I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 461: There Are Beautiful Women Behind You

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Chen Hao was so embarrassed that he hurriedly covered his body with a quilt. Although he was wearing tank top and shorts, for a well-known reason, a man had some indecent appearance in the morning, and he did not want to be seen by this girl.

"Big slacker, I woke up early, let's see why you are still asleep."

Hua Wu's two calves are cocked, and her feet in white stockings are regularly flapping on the bed, just like a kitten wagging its tail, showing that she is in a good mood.

Chen Hao is speechless. It seems that the door lock has no effect on Hua Wu. He will also pay attention to his image at home in the future, or he will be seen by others when he is uncertain.

"Will you go out first? I'm going to get dressed." Chen Hao said.

"A big man is still so shy. If I change clothes, I won't tell you to go out, and I won't lose a piece of meat." Hua Wu still didn't move.

Chen Hao didn't bother to pay attention to this rebellious girl, took her clothes and went into the bathroom, and then locked the door. Chen Hao was really worried that this careless girl would come in and observe him in all directions.

Chen Hao can still figure out the behavior of others, but Hua Wu doesn't know what she will do. The behavior is always unexpected.

Chen Hao got dressed and came out of the bathroom. Hua Wu was already sitting on the head of the bed, swinging her two calves by the bed, very leisurely.

Chen Hao smiled knowingly. Compared to the sadness of last night, it was nice that she was so happy today.

"What are you going to do today?" Hua Wu asked.

"Go to breakfast first, then buy a villa, and then show the purchase contract to your family. You should recognize me as a counterfeit, and then it's your business. I will only be responsible for flicking this time." Chen Hao said .

"Okay, you can arrange it anyway, I will follow you as a tool man." Hua Wu said happily.

Chen Hao discovered that after her catharsis last night, Hua Wu seemed to have transformed her whole body, becoming the cheerful and lively she should be at this age.

So the two went downstairs to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast. The hotel’s breakfast is free and you can choose from a buffet.

Hua Wu held a tray, followed Chen Hao, and waited until Chen Hao took a drawer of Xiao Long Bao, Hua Wu also took Xiao Long Bao, Chen Hao took a cup of soy milk, Hua Wu also took soy milk, she came for the whole journey imitate.

In the end, Chen Hao returned to the table early with a bunch of various dishes, and Hua Wu made a copy of it, with exactly the same weight.

"Why do you choose the same as me?" Chen Hao asked amusedly.

"I want to experience what the life of a rich man is like." Hua Wu handed Chen Hao disposable chopsticks, and then she started to enjoy it.

Copying the breakfast recipe is nothing. The key is that the amount of breakfast that Chen Hao takes is his estimate, just enough to eat, and he will not be hungry. After all, frugality is advocated now, and it is shameful to waste. The live broadcast of the big stomach king is restricted. Chen As a good citizen, Hao certainly has to respond.Fresh Novels www.xianxs.com

But Hua Wu copied the same weight, which is outrageous. Although she is tall among girls, she is very thin and incomparable with Chen Hao's muscle mass. She is full after eating half of it. A pile of leftover food frowned.

Hua Wu really can't eat anymore, and if she eats it again, it is estimated that even if her stomach is not broken, she will not be able to bend her waist all morning. For her outstanding skill, it is equivalent to self-defeating martial arts.

"Hey, there is a beautiful woman behind you!" Hua Wu suddenly pointed at Chen Hao's rear.

Chen Hao remained unmoved. What the beauty had in his family was that, besides, there was a young and beautiful girl across from him, so he couldn't turn back to see others.

Seeing that this distraction method was not effective for Chen Hao, Hua Wu used another trick.

"Don't move, you have a hair on your face."

Hua Wu reached out to Chen Hao's eyes, as if taking hair for him.

According to instinctive reaction, Chen Hao closed her eyes when facing the slender jade finger close at hand, Hua Wu suddenly flashed a sly gaze, moved the half-drawer buns in her tray to Chen Hao's side, and moved the empty cage. Put it on your side.

"All right."

Hua Wu withdrew her hand and flicked directly to the ground, as if she had lost a piece of hair.

Chen Hao didn't care. When he lowered his head to eat, he felt something was wrong, and couldn't tell what was wrong, so he swallowed a dumpling in doubt.

"Strange, I remember that the steamed buns seemed to be almost finished, why are there more than half a drawer?"

Chen Hao couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but didn't think too much, and continued to eat.

"Oh, my card fell. Help me pick it up. It's troublesome."

After a while, Hua Wu came out of moths again.

Chen Hao saw a bank card at his feet and didn't think much about it, so he lowered his head to help her pick it up, but after he returned the card to Hua Wu, he was lost in thought as he watched the sudden increase in food on the table.

Suddenly there were more Xiaolongbao, but the siumai that had been eaten just now also came out, and Chen Hao looked at Huawu.

Hua Wu seemed to be okay, she drank her last mouthful of soy milk with her straw in her mouth, then put down the cup, patted her stomach and said, "Oh, I'm so full, I'm ready to eat, you eat slowly, don't worry, I wait for you."

Chen Hao was amused. Hua Wu was no less naughty than Xia Jing, but Xia Jing was much more mature than Hua Wu and would consider other people's feelings. Hua Wu was a rebellious girl in her late puberty, who was even more difficult to guess and communicate.

Chen Hao didn't say much. He ate up all the extra food, but the excess amount made him a little bit brave. He had to digest well in the morning.

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