You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!After thinking for a while, Chen Hao probably guessed why Zhou Xitong agreed so happily.

Medicinal baths belong to the category of Chinese medicine, and Zhou Xitong’s mother was cured by Bo Hu with Chinese medicine techniques, so she can accept Chinese medicine baths. Coupled with the growing relationship between the two, she doesn’t care about doing this kind of service. Already working.

"Tongtong, you are so kind!" Chen Hao happily hugged her and kissed her delicate cheek heavily.


There was a knock on the door, and the two who were getting close quickly separated and arranged their images. After a few seconds, they had returned to their original state.

"Come in." Zhou Xitong shouted, and a staff member came to ask for instructions on work outside.

As soon as the staff member saw Chen Hao was in there, he immediately realized that he was in trouble and quickly made up: "I will come again later."

"No, you can report on your work, I'll leave immediately."

Chen Hao asked the employees to stay, and he said to Zhou Xitong: "See you in the community after eight o'clock in the evening."

This is the agreed time, Zhou Xitong nodded in response.

When Chen Hao left, she devoted herself to intense work again, and she was really a strong woman.

In the evening, Chen Hao went to the top floor of the community early, turned on the air conditioner and bathroom heater, and made the bathroom warm like spring, and then waited for Zhou Xitong to arrive.

A moment later, as soon as the door opened, Zhou Xitong came in from the outside with a chill. When he saw Chen Hao, he smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, I am late."

"It's not too late, you're freezing out."

The cold current came tonight, it was extremely cold, and even snowflakes fluttered. Chen Hao hugged Zhou Xitong in his arms to warm her.

"It's not cold, there is air-conditioning in the car, and you will take the elevator up when you get off." Zhou Xitong smiled.

She immediately asked Chen Hao, "Shall we start now?"

"Don't you take a break?"

"If I don't rest, I'm not tired, but I have to change clothes first."

Zhou Xitong took one of his shoulder bags into the bedroom to change clothes, while Chen Hao went to the bathroom and began to fill the bathtub with water.

Chen Hao took out a medicine packet and put it aside, and added it later when the water was ready.

The footsteps behind him sounded softly, and Chen Hao turned his head and his eyes were hot. It turned out that Zhou Xitong put on a sports swimsuit with dead water, showing his figure vividly.

"I will definitely get wet in a while, so I will wear a swimsuit. Would you mind?" Zhou Xitong stroked the tip of her ear and asked in a charming manner.

"Of course not, my wife is charming in everything she wears." Chen Hao hugged her waist and offered compliments in time.

Now that nothing is more important to be intimate with your lover, they hug together.

"Well, don't delay your business."

Or Zhou Xitong took the initiative to separate and pointed to the bathtub, where the water had been stored for a long time.

"Okay, then start now."

Chen Hao walked over to open the medicine packet first, and sprinkled the medicine granules in the water.

Immediately, the whole pool of water turned into black and purple patches, just like purple and black flowers blooming in the water.

Chen Hao understood that the black color is roughly the color of the Black Earth Dragon, and the purple color should be the effect of the purple fog grass.

Chen Hao stirred the pool water evenly. Soon, the entire pool of water emitted a strange purple-black color, and it had a slightly viscous luster, like a mass of ancient amber.Reading book nest

"Is this the liquid medicine you are talking about? It's so beautiful!" Zhou Xitong said with emotion.

"I hope the effect is more obvious."

Chen Hao removed all the clothes on his body and then got into the bathtub "sincerely".

As soon as the skin on the body touched the liquid medicine, it felt like burning pain, but after enduring it, it was much better. This was not caused by the real high temperature, but was only affected by the positive medicine liquid.

Chen Hao was soaking in the potion, as if sitting by a stove, the feeling of heat around him digging into the bones.

Chen Hao felt very uncomfortable all over his body, but as a man, he couldn't scream, he gritted his teeth and endured.

"Why? Are you uncomfortable?" Zhou Xitong came over and asked.

"It's so powerful!" Chen Hao gritted his teeth.

"Then what can I do for you?" Zhou Xitong asked.

"I don't know, Huber said, I need you by my side." Chen Hao is also a little aware of this.

Zhou Xitong felt sorry for her boyfriend, so she reached out to help him massage and relieve pressure.

It's strange to say that when Zhou Xitong touched Chen Hao, the discomfort in that position was greatly reduced, as if the hot medicine was sucked away, which was really a strange phenomenon.

No wonder Huber asked Chen Hao to find a woman to help him in his practice. It turned out to be effective. Without Zhou Xitong, he would have to soak in this pool for half an hour, and he would probably have peeled off his skin.

"It's very effective, don't stop." Chen Hao encouraged.


Zhou Xitong kept changing her hands, changing positions for Chen Hao to press her body. Her hands also touched the liquid medicine, but it was far from the discomfort of Chen Hao. This extremely yang liquid medicine did not have much effect on her as a woman. .

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has its own mystery. This theory of yin and yang reconciliation is not available in modern western medicine, and it is difficult to explain it with modern medical viewpoints.

In this way, Chen Hao, with Zhou Xitong's assistance, soaked in the potion for half an hour.

And half an hour later, the purple and black water became quite thin, and the bottom could even be vaguely seen from above, and Chen Hao absorbed most of the power of the medicine.

When the set alarm clock sounded, Chen Hao stood up from the water and exhaled a suffocating breath, and suddenly felt a little tired. Although there was no exercise during this soaking stage, all his energy was fighting against the violent medicine, which consumed a lot of physical energy. .

Chen Hao immediately went to the shower head to wash away the remaining concoction on his body.

At this time, Zhou Xitong also walked over and stood next to her body.

Of course, she didn't want to play bathroom PLAY. She saw that Chen Hao was tired, so she squeezed some shampoo and rubbed her hair carefully for Chen Hao, just like a virtuous wife, taking care of her tired husband returning home.

Through the mist in front of him, Chen Hao looked at Zhou Xitong who was seriously busy with him. He was very moved and felt extremely grateful for having such a lover.

"Wipe it." Zhou Xitong then took a clean bath towel to Chen Hao and wiped his body clean.

"You should also rinse, put on clothes quickly, don't catch cold." The two care about each other.

Afterwards, Chen Hao dried his hair and returned to the bedroom. Zhou Xitong also put on a nightgown, which was so charming.

There was no more words, the two hugged each other with expressions, and then both fell on the bed (3871 words are omitted here)...

The next day, Chen Hao stayed at the China Garden home and went to practice bear play after getting up.

After yesterday's medicated bath, I felt that my body's strength had increased a lot, and the skin that was originally white was now more of a bronze color.

He had no inspiration to practice the bear drama before, but after yesterday's medicated bath, he recalled the dominance of the liquid medicine, and then thought of the black bear's domineering aura in the forest, and finally had a hint of understanding.

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