You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Bear, in people's eyes, is a titanic, stupid synonym, and there are often some funny videos.

But once the bear initiates a mighty power, it will make the forest beasts fascinated by it. It has strong strength, thick skin, and fearlessness of injury. This is exactly the portrayal of Jun Yi He.

Chen Hao was greatly inspired, and immediately used a different aura from the tiger opera and the deer opera.

The tactics of flying a bear into a dream, a fish and a bear's paw, a bear heart and a gall bladder, the power of the bear, the strength of the bear, and the guilty of the bear, take turns, like a real violent bear, in the playground.

If the tiger show is indomitable and brave; the deer show is cautious and alert; then the bear show is fearless and domineering!

When Chen Hao used the bear play, he seemed to be a black bear in the forest, fearless of pain.

His fists and back hit the dummy from time to time. Although his body was shocked and painful, he felt more and more, and he treated the dummy as an enemy.

After more than twenty moves, Chen Hao used all the strength of his body with the force of Xiong Feng and tore off one of the tough rubber dummy's arms at once.

Chen Hao slowly gains strength, and today he has gained a lot. The bear show has already started. Before he was afraid of injury, he used the bear show to frighten his head and tail, and lost the momentum of the bear.

Today, Chen Hao finally realized the essence of the bear drama. The more he is worried about injury, the more he will be injured. He is fearless, and his body is as steel as iron, so the enemy will in turn fear you.

Generally speaking, this bear play is to use its own thick skin to resist the enemy's attack, and then use the method of wounding to damage the enemy. It is no wonder that Huber will let him use a medicated bath to temper the skin. First, it must be able to resist the enemy. Only by hitting can you hit the enemy more effectively.

Otherwise, he will be beaten up for fear of losing the battle first.

At this point, Chen Hao recalled the battle against Lin Dayou that day. If he mastered the bear show, he would not be suppressed so cruelly, and one or two punches would not hurt his muscles and bones, and his fierceness Counterattack will overwhelm the opponent.

Now Chen Hao believes that as long as he fully masters the bear play with time, he will be able to win the final victory even if he does not use the wind talisman again when he meets Lin Dayou.

Chen Hao has become stronger again.


In the next few days, Chen Hao absorbed the ingredients of the medicinal bath with the help of Zhou Xitong every day. His fair skin began to become dark and tough, as if from Yi Yang Qianxi to Gu Tianle, not only looked mature, but Add a point of majesty.

In Zhou Xitong's words, Chen Hao is becoming more and more like a successful person.

On this day, after the medicinal bath was over, Chen Hao took a shower and sat on the sofa in the living room. Zhou Xitong was blowing his hair gently.

Seeing the gentle and virtuous girlfriend in front of him, with such a tall figure, Chen Hao couldn't help but start doing evil with his big hands, picking up his girlfriend's nightdress.

"Oh, stop making trouble."

Zhou Xitong put his hand rules in place, and then said: "I may be going to Aocheng on business next week. There is a business meeting, but your medicated bath can't be stopped."

This is a good time to be alone with his girlfriend. Chen Hao still remembers the fun of their business trip in Litong County, so he said, "If you are going, I will accompany you with you. Just bring the medicine bag."

Zhou Xitong smiled gently: "That's okay, wait for me to confirm. If you are sure to go, I will help you book tickets together."

"That's great."

Chen Hao laughed, and when his hair was dry, he picked up his lover and went into the bedroom...

A few days later, Chen Hao's bear play has been initially grasped, and the skin on his body has become harder.Bashan Academy

Chen Hao did the test himself, and now he has no sharp objects such as stones, unsharp knives, metal stubble, etc., inadvertently, he will not cut his skin, and he can even do it with bare hands. Breaking the glass is just a few cuts in the skin that are made by sharp glass ballast, but it does not bleed.

Such a tough skin, it can be said that the golden bell is small.

Of course, the invulnerability in comparative novels and movies is still far behind, but ordinary people’s fists are probably only tickling Chen Hao, and the ability to resist attacks has been significantly enhanced. He can go on stage without wearing protective gear. Go and do boxing exercises with others.

Chen Hao believes that if he is given another half a month to use up all the medicine packs, he will almost be able to make a bear show. When the time comes, he will not say anything about invulnerability and King Kong, but basically when he is facing the enemy, Can guard against some weapons hits with bare hands.

This morning, Chen Hao went to the station to pick up people. Today is the day when Xia Jing returned from home. It happened to be the day of the preliminary competition of the cooking competition in the afternoon. She came at the right time.

At the exit, Chen Hao saw Xia Jing who had returned with honor at a glance. Her short hair was extended, and she wore a bright yellow fluffy hat, especially kawaii.


Xia Jing put down the suitcase in her hand with difficulty and waved her hands vigorously.

Chen Hao walked over and helped her drag her luggage, which was really heavy, so he asked her what she had brought.

"It's what my family brought me for food. By the way, my grandfather asked me to bring you some souvenirs and said thank you for taking care of me." Xia Jing smiled sweetly.

Not seen for a week, it seems to have become more beautiful and more charming.

"Really, his old man still remembers me, flattered."

Chen Hao joked all the way to the parking lot, put the luggage in the trunk, and then drove her home.

"Did you miss me during my absence?" Xia Jing asked expectantly, sitting in the co-pilot.

"It's okay."

Chen Hao was vague, if he insisted on thinking about it, he would miss the delicious meal she cooked more, but if he really said that, I was afraid that this girl would blow her hair on the spot.

"Not honest at all."

Xia Jing snorted.

"By the way, this time I asked about it. The cooking topic of the preliminary contest is lobster. You can choose any method to cook. The ingredients are yours."

Chen Hao asked her if she wanted to make that kind of lobster.

"Being Splendid Lobster, I happened to learn a unique secret with my grandfather at home." Xia Jing said mysteriously.

"Well, today I will also see your new skills." Chen Hao smiled.

Back in the China Garden, the model girls at home all surrounded Xia Jing and greeted them with twitter. The sisters relationship between them was very good. They had been apart for more than a week, and there seemed to be endless words.

Chen Hao then waved his hand and went to a five-star hotel to have a big meal at noon. Everyone went together. In the afternoon, they went to Xia Jing as a cheer group for relatives and friends, wishing her victory.

"Okay, Miss Xia, we will definitely be able to win." These sisters all believed in her ability.

There were eight people in their group. They couldn't sit in ordinary cars and needed a bigger car. They were tired of ordinary cars. Chen Hao suddenly thought that there was still a lack of a bus at home, so he took this opportunity to buy one.

For Chen Hao, buying a car is the most convenient. You don't need to go to a 4S shop, and you can choose directly from the tens of billions of subsidies.

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