You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Lin Dayou is also a kung fu, and he also blocked a few tricks, but he was not a brilliant opponent of Hua Wu when he was drunk. He was quickly wrapped around his neck with a whip and was strangled alive.

The female relatives of the Hua family ran to listen to the root of the window, but they were lonely. There was no movement, but the light in the room went out.

The women thought that Young Master Lin had become a good thing, and sent the guests away, and went back to the room with joy.

At midnight, flowers

Wu came to the chicken coop downstairs, slaughtered all the poultry raised at home, and then threw the chicken and duck with his broken neck in the bed of a group of mean and snob relatives. It was a warning to them. She Huawu would not let it go. People knead.

That night, Hua Wu left Huacun and never went back. At the same time, she wandered around. Until recently, she arrived in Baihe City and met Chen Hao before starting a new life.

This is Hua Wu's past, a life story with a tragic color.

Later, she met Chen Hao and discovered Chen Hao's excellence, so she wanted him to pretend to be a boyfriend, and to let her family take a good look. The "men" she looked for were a hundred times better than their counterparts.

Taking a breath is one aspect, and the other is that Huawu’s parents’ graves are still in Huacun. She needs to go back to worship frequently, and she has to deal with her family. In order to block their mouths, so as not to come up with some ghost ideas, Hua Wu needs to have A rich and powerful "boyfriend", even if it is fake, is the source of her idea of ​​looking for Chen Hao to pretend to be a boyfriend.

It's just that Huawu's whimsical thought was originally only a whimsical idea, but after contact with Chen Hao, it gave her a beautiful gray life.

Chen Hao has this kind of magic power to make everyone around him unknowingly become friends and people.

After listening to Hua Wu's past, Chen Hao also understood her. There is a reason why such a perverse personality would be rude to her family. It is really not easy for her to grow up healthy until now.

Chen Hao couldn't help but give birth to the idea of ​​protecting her, taking care of her as a sister, so that this girl who is also an orphan with him can have a beautiful life.

Chen Hao looked at the time, and it was 1 a.m., unknowingly listening to Hua Wu's life experience for so long.

Chen Hao said: "It's too late, or you can rest first and we will talk tomorrow."

"But I'm not sleepy at all, I want you to accompany me."

Hua Wu is too lonely. Since the death of her parents at the age of eight, she has hardly felt the care and affection. Now Chen Hao is willing to listen and take care of her everywhere. It makes her happy and inevitably has a strong attachment. .

"There will also be time in the future, don't I agree that you live in the China Garden, and you can chat anytime later." Chen Hao comforted her a few words.

"I won't leave tonight, let's do it!" Hua Wu said softly.Kuaiyan123


Chen Hao didn't react for a while.

"Just roll the sheets, don't you men like it? Don't worry, no man has touched me except you. I strangled him when Lin Dayou entered the house that night and was not taken advantage of."

Hua Wu said calmly, as if this was a trivial matter like shaking hands.

"What a joke you kid!"

Chen Hao was a little annoyed. He was willing to help Hua Wu out of sympathy, and he didn't think of half gender.

Although Hua Wu is young and beautiful, it does not necessarily mean that she has a relationship with a beautiful woman. Among people's seven emotions and six desires, it is not only the love of men and women, but also the precious emotions of family and friendship.

"I'm not kidding, I'm an adult, don't worry, you won't be held accountable, I just don't want to sleep today, I want you to stay with me, and I won't mention it to others in the future, so I won't delay you to tease."

Of course, Hua Wu's request is not for love. She has been alone for too long. She has just received Chen Hao's consolation, just like a fish that needs to go back to the water. She needs Chen Hao's company tonight.

In Hua Wu's immature thoughts, the best way for a woman to leave a man seems to be her body, at least in her cognition.

"Don't be fooling around, give me a good night's sleep, and you can play with you for a day tomorrow. If you say this kind of self-love, I will return to Baihe City now and I won't help you again!"

Using the majesty of a man, Chen Hao severely rebuked Hua Wu for her childish thoughts, picked up the room card next to Hua Wu, and walked to the door.

"Remember, sleep obediently, I am a man, I will not take back what I have said. If you don't listen to me, you will do it according to your measure."

After speaking, Chen Hao walked out of the room, closed the door heavily, and went to rest next door.

Hua Wu looked at the door idiotically, suddenly the corners of her mouth turned upwards, she smiled happily, smiled and cried, and yelled "fools" in the direction next door!

Chen Hao was the only man she had ever met who didn't greedy her. She knew that she would never forget this unique man in her life.

That night, Hua Wu slept more sweetly than ever before, even when she was dreaming, the corners of her mouth were smiling.

Chen Hao didn’t sleep well. The hotel room was not as comfortable as his own. He had so many dreams at night that he didn’t wake up on time according to his biological clock. After he woke up, he closed his eyes and touched the phone on the bedside. After time, I found it was past seven o'clock.

Chen Hao shook his heavy head to make himself sober. He picked up the clothes beside him and prepared to put it on. Suddenly he noticed that there was a person on the bed. To be precise, he was lying on the bed with his hands supporting his cheeks and looking at him with a smile. Flower Dance.

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