You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Soon, Lai Wu came to meet with Chen Hao and took the initiative to take over as the driver. When he drove to the rental house, Chen Hao felt unhappy at the door.

This is a group rented housing complex. It is night now. People come and go. There are many children in the yard who are noisy. There are also aunts who come downstairs to dance the square after dinner. The entire open space is full of people and it’s unbelievable. , Like a vegetable market.

When Lai Wu saw Chen Hao's expression, he knew the boss was dissatisfied, and said, "It's too noisy here. Would you like to look for it again?"

"Go up and have a look."

Chen Hao was noncommittal and took Lai Wu upstairs.

Wang Qiang and the landlord were talking about the twenty or so empty rooms in Unit 2. Chen Hao found the male landlord and, accompanied by the landlord, went into several rooms to check.

Here is the setup of a group rented house. The decoration is very simple, the walls are painted white, a small room of dozens of square meters is divided into three narrow bedrooms, there is no kitchen, a bathroom for common use, and even no balcony, just to dry clothes A rubber band tied in the bathroom, it is estimated that the clothes will not dry for a week in winter, and you need to bring your own dryer.

Washing machines, air conditioners, electric lights, and water heaters are the only electrical appliances in the room.

Chen Hao shook his head. It was even worse than the condition of the house he rented in the first place. There are too many people to eat and drink, and it becomes a problem. Moreover, they are in the room, and all kinds of noise outside are clearly heard from their ears. Workers are in this way. The environment simply can't get a good rest.

Construction workers work in two shifts. Some have to work day shifts and some have night shifts. They can't sleep well after being so noisy, how can they work hard.

They went upstairs to check a few rooms, almost all of the same structure, Chen Hao said on the spot: "It's not possible here, we need better conditions."

The male landlord showed an arrogant look: "My condition is not good? The surroundings are all equipped with this kind of configuration. If you want a good one, the monthly rent will cost four or five thousand. If you want to use it as a workers' dormitory, you don't want to die! I can’t find a cheaper property."

"You don't need to worry about it." Lai Wu said coldly to the male landlord. The sharp gaze made the landlord shrink his neck in fright. The man in front of him was frightened by the momentum of a big social brother.

The landlord beats a drum in his heart, and a follower is so powerful. The boss, Chen Hao, must be even more powerful. He began to regret what he said and did.

Of course, Chen Hao wouldn't care about these townsfolk, he and Lai Wu left, ready to find other places.

As soon as the two got into the car, Chen Hao received a call from the person in charge of the Miaojie construction site, in a very anxious tone.

"Boss Chen, our construction site has been complained by someone saying that our construction noise disturbs the people. Someone has come to investigate and understand the situation!"

"Okay, I am here."

Chen Hao asked Lai Wu to drive to the construction site.

After arriving at Temple Street, there is already a law enforcement vehicle here, and the person in charge of the construction site is communicating with law enforcement officials.

"Our construction here has been approved, and the noise is in compliance with industry standards, and there is no nuisance to the people." The person in charge said that he was wronged.

"We are also in accordance with the regulations, starting tonight to conduct self-examination and rectification, and we can also strive to reach an understanding with the complainant, otherwise we will be punished in accordance with the regulations."

The law enforcement officer said.110 Literature

At this time, Chen Hao came, saying that they would consider it and send the law enforcement officers away.

"How can I get a complaint in a good manner?" The person in charge of the construction site did not understand.

Chen Hao asked about the complainant's situation and wanted to resolve it privately with the other party. The complainant was in a small five-story building not far from the construction site where he could see him.

"Go, let's take a look."

Chen Hao called Lai Wu and rushed to the place together.

After arriving at the place, I found that it was a pedicure shop. Outside it was feasting and a group of girls with heavy make-up danced square dances. These were the foot-washing girls of the foot bath shop. They had the opportunity to dance before going to work.

These feet-washing girls also wore small V-neck skirts and black silk boots in the winter, which is in line with the preferences of some men, so many people stopped to watch.

"Spice girl pedicure?"

Chen Hao saw the name of the shop, as well as the dressing and ethos of the feet washing girls, and felt that the appearance of the shop was not formal.

"Boss, I'm going to find out about their manager." Lai Wu said.

"Don't be busy, let's see the actual situation first."

Chen Hao wanted to go upstairs to experience it personally and see what impact the construction site would have on them.

They are all in compliance with relevant regulations, so they should not be complained.

So the two entered the store first, and a cashier girl at the front desk was bright when she saw Chen Hao coming in, and greeted her enthusiastically: "Two bosses, do you want to wash your feet?"

"Yes, arrange it for us." Chen Hao said.

"Then you are going to wash together or separate?" the girl asked.

"Together." Chen Hao said.

"Oh, then we have five specifications here, they are 68, 88, 128, 158, the best is 388 yuan, of which 388 is the emperor class, all kinds of services are top-level, very recommended." The cashier sister introduced Tao.

Lai Wu is Men Qing. When I heard this configuration, I felt something was wrong, and asked one more sentence: "What specifications do you have for single washing here."

"Single wash? It is the highlight of our shop. One-to-one boutique service. Based on the five gears just now, in the deluxe single rooms, there are three types of 588, 888, and 1,288 night packages. There are more than a dozen types of physiotherapy services. "The little cashier sister said, she also cast a wink at the two people ambiguously, obviously there was something tricky in it.

"Boss, the one-to-one service she said should be what I did before." Lai Wu whispered to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao frowned. He was an upright young man, and his impression of this store inevitably deteriorated sharply.

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