, but the old spicy grandma Hua thought of a way. She cheated Hua Wu back from the city on the grounds of adding soil to her parents’ graves. Lin Da had an opinion. , Just stand on the spot.

Hua Wu, who appeared in front of him, was more mature than the picture, but more beautiful, and well-developed, slender body, Tingting Yuli, looks like a young beauty, beautiful and beautiful.

As a child of a martial arts family who had practiced martial arts since childhood, Lin Dayou seldom came into contact with the outside world of Huahua. He fell in love with the young and beautiful Huawu at first sight, and immediately said that she would not marry him.

The Lin family is also a big family. He promised a high-priced gift and asked for the marriage to be completed as soon as possible. Grandma Hua readily agreed.

When Hua Wu heard that she had introduced her to her husband, of course she would not follow her. She had to leave after giving her parents a grave. With her light work, others could not stop her.

As a result, Grandma Hua made another bad move. She actually put medicine in the water that Hua Wu drank. After Hua Wu fainted, she was tied up by Wu Hua Da and locked in her house. She put wine in the village that afternoon, and announced the Hua's granddaughter Hua Zhong. Kwai Hi married the golden turtle son-in-law.

The relatives of the Hua family know that Hua Wu is a rebellious character, and they say that they are absolutely disobedient, so they think and Lin Dayou quickly consummation. According to their old concept, once a woman is asleep by a man, she might accept her fate and settle down well. Live.

That night, with the financial support of Lin Dayou, the Hua family held a banquet and beat gongs and drums that night. The newlywed Lin Dayou became a minor of Hua Wu without a certificate and no bride present. "husband".

At this moment, Hua Wu was still tied up in the bedroom upstairs. After the medicine was over, she was awakened by the noise downstairs.

The Hua family is still a hundred secrets, Hua Wu is a master at playing with locks, and the rope is even more important. This is all left by the line of Hua Wu’s mother Li family.

Hua Wu broke free of the rope easily, but she did not leave immediately.

At that time, Hua Wu was mad and wanted to kill everyone in the Hua family, but when she was about to do it, she vaguely saw the souls of her deceased parents, persuaded her to put down the butcher knife, and told her that a more beautiful life was waiting for her. Don't bury your whole life in this unbearable family.

So Hua Wu calmed down and decided to leave an unforgettable memory for "them" before leaving.

Not long after, Lin Dayou, who was so drunk and drunk, entered the house and reached the bedside and reached out to touch Huawu, but Huawu violently raised the whip in her hand.

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