You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao worked in the company until the evening, and originally planned to go off work with Zhou Xitong to have a couple dinner, but Xia Jing suddenly called and said to him in a serious tone: "Come on to the stewed meat restaurant, the cooking competition found a very Great opponent."

As soon as Chen Hao heard that it was a task and it was a big deal, he immediately apologized to Zhou Xitong and left after saying that he was in a hurry.

Chen Hao rushed to the French restaurant and found that not only Xia Jing, but also his good buddy Xing Zetao was also there. The two were in the back office, looking at a laptop.

"What happened?" Chen Hao asked.

Xia Jing turned the notebook around and pointed the screen at Chen Hao, and he saw a grim young chef cooking at the preliminary match in another province.

This young man is definitely not Hou Bin's arrogant half-hearted man, but a real master chef.

The way he handles the lobster is so fast that he can barely see it, only slow motion can catch a glimpse.

After Xing Zetao slowed down the video, he saw that the young man’s kitchen knife dismembered the lobsters and other seafood like a dinosaur, dismembering the lobster and other seafood, and even took off the shell. The seafood was still jumping around. Did not hurt their nerves.

Later, his cooking techniques were extremely fast, and in the end he finished the whole assorted seafood sashimi in only 2 minutes and 58 seconds, which was highly rated.

Xia Jing said: "You see, he is the first in the preliminary contest of the provincial capital of Hunan, and he also set the fastest cooking record in this competition, especially his superb knife skills. I showed my grandfather, and my grandfather said this person is The descendants of the strange chef's line have inherited the line from their Xia Family Yuchu. My grandfather told me that from the knifeman, I can tell that I, the fast chef, is not his opponent, and the championship cannot be won. ."

Chen Hao frowned slightly, thinking that the culinary competition was a sure thing, but he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway through, and a master who was much better than Xia Jing appeared.

Although the task stipulates that as long as the finals are completed, the task is completed, but according to the characteristics of the staged rewards, the champion will definitely get the most rewards. Chen Hao does not want to give up such a good opportunity.

"Is there no other way?" Chen Hao asked.

"I can go back to study for Grandpa again, and try to learn as much as possible a certain cooking technique before I can compete with him. After all, we are in different competition areas and only meet in the finals. But, come and listen to my grandpa. if."

Xia Jing took out her mobile phone, clicked on a WeChat voice message, and Xia's voice came out.

"This man’s kitchen utensils are all years old. They must have been handed down by their ancestors. They add to the cooking skills. If you want to beat him, in addition to giving full play to the inheritance of my Xia family, you also need to have an exclusive for yourself. Kitchen utensils are good, especially kitchen knives. You use those knives bought in the supermarket to make dishes that are soulless. If you can't combine human knives, there is no hope of surpassing him."

The voice is over, Xia Lao means that Xia Jing's technique can make up, but the kitchen utensils are much worse. Without the knives in hand, he will definitely not be able to beat the opponent.

Chen Hao looked back at that rival’s cooking video and admitted that Old Xia was right. The old black iron kitchen knife that the young man was holding was like an organ on his body. It is estimated that it is almost the realm of the combination of man and knife in the martial arts.

So, if you want Xia Jing to win the final competition, in addition to letting her go to emergency intensive training, you must also find her a handy tool.

"Which kitchen utensils do you like to use? Go back and find Xia Lao for training, and I will find kitchen utensils for you." Chen Hao asked her.

"I don't know, but I can draw it."

Xia Jing had done design by herself and had a foundation in painting, so she immediately took out pen and paper and painted on A4 paper.

Soon, she drew two kitchen knives. One was the main knife. It was similar to the commonly used kitchen knives, except that it was a trapezoid with an arc on the tip. It can be used for cutting bones and meat. It is a multi-function knife. , The other is a long and narrow knife, similar to a fruit knife, which is used to cut some vegetables, fruits, or pick some complex ingredients.Seven Realms Novel Network

Xia Jing also marked out the dimensions of each part. This is a build drawing. You only need to find a processing factory and build the tools.

"I need two knives like this. As for the pots and pans and the like from my grandfather, I can bring them, but my grandfather said that this knife should be artificially made with ancient methods, otherwise it will lose its charm. The kitchen knives you buy make no difference."

Xia Jing's words made Chen Hao feel a bit tricky. It was created by ancient methods, which is really hard to find in today's industrialized society.

However, for the task, even if it is difficult for Chen Hao, he still has to do it. He nodded in response and tried to get the two kitchen knives before the final.

"By the way, these two patterns must be engraved on this knife. This is engraved on the main knife and this on the secondary knife."

Xia Jing then drew two more patterns, which came alive on paper.

After seeing it, Chen Hao frowned and asked her, "Are you sure you want to engrave these two images?"

"Of course, this is my unique kitchen knife, otherwise I don't have a soul," Xia Jing said.

Xing Zetao wanted to laugh when he looked at the pattern, but Xia Jing stared sharply at him. He immediately sat down tightly, not daring to speak out, just as good as a little chicken.

Xing Zetao, an otaku, was arrogant on the Internet. As a result, he was subdued by a female chef.

"Well, I have already bought a ticket for the evening, and I will leave right away. Remember to find a good kitchen knife for me, otherwise don't blame me if you lose."

Xia Jing picked up her LV co-branded bag with Hello Kitty on her back, and was about to leave.

"I'll send you." Chen Hao said.

"No, I drive by myself, remember, finding the kitchen knife is the most important thing, bye!"

Xia Jing waved her hand, and walked away.

With the goal of her struggle, she is no longer the girl who likes to be naughty and has a trend of maturity in her work, which is a good sign.

Chen Hao turned around and discovered that Xing Zetao was packing his laptop. This high-end mobile workstation seemed to have been given to him in the first place. In other words, Xing Zetao brought his computer to Xia Jing.

"Did you find this video?" Chen Hao asked him.

"Yes, I worked all night to collect all the videos, but I found this fierce man, so I quickly showed Xia Jing to see and deal with it early." Xing Zetao said.

"Why are you suddenly concerned about the cooking competition." Chen Hao felt a little strange. He, an otaku, should stay at home and play games.

Xing Zetao is usually too lazy to get out of the house. He asks for takeaways for meals, expresses for shopping, and even calls an auntie to do some laundry. He is the one who would rather rot at home and never go out. This time he cared about the competition and was a bit inconsistent with him. Assume.

"Didn't I ask Xia Jing to do something, she asked me to help her organize the video..."

Xing Zetao twisted and talked about his liking for Qiu Yanan and asked Xia Jing to provide information.

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