You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Indeed, this blue lobster was originally rare and expensive, so it would not usually appear on the dining table. Only the top rich and wealthy would use this level of top seafood.

The French Blue Dragon appeared in a domestic city-level culinary art contest, which made most people unimaginable. If you think about it according to the conventional way of thinking, invest tens of thousands of dollars for grandstanding. It feels really worthless, so it is really possible that it is dyed, because This way the cost is much lower.

"Don't guess, I have the purchase record and identification certificate of the French Haoer Aquatic Products Company here. This lobster was purchased yesterday. You can go online to verify the authenticity."

At this time, Chen Hao stepped onto the stage and displayed a paper certificate in French, Chinese, and English, and he was welcome to check it at will.

This is the certificate attached to Chen Hao when he bought the lobster in the tens of billions of subsidies. He originally thought it was useless, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

The host immediately realized that this was a hot spot, and let the camera restart work, and then gave a brief explanation, and now conduct on-site inspection.

If it is verified to be true, then there will be several thousand yuan per catty of high-end seafood in the regional preliminary competition, which will definitely attract a wave of traffic. If it is false, it is just to promote their strict judging of the competition, which is also beneficial. Therefore, the authenticity of this lobster is Affect everyone's hearts.

A dedicated person followed the website published on the certificate, checked it online, and broadcast the process on the big screen at the same time. The website did indeed display the detailed information of this blue lobster.

The blue dragon’s weight, location of capture, body data and other information are recorded in detail on the website, and the time of purchase is also consistent with the code of the purchase invoice, and the purchaser states that the French Braised Meat Restaurant Chen in Baihe City, China Sir, the identity information is also consistent.

Now it's a real hammer. This French blue dragon, worth tens of thousands of yuan, is indeed wild, not dyed. Hou Bin was ignorant and brainless, so he came to frame it.

This time not only the judges on the stage, but even the crowd eating melons in the audience were shocked, and they exclaimed, holding their mobile phones and shooting continuously. Today is really a long experience. I saw tens of thousands in a regional competition. Only lobster, you can blow it back.

The director here found an opportunity, so he asked the host to focus on Contestant No. 012 and the blue lobster she used. Relying on Xia Jing’s appearance and this expensive ingredient, it’s hard not to be famous. This is their media The result that people want to see.

"Audience friends, now we have just learned the news that the blue lobster used by the female contestant No. 012 has an extraordinary origin..."

The host gave this shot passionately and generously, and the judges were all radiant. I came here today to be a judge with soy sauce. I didn’t expect to have tasted tens of thousands of blue lobsters by the way, which is so delicious. This is really unexpected. Joy.

They looked at some of the splendid lobsters left on the table, and the judges couldn’t help it. They picked up the chopsticks just like a gluttonous food. After a few chopsticks, they ate all the lobsters together with the side dishes. Nothing is left, there is a CD operation.

This is only the judge who is closer to the lobster plate, like the judge Zhang who is far away, can only drool enviously.

At this time, Hou Bin, who raised the question, has been forgotten to the corner. His face was blue and red. He was not reconciled to fail, but he was helpless. After all, he also tasted Xia Jing's splendid lobster, whether it was the taste or the ingredients. The degree of preciousness surpasses him, it can be said that it is the first one that deserves its name.

"I was careless this time, but don't be proud, I will definitely find my place in the rematch!" Hou Bin vowed in his heart, and then left the game.

The 30-minute game time has already arrived. All the dishes of the contestants are piled on the judges' bench. However, these judges have just finished eating the Splendid lobster made by Xia Jing, and eating these ordinary lobsters all feel the same as chewing wax.

"Why is it so terrible?" Please see the novel website

"Too bad, too much oil, too greasy."

"The salt is too heavy and there is no seafood flavor."

"This lobster is smelly, it's not fresh at all, it's incomparable with the blue dragon."

Maybe it was because of the difficult times, these judges were picky about these dishes, one by one, the extremely low ratings were released.

What 3 good 5 pass, even 4 pass 4 bad scores, refreshing the low score list.

To be honest, these professional or amateur contestants did not make it so unpleasant, at least up to the level that can be used in the table, but after all, with the splendid lobster beads and jade in front, their works can only serve as a foil, one by one. Coming down.

Therefore, among the first wave of contestants in this preliminary round, Xia Jing temporarily ranked first with all excellent results. With her work level, it is a sure thing to lock a promotion place.

Next, Xia Jing was like a star holding the moon. When she stepped off the stage, she was warmly welcomed by the sisters' relatives and friends. At the same time, the camera lens has been tracking and shooting, fully enjoying the feeling of a C star.

The camera gave Xia Jing a ten-second long close-up. The advertisement on her chef's clothes with a subsidy of tens of billions of dollars was also filmed together. The audience watching the live broadcast noticed, and the number of broadcasts reached a new peak. .

"Ding Dong! The tens of billions of subsidy promotion missions have completed the stage goals and successfully promoted at the municipal level. The stage rewards are 100 points and an identification scroll. VIPs are invited to continue their efforts. Each stage of the mission will be rewarded.

On Chen Hao's mobile phone, he quickly received the prompt message from the APP, which made Chen Hao overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the rewards are still distributed in stages, which is much more reasonable, and there is an identification scroll that I don't know what role it has.

Xia Jing can exchange so many rewards for him with only paid vacation and public travel. This investment is really cost-effective.

But there were too many people around, and Chen Hao calmly turned off his mobile phone and applauded the honorable chef Xia.

"Boss, am I doing okay?" Xia Jing walked to him and asked triumphantly.

"Very good. In the evening we will have a big meal to celebrate for you." Chen Hao said happily.

The girls were of course happy, so they walked outside the venue together. The surrounding audience saw Chen Hao surrounded by a group of Yingying and Yanyan, and they all showed envy.

Surrounded by beautiful women is the lifelong dream of many men, but Chen Hao did not expect to realize it so easily.

Arriving outside the venue, Lai Wu went to drive the electric bus, and a group of cheerful girls prepared to get in the car and leave.

At this moment, a cool pink-painted supercar suddenly stopped by the bus, blocking the way the bus entered.

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