You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Xia Jing sat on the sofa and took off her little boots, and removed her socks, revealing her tender little feet.

Her jade feet seem to have been maintained, without any dead skin or calluses, and the red and blue capillaries under the white and tender skin can be clearly seen, and the shape is beautiful, it must be crazy to be seen by the foot control.

Chen Hao saw that her ankle was okay and there was no excessive edema. He found medicated liquor and smeared her on the spot.

However, Xia Jing's performance made him understand that the woman last night was not Xia Jing, otherwise, based on her feelings for herself, he would have a showdown long ago.

While applying the medicinal wine, Chen Hao suddenly thought that Xia Jing was the person who knew the garden best, so he asked her if she noticed anything unusual.

"Everything is very ordinary. I lived with Cao Rui yesterday. Reporter Zhu slept with me. Cao Rui got up at six in the morning to go to the provincial capital for a meeting, so I drove her to the station and also sent Zhu Min off. Go to the TV station."

Hearing Xia Jing's words, Chen Hao felt suspicious again. He asked the two women if they got their feet. In fact, he was knocking on the side to ask if they were walking strangely.

"They are fine, and I accidentally stumbled upon them when I came back." Xia Jing replied.

This is surprising. Reporters Cao Rui and Zhu have no abnormalities. Who would it be?And that mysterious woman hasn't come to find herself, which is very strange.

However, Chen Hao still needs to verify. He let Xia Jing rest well, then went outside and called Cao Rui first.

If it was Cao Rui last night, with her gentleness, she might not have made any public statements, nor would Chen Hao be required to be responsible, but Chen Hao would be even more guilty in her heart and had to find out if it was her.

The phone was connected, Cao Rui had just got off the high-speed rail, and the voice over there was a bit noisy.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't say goodbye to you because of the rush of the exhibition."

Cao Rui's tone of apology was normal and could not be heard.

"How did you sleep yesterday?" Chen Hao took the opportunity to inquire.

"I slept well. I slept well with Xia Jing until dawn, but she just slept badly. She kicked me a few times and was held down by my quilt, so she was honest, ha ha."

Cao Rui laughed as she spoke, as if in a good mood.

"Isn't it Cao Rui?" Chen Hao whispered in his heart.

"Ah, sorry, I have to go through the subway security check here, let's not talk about it, I will send a WeChat message." Cao Rui hung up the phone.

Chen Hao thinks that the woman was not Cao Rui last night, because of Cao Rui's shy character, she usually blushes when she says something ambiguous. If such an intimate relationship had happened, she could not be so calm.

Since it was not Cao Rui, the suspicion fell on another person, the big reporter Zhu Min who was staying at home.

Zhu Min is the daughter of a mysterious big man. If he really has a relationship with Zhu Min, then the matter will be big. I am afraid that the big man will be angry and will be upset.

So Chen Hao immediately called Zhu Min to confirm the matter.

Zhu Min was preparing for an interview in the morning and was a little busy. Chen Hao also asked her vaguely how she slept last night.

As a result, Zhu Min's tone was normal, without any strangeness.

"I started recording the show here, let's talk back!" Zhu Min also hung up the phone in a hurry.5599 novel

It seemed that it wasn't Zhu Min either. Chen Hao couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Why was he the only one looking for the mysterious woman, but no one had brought it up, it seemed that he was the one who suffered.

But this matter really needs to be figured out, it is better than dragging, or it is always a heart disease, then the rest of the family will belong to the model girl and the nanny girl.

To check them, it was very simple. Chen Hao deliberately overturned a few flower pots and left the ground in a mess, and then asked the nanny girls to clean them. In addition, he also called six model girls. Last time they said they had practiced well. After dancing, Chen Hao suggested that he wanted to see them perform now.

As a result, almost all the young girls at home gathered in Chen Hao's room. The nanny was cleaning the room. In the living room, the six model girls also changed their clothes and sang and danced in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao didn't focus on dancing, but to see who walked unnaturally, which was the most obvious way he could think of.

But I was disappointed again. The model girls danced gracefully and the movements were very big, none of them deformed, and the dances were very graceful.The nanny girls are also diligent and conscientious in tidying up the room, moving quickly and without abnormalities.

This is strange. After looking around, no one in the family meets the goal. Is it just a misunderstanding, maybe it's... blood in the stool?

Chen Hao thinks of this reason and feels nonsense, but he can only comfort himself in this way. Anyway, he tried hard and couldn't find it. Maybe this "mysterious woman" doesn't exist at all, maybe it's just that his skin is broken a little and he doesn't feel To.

"Boss, are we still satisfied with the dance?" Wu Dan, who was leading the dance, asked slightly panting.

"It's great, you can make your debut after packing."

Now that the matter was figured out, Chen Hao became cheerful and gave them a thumbs up.

"Hehe, we are far behind, then we have another dance?" Wu Dan asked.

"No, I have work to do, you guys should take a break and go." Chen Hao got up and left the villa.

As a detective early in the morning, Chen Hao didn't find anyone, so Chen Hao didn't care about it. If there really is that woman, he will definitely tell it later. If he is overly sensitive, it would be best.

After this incident, Chen Hao vowed in his heart that he would not get drunk in the future, otherwise there would be endless troubles!

Chen Hao then drove to the Haoran Trading Company. Recently, there was a lot of backlog of business here. Chen Hao found a small truck, loaded all kinds of exotic items that the customers asked for, and asked the salesperson to send it out. From today’s work, it is conservatively estimated that I made another 5 million.

With tens of billions of subsidies in hand, don't make money too easily.

He was working in the company, signing various financial statements, and suddenly there was an internal phone call. The security guard downstairs called him, saying that someone was calling to see him.

Since the other party's attitude was not good, Chen Hao didn't want to see this person, so he just said no and let the security take care of it.

After a while, the security called again. The tone was urgent this time, saying that it was the young man who was violently breaking in. The security could not stop them and they were ready to call the police.


Chen Hao knows that the security guards downstairs are stronger than the average person, and he can use simple grappling techniques. If a few security guards can't cure one person, it means that the other person is a practicing family.

"Don't call the police, I will meet him, tell him not to make trouble and wait for me in the hall." Chen Hao said lowly.

He put down the report in his hand, and took the elevator downstairs. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw a group of security guards standing guard against a young man.

This young man was about twenty-two or three years old, his age, he was wearing an Adi sports suit with a little muscle.

Chen Hao looked at him very arrogant, facing so many security guards, he still put his hands in his pockets to pretend to be cool.

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