You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!At this time, the photographer was doing long-range shooting in all venues. Suddenly, the camera was frozen in Xia Jing. The director found Xia Jing with a beautiful appearance and a good figure, and the chef's clothes were very happy. They made the unique blue lobster. It's so interesting, the director immediately asked the follow-up to focus on shooting the No. 012 player.

The director is also familiar with the preferences of the audience. Nowadays, it is a society of eyeball economy and beauty. There are hot spots for good-looking people. It is not unusual to cook on the spot, and there are fewer beautiful female chefs. So Xia Jing has attracted attention from the beginning. His every move was broadcast to thousands of households through live broadcast signals.With Xia Jing's appearance, it is estimated that she will have several points of ratings out of thin air.

"Xia Jing, come on!"

"Xia Jing Xia Jing, we will always have rice porridge (like) you!"

Seeing a close-up shot of Xia Jing on the big screen of the live broadcast, the friends and relatives in the audience raised up the prepared light sticks and support signs, cheering and shaking, which aroused the attention of the audience. I don’t know. He thought it was the hot actress on stage.

So when Xia Jing started the game, she became the most beautiful boy on stage.

"Huh, grandstanding, ostentatious."

Xia Jing’s next door to the stove is a male chef in his twenties, named Hou Bin, who claims to be a new generation of chefs and a young master of China. He came to the competition to be the champion. According to his ideas, he deserves Compliments from all parties.

However, Xia Jing attracted the attention of most people, which made him very upset, who liked to show off, and contempt Xia Jing in his heart.

In his eyes, it is the original sin that a woman should wash and cook at home and nurse her children, and run out to join the master chef.

"I will show you what the real cooking is like!"

Hou Bin was angry, and used all his strength in the preliminary round. A chef's knife flew up and down, swiftly breaking the Aolong in his hand and dismembering it into several pieces.

This skilled knife worker is much more fancy than Xia Jing, so he quickly "robbed" the camera over, making Hou Bin proud.

"Judge Zhang, please give your comment, how is this 013 player's knife skills." The host interjected in due course.

"Very solid knife skills," said the judge Zhang, "has at least five years of experience. I found that his knife skills and handling methods are very good. If nothing happens, he will be a strong contender for the semifinals."

The judge Zhang said that he was conservative. In fact, he was alluding that the 013 Hou Bin had basically locked a spot, and he could get a glimpse of his skills from the knife.

"Then you can comment on the female player No. 012 next to me, the camera cuts over, everyone's voice is very loud, it seems to be a very popular player."

The host also has a relaxed tone. In order to enliven the atmosphere, he lifted Xia Jing as the popular leader.

"This female player, uh... we can see that she looks very good. It is the first time I have seen such a beautiful female chef in so many years. It makes me very gratified that the celebrity successor of the chef industry, too, Hope she can keep it up."

Judge Zhang avoided talking about Xia Jing's cooking skills, but praised her for her beauty.

The main reason is that Xia Jing's knife skills are not flattering. After all, she is learning very slowly, and knife skills are only "useable". Of course, she can't compare with the one next door.

In comparison, her knife skills seem to be very amateurish, so the chicken thief's judge Zhang took a different approach to praise.

As for the blue lobster, he also said that it is relatively rare, but it is far away and the specific species is unknown.

"Very good, I am looking forward to tasting the craftsmanship of this beautiful chef #012." The host said cheerfully.591 read novel network

People's aesthetics are almost the same. The host directly arranged a nickname for Xia Jing. On this point, everyone's conclusions were surprisingly consistent, and no one refuted it.

The culinary competition is proceeding intensively and orderly, and the contestants have begun to enter the most critical stage of cooking.

Xia Jing puts the processed blue lobster into ginger, vinegar, etc. for a short marinade, and then heats up the pan to heat the oil.

This pot is a Zhangqiu iron pot brought by Chen Hao from his restaurant. After cleaning, pour it with water.

When the hot pot was boiling water, Xia Jing cut all the other ingredients.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the broccoli into small pieces, and slice the straw mushrooms.

These ingredients are all super products selected by Chen Hao from the tens of billions of subsidies. Regardless of color or taste, they are definitely the best of the same variety.

After the pot is boiled, Xia Jing puts the straw mushrooms in a boil, and removes them to drain after they are cooked.

After washing in the pot, pour the oil to heat, add the green onions and sauté fragrant, then pour in broccoli and straw mushrooms and stir fry.

At this time, Xia Jing’s skill at spoon-handling was embodied. This was one of her best skills. Being a chef at a French braised meat shop was not for nothing.

After a few stir-frying, Xia Jing put the whole big lobster in the steamer, pour a little cooking wine and ginger slices on the bottom of the plate to get rid of the fishiness. After steaming for ten minutes, it is basically cooked. Xia Jing uses the mobile phone to set the timing.

After the domestic stir-fry until the vegetables are slightly soft, add various seasonings, and finally add cherry tomatoes, stir-fry until they are half-ripe, and serve.

In addition, heat up the pot and heat the oil and start cooking the Xia’s unique secret sauce. This is the soul of the whole dish. Most chefs will do the other steps. Only this is the Xia’s recipe from the palace, which is not a secret.

Xia Jing poured the prepared secret ingredients into the pot, and then added the old soup, first boil on high heat, then turn to low heat to simmer. When the brown sauce becomes sticky, it can be out of the pot.

Xia Jing looked at the time, and when the ten-minute steaming time was up, she turned off the heat and turned on the steamer, took out the lobster plate with special tongs, and then moved the lobster to a specially prepared assortment. The dishes are arranged according to the beautiful pattern, and the lobsters are placed on top, and the flavor is there. The red cherry tomatoes, dark green broccoli, gray straw mushrooms, and blue lobsters form a beautiful picture.

But this dish still lacks a bit of soul, and that is the finishing touch.

The sauce has been roasted in a small fire and turned into a thick dark brown, and the hot bubbles in the pot continue to emit a unique fragrance.

Xia Jing turned off the heat and poured most of the sauce on the lobster, which made this colorful lobster suddenly undergo a big change, as if sublimated, the aroma of the sauce was mixed with the deliciousness of the lobster, and the unique change was Hidden in the prawn meat, Xia Jing believes that when the judges eat her lobster, they will be surprised.

However, this dish is still the last step, and Xia Jing deliberately left a blank corner on the plate.

She put the remaining sauce into the spoon, and then used the spoon as a paintbrush, and wrote the words "Splendid Lobster" in the empty space on the plate. This is the name of the dish.

Shrimp is beautiful and has a fragrant taste.

This is the introduction to the dishes designed by Xia Jing. She used a small piece of paper and placed it on the side of the plate. The judges would definitely add some impression points when they saw it.

The whole dish has been made, Xia Jing pressed the button and raised her hand to indicate that she had finished cooking. The whole process took 19 minutes and 23 seconds.

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