You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Boss Chen, we have already started transporting the 1,030 new energy vehicles you ordered from Yunyang. Let's check with you. Do you send all the cars to Baihe Haoran Construction Machinery Leasing Company?"

"Yes, you just need to send it there, and someone will take over there." Chen Hao replied.

After a week of transportation, his large order of super cars worth more than 100 million in the 10 billion subsidy finally arrived. He then contacted Wang Qiang and Li Changjiang to let them pay attention to pick up the car.

Wang Qiang said on the phone: "I said the boss, this is a large order of more than 100 million yuan. You have to be on the spot. I can't make the decision."

At the same time, Li Changjiang also made a similar suggestion. The value of these cars is too high. In case something happens, none of them can afford this responsibility, so he wants Chen Hao to sit there.

"Yes, but I won't have time until after 3 pm, and now I'm going to participate in a TV contest." Chen Hao said.

"That's okay, their fleet is still on the way, and the handover is estimated to take several hours, too late." Wang Qiang said.

Things were so settled. When Chen Hao ended the call, the bus had already drove outside the venue.

At this time, a lot of cars have been parked outside the exhibition hall. The preliminary competition of this cooking competition is that all applicants from the cities and counties near Baihe participated together, so the number of people was large.

This competition attracted many up-and-coming stars in the chef industry. More than 200 people signed up to participate. The number of participants plus various spectators was thousands.

However, after all, the chef competition is not comparable to popular industries such as variety shows and sports. Compared with the venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, it is still very empty. When the girls from China Garden get off the bus and enter the venue, it is not very crowded and everything is in order. .

"Xia Jing, come on, we are optimistic about you!"

Before going backstage, all the girls cheered for her.

"No problem, you guys look okay in the audience, I will definitely get the championship back." Xia Jing never knew what nervousness was, and said goodbye to the little sisters very freely.

Chen Hao couldn't help but smile. This is the preliminary round and will not decide the championship at all. This Xia Jing is really a fan of confidence.

Chen Hao accompanied her to the registration point to report with the competition supplies. After verifying her identity with her ID, the staff issued Xia Jing a number card for the competition, but when she saw that her occupational level column was empty, he asked She: "Your chef level has not been filled in, please show me your certificate."

"I don't have a certificate." Xia Jing replied calmly.

"Huh? No?"

The staff was a little dazed. This is really surprising. The amateur chef actually came to participate in the culinary competition, but he saw that Xia Jing is in such a good shape, and it is estimated that the Internet celebrity came to the hot spot, so he wrote in that column " No words.

This competition does not limit the professional level, which gives the private high-level mobile phone clubs, but the private masters may pass the preliminary competition, but they will be dwarfed by the high-level scenes, usually not comparable to the chefs who are from professional classes.

However, this staff member did not know that although Xia Jing did not have a certificate, she had a family history, she might shock people in the industry.

At the venue, there are already dozens of simple-built cookers and chopping boards to show the talents of the participants. Due to the large number of participants, the competition was divided into several rounds. Xia Jing happened to be the first round. After the comparison, the prize was judged on-site.

"I'll put things for you, and you can change your clothes."

Chen Hao gave the chef's uniform prepared in advance to Xia Jing.

Xia Jing saw the white chef's uniform with the advertisement of "Bei Xixi" printed on it, but did not say anything, and took the clothes to the dressing room.

After she changed her clothes and came out, she was seen as one of the few contestants with advertisements on chef uniforms and hats, and a beautiful chef.

In addition, tens of billions of subsidies have been added, so you can fight more and save more.

Big-brand genuine products, official subsidies, and a penalty of ten for fakes.Dream Literature Network

Ten billion subsidies, your best choice for shopping.


Advertising slogans with similar red fonts are very eye-catching in the white chef clothes worn by Xia Jing, especially for beauties like Xia Jing. They quickly attracted the cameraman who took the shots and gave them on the spot. A close-up.

"Isn't it ugly?" Chen Hao asked her.

"Of course not. Is this making money for the boss, I understand, otherwise, how could there be public travel after the award, right, my big boss?"

Xia Jing blinked her eyes mischievously, very sensible.

"Just understand."

Chen Hao stepped aside and Xia Jing got to the stove of the game.

Chen Hao has already set up all kinds of kitchen utensils for her. The complete sets are domestic brand-name knives, spatulas, etc., which cost more than two thousand.

In addition, a lot of ingredients are also prepared. Lobster is a rare commodity specially bought under the tens of billions subsidy.

Brittany blue lobster weighs eleven catties and three taels. It is priced at 5,500 yuan/500 grams and the subsidy price is 17 yuan/500 grams.

This lobster, also known as French blue lobster, is a very rare species of lobster. It is produced in Brittany, France. It has a magnificent blue color and looks beautiful.

Because it is extremely scarce, the price is also very touching. At a unit price of 5,500 yuan per catty, the cost of this eleven catty three-by-two super lobster is worth more than 60,000 yuan, and this kind of big head is unique, that is, tens of billions of subsidies. Otherwise it is extremely difficult to see this kind of rare blue lobster."This lobster is unique. Everyone else has red flowers. This is blue."

Xia Jing fiddled with the blue lobster with the pliers tied up with a knife.

After all, she is a fast prototyping player, except for her cooking skills, she has very little knowledge and does not know this top blue dragon.

"This is called French blue lobster. It is a rare species with a unique taste. I hope it can help you." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, use the blue lobster to conquer the judges today." Xia Jing was full of confidence.

"Okay, the game will start right away, I'll go to the stage to cheer for you!" Chen Hao clenched his fist to cheer for her.

"Well, I will win smoothly." Xia Jing compared a cute scissors hand.

With a kitchen knife in one hand and scissors in the other hand, she can be described as a beautiful chef with two knives and become the most beautiful girl on stage.

Chen Hao then retreated to the stage and watched the live game with the model girls.

The host of this competition appeared on the stage. First, the local sponsor and the owner of the White River Hotel came out to give a speech. After reading the manuscript for more than ten minutes, he also advertised his own restaurant before it was the host’s turn to continue. Link.

The host announced the rules of the competition. The contestants should cook the fresh lobster into a dish within 30 minutes. The side dishes and methods are not limited, but only the contestants themselves can complete it independently.Overtime or cheating in the middle and other violations of the game rules will directly disqualify the subsequent game.

In the end, the dishes made by the contestants will be given scores after being reviewed by eight private judges. The top 10 scores in the preliminary round will be eligible for the semi-finals.

However, this competition has nearly 240 contestants. It can be said that the difficulty of "one out of twenty" is still very stressful.

However, Xia Jing was full of confidence. After the host announced the start of the game, he cut the sharp knife towards the huge blue lobster.

At the same time, the other contestants also showed their magical powers across the sea, and started to process the ingredients one by one.

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