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Hua Wu seemed very disappointed. After turning around to play with her mobile phone, she suddenly asked Chen Hao a sudden question: "Is there any special feeling when I kissed you?"

"No." Chen Hao replied.

"Me too, the books and movies are so beautiful, how can I not feel it?" Hua Wu also felt inexplicable.

"If you want to taste the sweetness of a kiss, you need to be with someone you like, otherwise the saliva will stick to it and it will not be disgusting enough."

Chen Hao, as a past person, is giving life guidance to this young girl.

"It makes sense, wait until I find a man to try it." Hua Wu said seriously.

Chen Hao ignored her childish little girl, and drove back to Knight Frank city. When he was near the train station, Chen Hao stopped and said: "My agreement with you is complete. Now I don’t owe each other, I am going to go back. , You can drive away the car."

"I don't want a car, I want to go back to Baihe with you." Hua Wu said.

"Why are you following me?" Chen Hao asked her.

"Who is following you? The economy is developed over there. It is easier for me to make money and then pay your debts. If you add up, I will pay you at least 40 million." Hua Wu said.

"I won't collect debts. I'll just pay them back when you have money."

Chen Hao said to stop and get off the train, bid her farewell, then turned around and walked towards the high-speed rail station, not wanting to go with her.

Hua Wu's originally happy expression suddenly became confused. Chen Hao left. She actually felt lost, as if she had lost an important thing, even the new car that had just gotten lost.

Hua Wu bends her legs on the seat and sits with her knees tucked. She wants to think about the next development. It seems that except for Baihe City, the world is so big that there is no place for her.

"Yes, I also want to go to Baihe City, but I won't let you look down on me, and I won't live in the China Garden. I'm going to look like this and make you admire!"

Hua Wu figured out the key, she became cheerful again, and hummed a song.

She didn't go to the train station this time, but drove directly on the G30 highway, which was the direction to Baihe City. She wanted to experience the feeling of speeding life and drive all the way back to Baihe.


Chen Hao returned to Baihe City in the evening, and then saw the familiar urban street scene, and his thoughts were full. In the afternoon, he was still in the backward Huacun, as if he had suddenly crossed from the past to the modern.

On the day when he went to Huacun, Chen Hao met with the best relatives of the Hua family, and also discussed with a martial arts master, which was very unreal, but this disappeared after arriving in Baihe, and it was still familiar.

When I went there, I was with Hua Wu. When I came back, he was alone. Chen Hao still sympathized with Hua Wu and hoped that her life would be better in the future.

Chen Hao got into the car parked at the train station and returned to Zhou's International first, and found that his girlfriend Zhou Xitong was still having a meeting with his men.

Last week, Zhou Xitong wore an OL formal wear, beautiful and majestic. Chen Hao really loved her, the cold-hearted president Fan. Seeing her from the crack of the door, he felt a fire burning in his heart and wanted to hold her in his arms. I love it in my arms.

Chen Hao quietly walked into the conference room and sat in the last row.First Reading Network

Of course Zhou Xitong saw Chen Hao coming, but her expression remained unchanged and she was still presiding over the meeting.

In front of her subordinates, she was still the helm of the strategizing group.

After twenty minutes, the meeting was finally over. Zhou Xitong announced that the meeting was adjourned, and the other staff members left one after another, leaving the two of them in the meeting room.

Chen Hao walked over, Zhou Xitong showed a knowing smile, and the two naturally hugged each other.

Zhou Xitong's body is fragrant, soft and comfortable to hold.

"You must be tired outside." Zhou Xitong asked with concern in Chen Hao's arms, enjoying the embrace of her boyfriend.

"Not tired."

There is still a faint pain in Chen Hao's body, which is the secret wound when he was fighting with Lin Da, but at this time, he must not be told to his girlfriend. No matter how hard a man suffers outside, he has to support a sky for a woman.

"How about you?" Chen Hao asked her.

"I'm busy with work every day, nothing major." Zhou Xitong looked up charmingly.

Chen Hao was overwhelmed by her touching appearance, and said in her ear: "Will you go to the community at night?"

Zhou Xitong smiled apologetically: "I'm afraid it won't work. I have to work overtime late today. I have to go home sooner when my relatives come."

"Well, then another day."

Chen Hao didn't force her, he kissed her, held her intimacy for a while, and then let go of her when he heard footsteps at the door.

As soon as the meeting room door opened, Aunt Cleaning came in with a bucket and mop. Seeing that there were two big leaders inside, she immediately said in a panic: "Sorry President Zhou and President Chen, I don't know you are still inside."

"It's okay, the meeting is over, you clean it up."

Zhou Xitong smiled slightly. She treated the employees equally, and did not have the lofty attitude of some big bosses, and went out of the meeting room with Chen Hao.

Zhou Xitong had to arrange work, so Chen Hao stopped disturbing her and asked her to pay more attention to her health and not to be exhausted.

"You too."

Seeing that no one was paying attention in the corridor, Zhou Xitong raised his toe slightly and stamped Chen Hao's lips, and then walked into the office.

This kiss has a taste of happiness and sweetness. This is what he and Hua Wu said. If you want to taste sweetness, you must be in line with the people you like.

Chen Hao touched the corner of his mouth with a lingering fragrance, and smiled knowingly.

He left the Zhou’s Building and received a call from Wang Qiang, saying that he had found a dormitory where workers at the Miaojie construction site could be housed, but the rent was 30% higher because the Miaojie construction drove the land prices around the whole area. It has become the hottest area in the city, and rents have risen.

"Okay, I will go and see it now." Chen Hao said.

He immediately called his deli subordinate Lai Wu and asked him to go to the house with him.

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