You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Hehe, we see that Contestant No. 012's lobster is very popular." The host is still trying to grin to mediate the atmosphere.

As the judges gave "excellent" evaluations, everyone could tell no matter how bad their eyes were. This lobster was weird. What made the judges unanimously praised?

To this end, the host once again gave the microphone to the most professional judge Zhang to explain the situation.

"Dishes are created for people to eat. As long as people can eat more and satisfy their appetites, it is a good dish. This splendid lobster obviously meets this standard, and the color, fragrance and flavor have reached a very high level. Level."

Judge Zhang talked freely and praised this splendid lobster without hesitation.

"Oh, really?"

This immediately aroused the curiosity of the host, and he planned to come and taste it.

At this time, the lobster had been eaten half, and the last judge also gave "excellent", eight outstanding results, Xia Jing suddenly jumped to the first place in the audience, almost locked in the qualifying place, unless the following players It's also all excellent, it is possible to play extra, otherwise she will definitely appear.

"Xia Jing is great!"

The relatives and sisters in the audience cheered together. If there are musical instruments in their hands, it is estimated that they will have to beat gongs and drums.

Xia Jing on the stage was also smug and raised her eyebrows at Chen Hao, asking her how she behaved.

Chen Hao gave a thumbs up in the audience, this is her evaluation.

At this time, the host couldn't help being tempted. He took a pair of chopsticks and took a bite of the splendid lobster. He was immediately conquered by the deliciousness and began to brag in front of the camera. The camera frequently gave Xia Jing close-ups.

This was only the first game of the preliminary round, and it turned out to be Xia Jing's solo show, like a star holding the moon.

The director who is in control of the overall situation in the rear can't stand it anymore, reminding the host that it is enough, and there should be no strong subjective factors, which makes the host stop.

Amidst the voices praising Xia Jing, an element of disharmony suddenly emerged, and that was Hou Bin, who was temporarily second.

He advertised himself as a champion, and now suddenly someone was on his head in the preliminary round, which made his future proud of the god of cook suffer a serious blow. He couldn't believe that a woman would be better than practicing cooking for several years. He is even better!

"I'm not convinced, it must be your judges operating in the dark. Did you stuff you money on 012?"

As soon as Hou Bin shouted this out loudly, it shocked the surrounding audience, but it also aroused the suspicion of many people eating melons.

Also, women are rarely seen in the profession of chefs, not to mention Xia Jing with such good personal conditions. She can reach the standard as an internet celebrity, model, and even a celebrity. All of them have a much better prospect than being a chef. Why can’t I think about it? Cooking?

They have to think of "show-making" and "bribery". After all, except for the judges and hosts, no one else can taste the splendid lobster.

"Yes, there is a shady, demanding strict investigation!" someone shouted in the audience.

As soon as the host didn't look good, he quickly cut off the live broadcast signal, and the TV station began to broadcast the advertisement.

Afterwards, a bunch of staff came up to discourage the situation and avoid making the situation too loud.

"Our judges have a clear conscience. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself. I believe that as long as you have the professional ethics of a chef, you will get a fair evaluation."

As the leader of the judges group, Judge Zhang said righteously to the microphone.Zhuiwen Novel Network

"Okay, I'll come to taste what kind of dishes this woman cooks." Hou Bin also agreed and walked to the judges' seat.

To make Hou Bin shut up, tasting it in person is the best way, so someone gave him a new pair of chopsticks, but Hou Bin didn't use it. As a chef, he brought his own tableware with him.

Taking out a fine bamboo chopsticks, Hong Bin saw the lobster meat that had been eaten almost, so he picked a relatively poor meat from his tail and chewed it in his mouth.

"No, it's impossible? How could it be so delicious?"

When Hou Bin tasted it, he was shocked on the spot. The strong ocean breath spread in his mouth. He couldn't find any adjectives. The word "delicious" was the word "brain"...just now it was Hou Bin's brain being confused. It should be full of delicious words.

Hou Bin also has to admit that the taste of this splendid lobster is indeed slightly better than that of his lobster, especially the sauce, which can’t taste the ingredients at all. One bite seems to eat all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and a variety of ingredients. The result of the mixing, but with a wonderful taste.

Without the finishing touch of the sauce, the lobsters of the two would be about the same level, but with the sauce, it would have made a qualitative leap and become the best chef.

"No, no, I'm not reconciled, she must have weaknesses!"

Hou Bin, who was too determined to win or lose, seemed to be stunned. He chewed the lobster meat hard to think about the possible shortcomings of this dish. Just point out that he might still be the first.

Suddenly he noticed the rare blue lobster shell.

"This lobster is the wrong color!"

Hou Bin announced loudly, "I have also made blue lobsters, and it's not just ordinary lobsters that have been mutated. This one is obviously different from others. I suspect that this lobster was dyed and dyed blue deliberately. Come to grandstanding."


When the other amateur judges heard it, they suddenly felt that the lobster they had just eaten was not fragrant. When they thought that they had eaten the chemical dyes, they felt sick.

"Boss, he framed Sister Xia Jing, you have to help her explain."

Qiu Yanan on the side was very upset, and came to Chen Hao to let him get ahead.

Chen Hao asked the girls to stay calm. These days, fakes can't be real, and real can't be faked. A master chef, an expert who knows the goods, and the kid's nonsense, after all, can't stand.

"Don't worry, look at me."

When Chen Hao comforted Qiu Yanan, he had already stood up and stepped onto the stage. He provided the lobster, and of course he would explain the situation.

Chen Hao has always been the backer of the girls, and there is nothing he can't do when he goes out. The girls are relieved.

"Excuse me, Contestant No. 012, what kind of lobster is yours?" A judge asked.

"It's French blue lobster."

Xia Jing replied flatly, she herself had a clear conscience, what Chen Hao gave her would not be false, only that these people were funny, and she refused to acknowledge her excellence.

"French blue lobster? Isn't that the rarest blue lobster species in the world? The price is several thousand yuan per catty, are you sure?" the judge asked in surprise.

Among these judges, only Judge Zhang is professional, and the rest are folk gourmets or restaurant owners, so they don't have much knowledge and have never eaten such high-end seafood.

Upon hearing this price, the audience said that a lobster can be so expensive, it is simply unimaginable.

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