You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Chen Hao should have lost, but unfortunately, he lost because of lack of experience. If you practice more in the future..."

Several heads were still exchanging their experiences, but there was a sudden change on the stage. Wu Zhong groaned, staggered back two steps, clutching his heart and looking painful.

"You're not afraid of pain!" Wu Zhong gritted his teeth to resist the constant pain in his heart. Chen Hao still hit him hard after hitting his two moves just now.

It stands to reason that Chen Hao suffered two acupuncture points, and Wu Zhong should not have much strength to hit Wu Zhong. However, Chen Hao's expression remained unchanged. On the other hand, Wu Zhong was beaten and grinned. It is self-evident who took advantage of this move. .

"What happened just now?" The slaps looked at each other. It seemed that Chen Hao was beaten under pressure just now. Why did the battle suddenly turn around?

Chen Hao smiled slightly. It seems that he has succeeded in changing his move. Xiong Xi can indeed deal with Snake Fist. Tie Hanhan in the forest still surpasses the Fanged Snake.

He then slowly walked towards Wu Zhong step by step, putting strong pressure on his opponent.

In fact, Chen Hao can't go if he wants to go fast. He hasn't reached the stage of the bear show yet, so he can only forcefully bring him into the state of a bear, and his actions are slow. If he reaches the stage, he can get out of the bear form as described in the book. The shackles can be fast or slow, offensive or defensive.

"You must be gritting your teeth, then one of us can't help it!"

Wu Zhong is still superstitious of his own snake boxing. In order to win, he decided to ignore the premise of reaching the limit and attack Chen Hao's key points such as Tanzhong and Qihai. As long as he hits, people will be severely injured and then win. .

Afterwards, you can use a flop to prevaricate, and you will be punished at most, but it is much better than the face earned.

Therefore, facing Chen Hao's offense, Wu Zhong adopted a trick of "snake and stick up", his arm became soft, and followed Chen Hao's fist to wrap around, so he repeated the technique.

However, Chen Hao is no longer the Chen Hao when he used the tiger show. He relied on his strength to ignore Wu Zhong's attacks, but hit Huanglong with a punch. No matter how you beat me, I will hit you at the same time!

Wu Zhong couldn't retreat at this time. It would be absolutely disadvantaged, and the scene would be extremely ugly, so he gritted his teeth and confronted Chen Hao. The target was the key points of Chen Hao's heart.

"It's going to be the winner!"

The eyes of several heads lit up to watch the final outcome.


Chen Hao hit Wu Zhong's shoulder with a punch.


Wu Zhong's Shekou fist also poke Chen Hao's two acupoints with his fingertips.

The result was quickly divided. Chen Hao was hit with only a slight frown, because the Shekou punch was really painful on the nerve-filled acupuncture point, but it did not cause internal injuries. The man, the man, can bear this pain.

But Wu Zhong is not so good. Chen Hao's righteous iron fist with Xiong Fengzhi's strength is firmly imprinted on his shoulder. The huge force tore his muscles and muscles and knocked him back three steps without saying. The shoulder is even more painful, and it is difficult to move it. This is a real injury.

Unlike the internal injuries caused by the vigor of the internal players, Chen Hao is completely outside the field, and brutal trauma caused by brute force is also uncomfortable.


Wu Zhong's face was painful, and he held his right shoulder with his hand. He wanted to fight back when he didn't accept defeat. He raised his arm but the pain went into his bone marrow. This arm was temporarily unusable.

"Wu Zhong, you have lost, don't retreat." Long Xiaoyan stood up and said.Yudi Bookstore

Wu Zhong closed his eyes in pain, showing a look of unwillingness and shame. He came to vent his anger to the younger brother, but he was also defeated by Chen Hao, feeling shameless facing his fellow martial arts.

Long Xiaoyan saw the thoughts of his four disciples, and immediately criticized: "Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military, and the same is true for warriors. You must not be arrogant or discouraged. If you can't lose, then you shouldn't discuss with others. , I don’t have such a desperate apprentice as you!"

This is very heavy, like a ringing bell in Wu Zhong's heart, he immediately realized the mistake, bowed his head and said, "Master, the disciple knows the mistake."

Afterwards, he bowed to Chen Hao with his wounds: "Thank you Brother Chen for his teaching."

Although the apprentice's tolerance is not very good, Long Xiaoyan, the patriarch of the Jianzhan Villa, has no heart to say. Chen Hao also wants to express his attitude. He said: "I am a bit heavy. To apologize, please accept this gift. ."

Chen Hao started from the ten billion subsidy vr model to search for suitable gifts.

The good point ends, but in the end, Wu Zhong missed and wounded Wu Zhong. It must be said that the inheritors of ancient martial arts generally believe in Chinese medicine, and it is most suitable to send precious medicinal materials.

Blood Ganoderma (wild top grade), dry weight 1 catty 3 taels, priced at 1.07 million yuan, subsidized price of 19 yuan.

Although this blood ganoderma is not an indication of trauma, it is also a rare and precious medicinal material on the market.

Chen Hao assigned the Ganoderma lucidum gift box to the large leather bag he brought with him, and walked to the stage to take it out of the leather bag.

Now Chen Hao has learned fine, because he often performs "out of nothing" magic, so he likes to bring a big bag when he goes out, and send it to the bag when he buys it, which can also play a role in blindness.

"This is for you." Chen Hao said on stage with a wooden gift box in his hand.

"I don't need to apologize. If I lose, I lose." Wu Zhong couldn't help being angry with Chen Hao and refused to accept the gift.

Chen Hao smiled faintly, then opened the lock on the gift box by himself, and a special medicinal scent hits his face immediately. Among the yellow silk, Chen placed a dark red umbrella-shaped fungus, that is, blood ganoderma, in the box. In a good dry environment, the preservation is perfect.

"This, this is blood ganoderma?"

Wu Zhong was also a knowledgeable person, and was shocked at that time.

This blood ganoderma is extremely scarce in the world now, and it has no market. A perfectly shaped piece is a first-class product, at least several hundred thousand, and it is still necessary to grab the top one, but Chen Hao would simply give it to him. .

This blood ganoderma was not symptomatic of his trauma, but as a gift to his master or elders, it was a very face-to-face gift, and Wu Zhong was tempted in an instant.

Indeed, for the well-established warrior of Zhujian Villa, if you send hundreds of thousands to them, you may not receive it, but this wild blood ganoderma is different. This is a rare thing that can't be sought.

Looking at Chen Hao's kind smile, Wu Zhong's hatred soon softened. He felt that Chen Hao would be a man, and he felt a lot more comfortable, but he couldn't save face for a while to pick up the box.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, and said to the third senior brother Hao Duo next to him: "This brother Wu Zhong has a physical injury and it is not convenient to take it. You can help him take it."

Hao Duo glanced at Master and Fourth Junior Brother, and didn't seem to give him any objection, so he helped to accept it.

In this way, through the transfer of others, Wu Zhong's face was also gained, and the Chief Long was also considered an explanation. After all, Chen Hao injured his two apprentices. No matter how generous they are, it is not the same. This gift is considered to ease the relationship. gift.

So everyone was very happy this time, all the heads of the audience smiled and congratulated Chen Hao and Long Xiaoyan.

The loser Wu Zhong bowed to everyone, and then went to heal the injuries. Now there is no one to interfere with Chen Hao's initiation ceremony, so Long Xiaoyan announced that Chen Hao has officially joined the He Province Wushu Association.

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