I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 498 Three-legged Cat Kung Fu

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"Are you looking for me?" Chen Hao stood still five meters away from him.

"You are Chen Hao? Are you very young!" the young man said with contempt.

"It's me, I can say something." Chen Hao said calmly.

"I heard that your skill is very good, you can beat the second son of the Lin family in Li Zhou, and you are quite capable. I want to fight you!" the young man said.

"I don't have time to play with you."

Chen Hao resolutely refused. He is not a cat or dog who will accompany him when he comes. He is not a professional escort. He must be qualified to act. This young man has a frivolous attitude. attention.

"Don't give face? I am a disciple of Zhujian Villa." The young man pointed his thumb to himself, reporting his origin.

"I haven't heard of it, please go back. Don't interfere with the operation of our company, otherwise the police will come to you to talk." Chen Hao finished speaking and turned to leave.

"No, you can't go, you have to fight with me, see the trick!"

The young man sprinted two steps, and took the initiative to remind Chen Hao to pay attention. He raised his fist, which turned out to be an impolite behavior forcing Chen Hao to do something.

Chen Hao's eyes condensed, and he didn't want to be familiar with him. He actually pushed his nose to the face. It seemed that this young man spoiled by his parents needed an education.

Chen Hao dodges the fist behind his back with a dragon and tiger step, and while turning around, a hungry tiger rushes to attack the opponent.

Chen Hao felt it out from the sneak attack behind him that this young man was not solid in basic skills and was far from the previous Lin, so he dared to go up and attack the opponent.

This young man didn't expect Chen Hao's moves to be so fierce, his complexion changed drastically, he hurriedly withdrew back, and at the same time threw his fist to block.

So Chen Hao's fist hit the young man's arm.


The young man took two steps backwards holding his forearm, and his bones were severely painful. It is estimated that he had bruised his muscles and muscles. He suffered a small loss after only one encounter, and the strength of Chen Hao was too far apart.

"It seems that I underestimated you, I'm going to be serious!"

The young man's face was flushed, obviously embarrassed, he reluctantly found a far-fetched reason, and then he wanted to fight back against Chen Hao.

This time he wisely put away his fists and changed his legs to bend his legs.

However, Chen Hao looked at him calmly, and gestured for him to please, whatever tricks he could use.

"watch out!"

The young man suddenly shouted and swept across his leg.

Chen Hao has also experienced a few masters who use their legs. Others’ legs are kicked out of wooden stakes. They have strong leg strength and solid kung fu. However, this young man’s legs are similar to cotton candy, soft and without any prestige. It has its shape without seeing the essence.

At this level of training, he was only a little more powerful than street hooligans. Chen Hao couldn't lift up his energy. He ran out of his legs at random. The toe of the young man’s leg was bent, and he immediately kicked him out of balance. Almost fell.

The young man finally stabilized his figure. Repeated frustration made him irritable. He wanted to say something to support the facade, but he couldn't say a word. Since the two met, he provoked a fight, but he has been suffering. Matte on the surface.

"You...If you can resist my next leg, I will count you as great!" The young man said sternly.135 Chinese www.135zw.com

Chen Hao didn't answer, so he watched him perform calmly. It felt like watching a crappy person performing a sketch. Although the other party worked hard, Chen Hao didn't feel like he wanted to laugh at all.

The young man took two steps and jumped into the air at the speed of his charge, adding his own body weight to kick Chen Hao with his inertia.

This trick looks fierce, but it is actually very stupid. The body loses its footing when it is off the ground, and the victory or defeat is hanging in the line. It can be used to deal with opponents weaker than oneself, but the weak enemy is strong and the flaw is so big. Trick, it would be unwise.

Chen Hao just turned a little sideways and avoided the attack range of the youth, and then the youth who was still in the air was shocked, but it was difficult to change his moves. He could only watch Chen Hao kick his side and hit him. Ass.


Chen Hao kicked fiercely, and the young man flew out in the mist, then fell heavily to the ground, and cut out five or six meters on the smooth marble floor before stopping.


The young man Shen Yin in pain, his body was like falling apart, there was no good place on his body, and the fall was not light.

"It's not shameful that you are not good at learning, but your three-legged cat is here to challenge others. Are you shaking M?" Chen Hao left a cold sentence.

"You, don't leave yet!"

The young man took out a red invitation card from his pocket and said: "Although I am defeated, it does not mean that our swordsmanship is not good. I am here to make a war on you on behalf of our patriarch. Jianzhu Villa next to Ouye Town."

Chen Hao didn't accept any war posts. If there were young people like that, he would not be interested at all.

This young man is arrogant and incompetent, and Chen Haoli has no skill.

The young man lay on the ground unable to move for a while. Seeing Chen Hao enter the elevator, he threw the invitation sharply and threw the invitation into the elevator.

However, Chen Hao stretched out his right hand, his middle finger flicked, and the invitation flew back to the youth.

"I'm not free, so let me bother me less in the future. If you need medical expenses, go and tell the front desk that I will pay in full."

After talking, Chen Hao closed the door domineeringly and isolated from the youth.

"Sword Casting Villa..."

The name sounds a bit like a place name in a martial arts novel. The other party said it was in Ouye Town, and Chen Hao searched it on Baidu.

Ouye Town is a town under the jurisdiction of Baihe City, with a population of more than 20,000 people. It is not that big, but it is famous for making swords and other cold weapons. The name of Ouye Town is taken from the ancient sword-making master Ou Yezi.

Building cold weapons is a characteristic industry of the town, and it is well-known in the country, but it is not a collector of people and does not pay too much attention to it. Chen Hao is just Baidu, only to know that Ouye Town is not far from Baihe. More than ten kilometers of road.

The strange thing is that when I searched at Zhujian Villa, there were all fragments from martial arts novels. Chen Hao tried to narrow the search. It seemed that there were only one or two people posting pictures on Weibo showing the sword, but there was no explanation.

This sword-making villa is really mysterious.

Judging from that young martial artist, it is very likely that this is an ancient martial arts family, but retains the name of a sword.

In any case, Chen Hao had no interest in them, especially this kind of rude organization, and he was basically angry when he went, and Chen Hao was too lazy to accompany them.

It's just one thing. The fact that he defeated Lin Dayou is probably already known by the martial arts circle. The other party came to the door for the illusory face problem.

If the other party dares to entangle, then Chen Hao will hit them head-on. Think about it every day when human flesh sandbags come to him and beat him, it's quite relieved.

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