I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 508 Sudden Knife Technique

You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Afterwards, Long Xiaoyan left Chen Hao to stay at Zhujian Villa for a few days to facilitate exchanges and discussions, but Chen Hao was very busy and declined.

Thinking of the kitchen knife, Chen Hao mentioned that he hoped that Zhujian Villa could help him build a set of knives.

"No problem, Hao Duo, you take Chen Hao to do it." Long Xiaoyan agreed. This was originally a member's welfare.


Hao Duo took the order, and Chen Hao followed him out of the auditorium.

"What type of weapon do you want to build? If there is no drawing, please report the size, and I will take you to find the best Master Bao in the village to build it yourself." Hao Duo said.

"I brought the drawings."

Chen Hao patted the inside of the bag. He was here today for the kitchen knife, and the drawings Xia Jing designed by herself are in it.

Hao Duo then called a transparent Pengzi electric commuter car dedicated to the scenic spot, and the two of them got on to the forging area.

This Swordsman Villa is a bit large, so there are commuter cars inside.

When he arrived in the forging area, Chen Hao found that a large chimney of a one-story building was emitting smoke, which smelled of soot.

The commuter car was outside the bungalow. After getting off the bus, Chen Hao found that the bungalow had a special design on its exterior. The doors and windows were all soundproofed. As soon as the door was opened, you could hear the clanging of iron inside, which was far from the modern style.

When he arrived in the forging room inside, Chen Hao felt the heat wave hit. There were many rows of modern smelting furnaces in the room, but now there are only two furnaces burning red coal, and there are shirtless men wheeling hammers by the fire. , Beating the red metal block with sweat like rain, making a crisp sound.

Hao Duo said: "The weapons of our Sword Casting Villa are all hand-forged, not without advanced equipment, but weapons manufactured with advanced equipment are always unsatisfactory, so after the experiment, they are still made according to traditional methods."

This is exactly what Chen Hao intended, because Xia Lao asked to use traditional methods to make kitchen knives.

Hao Duo took Chen Hao to find a middle-aged man who was hammering iron. He had knotted muscles and was beating a sword-shaped iron piece to form it. He ignored the two.

"Master Bao doesn't like to interrupt when he strikes iron, let's wait." Hao Duo explained.

Chen Hao didn't urge either. He was here to beg, of course, he had to respect this weapon master.

He and Hao Duo waited by the side for more than 20 minutes before the master Bao finished the knock and put the semi-finished long sword into the water to quench.

With a sound of "click", the water was hot and the building came to an end.

"What's the matter?" Master Bao asked at this time.

"This is Chen Hao, a new member of the association who was personally introduced by the patriarch. To build a weapon, please take care of Master Bao." Hao Duo said.


The burly Master Bao looked at Chen Hao up and down, and asked casually, "What weapon are you going to build?"

"It's two knives, I brought the drawings." Chen Hao took out two drawings from his bag.

"Isn't this a kitchen knife?" Master Bao asked in astonishment after seeing it.

"Yes." Chen Hao replied sincerely.Worry-free Chinese website www.5uzw.com

"Sorry, I only build weapons, not kitchen knives." Master Bao boldly took the drawing back to Chen Hao's hands, playing with his character.

Chen Hao asked. He also read the membership benefits document. It didn't say that kitchen knives could not be built. Besides, as long as they were knives, they were still weapons. Could they not be used to hack people?

Hao Duo also came out to persuade: "Master Bao, this is a person recommended by the patriarch personally. I know you have principles. Brother Chen is just a knife similar to a kitchen knife, and it is also in the welfare category."

Master Bao struggled for a while, and said to Chen Hao: "Well, you can demonstrate your knife skills. As long as you don't have me, I will make it for you. If you are here to entertain me, then I will not accompany you. No, the patriarch’s appointment won’t work either. The big deal will drive me away.”

The ironsmith was quite stubborn and listed the conditions.In order to obtain a kitchen knife, Chen Hao casually took a short knife without a blade in the forging room, and then used a few tricks.

Chen Hao has never practiced swordsmanship, but martial arts are all by analogy. His tiger show is known for being brave. He treats the knife as a tiger's claws, which perfectly solves the problem of not knowing the swordsmanship.

Next, Chen Hao used the basic moves of the tiger show, and with the steel knife in his hand, he danced vigorously in the forging room.

Chen Hao is already proficient in tiger play. With this use, Master Bao was shocked at the time. The knife was domineering in Chen Hao's hands, and the knife was proficient. It is rare to see such solid kung fu in the younger generation.

"it is good!"

Master Bao couldn't help but yelled hello. When Chen Hao accepted the call and stood up, he asked: "Your set of swords looks like a tiger, is it a five-tiger sword?"

"No, I call him Tiger Claw."

Chen Hao has now compiled a name for his sword technique, but there was an unexpected gain in this demonstration, that is, the Wu Qin Xi hand-held weapon is quite powerful.

"Well, I will build these two short knives for you as agreed."

Master Bao agreed. He took the drawing and looked at it again, but he quickly frowned and pointed to the cartoon pattern on the knife body and said, "Is this painted by your child? Change to a separate pattern, such as engraving your name or A domineering sword name, such as Yanhuang and Xuanyuan, sounds so good."

However, the cartoon image above was requested by Xia Jing, and Chen Hao said: "Just build it according to the drawings. Master Bao won't be able to carve it, right?"

Chen Hao was afraid that he would not agree, so he deliberately used the radical method.

"Who said, there are no patterns in the world that I can't carve. Since you strongly request, then I will show you my craftsmanship, but this pattern is too naive. Don't say it is my craftsmanship when you go out. It's a joke."

Sure enough, Master Bao was ready to make two kitchen knives with cartoon designs for Chen Hao.

Hao Duo wanted to laugh when he watched it. He had been in the villa for so long and had never seen that person want to carve such a young cartoon pattern on a weapon.

He couldn't help asking again: "Are you sure? After Master Bao starts work, he can't change it."

"Of course it is." Chen Hao nodded, "But whether it can be completed within half a month, I will be of great use by then."

"No problem, it can be done in about ten days." Master Bao managed to survive.

"However, what's the name of your two little pigs? I seem to have seen it somewhere." Master Bao wondered.

"This pink pig is called Peppa, and the little one is called George. They are sister and brother pigs." Chen Hao replied.

That's right, the pattern Xia Jing asked to engrave on the kitchen knife is Peppa Pig. Peppa is engraved on the main knife and George is engraved on the second knife. She also named this set of kitchen knives in advance, called Peppa Pig Knife.

This knife is indeed very embarrassing and very second, but it is not Chen Hao's own use, no matter how embarrassed he can't be, so this set of pink pig knives was finalized.

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